Linux-Setup Digest #14, Volume #19               Wed, 28 Jun 00 04:13:11 EDT

  Re: Cannot rsh to linux box (Fred Nastos)
  Re: Strange Lilo "LI" problems ("Douglas W. Martin")
  Session X (Exceed) et Suse 6.4 - Pb startx ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Netscape font is too small ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cant create a partition with disk druid?? (newbie (Eric)
  Re: Linux newbie Mandrake 7.1/Win95 HD install problem (Eric)
  Re: SCSI and network card conflict? Linux refuses to boot. (Eric)
  Re: Partitions (Kheng-Teong Goh)
  Re: Strange Lilo "LI" problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cannot rsh to linux box ("Quiney, Philip [HAL02:HH00:EXCH]")


From: Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot rsh to linux box
Date: 28 Jun 2000 06:55:22 GMT

Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> unthinkingly wrote:

> Yes! It is uncommented. I'm assuming I should comment it out.
> Do I need to reboot the machine, or is there someother command
> that avoids that. Thank you

Sorry. I wasn't thinking. Of course it should be uncommented.
I still have my problem though. And yes, I do have an .rhosts
file set properly. Any other ideas?? There is no rlogin daemon
that should be running or something?


From: "Douglas W. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Strange Lilo "LI" problems
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:16:47 GMT

I've seen the problem before too, although I won't
pretend to understand the root cause as well as the
others in this group.  In my case, I had installed R.H.
on a drive and subsequently tried to clone another drive
to this one.  My cloning operation was less than successful
at clearing the contents of the MBR.  Try "fdisk /mbr"
using a dos bootable floppy and then giving the drive a
fresh install.
Hope this helps!

Andrew P. Billyard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I had a similar problem once  before and it was because of the LBA in the
> BIOS.  I changed the drive type from LBA to NORMAL in BIOS and everything
> worked fine.  This may not be the answer, but it worked for me.
> Neil Koozer wrote:
> > "LI" means it's loading things from the wrong physical address on the
> > hard drive.  The bios (at boot time) is doing something different with
> > sector adresses than what Linux does when it's running.  This is
> > referred to as a geometry mismatch.  The 'linear' option is designed to
> > fix this problem, but since you tried that, it must be due to a strange
> > logic design in the bios.
> >
> > How did you set the CHS geometry in the bios?  Did you set the numbers
> > themselves or select some mode that resulted in those numbers?  Did you
> > partition after setting the numbers?
> >
> > If the drive itself has LBA capability you can use the nuni boot loader,
> > which does not use the bios.  It does not use the concept of cylinders
> > or geometry, so the chances are that it would work here.  It can be
> > found at
> >
> > Neil.


Subject: Session X (Exceed) et Suse 6.4 - Pb startx
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:05:34 GMT

Hi all,

I installed Exceed on a PC to open a Xsession.

The problem is that when I type the command 'startx', my Xsession is
executed on my server Linux and not in Exceed...

Is it a parameter, a command or anything else ?

Thank you for your help.


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Netscape font is too small
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 23:38:30 -0700

blinddog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Newbie question! I am running Mandrake 7 with Netscape 4.7 and a lot of the
> fonts when browing atre really small (and not just due to screen resolution)
> how can I fix this

This isn't just a newbie problem.


Linux ships with a smaller (and different) fontset than legacy MS
Windows.  Most Linux systems don't include TT fonts by default (install
these, you'll love yourself for it -- just copy fonts from the nearest
Win box once you've set it up, IIRC it's OK per the MS font license).

Many web sites f*ck with font settings, specifically using the <font
face= xx size= xx> tag, and either hardcoding a size or differential,
often one or two levels down from the default font selection.  Your
problem is that you don't have the specified face, and at the size
specified, fonts are bloody fscking unreadable.

Netscape uses a default font size step of 20%.  This results in a
maximum size range of 50% - 200% of normal.  By choosing an increment of
5%, you compress this range to ~ 80% - 120% of normal.  Most pages now
render readably (and I find the exaggerated scaling differential
annoying and insulting anyway).


My fix is to modify Netscape resources with the attached resource file.
It's commented, and fixes a number of bugs with Netscape including the
shopping button.  I also select the "fixed" font for all dialogs and
menus, which results in less vertical real-estate lossage.  You can find
the unmodified form of this file as "" under you Netscape
installation directory (run "locate").

I also use a Garamond variable space font (12 pt) and Courier New
monospace font (11 pt) as my browsing defaults.  I *do* have to manually
set the point size of the Courier font each time I launch Netscape, I've
been unable to find out how to set this permanently.

Note that Mandrake also fscks with a number of keybindings under
Netscape.  IIRC, the <alt> sequences "O", "R", "L", etc., don't work.
The resource file may fix these problems as well, I'm not sure.

Install it under /etc/X11/Xresources, or in your personal X resources

================================< begin >===============================
Netscape*drawingArea.translations:      #merge\
        <Btn1Down>:                     ArmLink()       \n\
        <Btn2Down>:                     ArmLink()       \n\
        ~Shift<Btn1Up>:                 ActivateLink()  \n\
        ~Shift<Btn2Up>:                 ActivateLink(new-window)  \
                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
        Shift<Btn1Up>:                  ActivateLink(save-only)  \
                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
        Shift<Btn2Up>:                  ActivateLink(save-only)  \
                                        DisarmLink()    \n\
        <Btn1Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
        <Btn2Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
        <Btn3Motion>:                   DisarmLinkIfMoved()  \n\
        <Motion>:                       DescribeLink()  \n\
        <Btn3Down>:                     xfeDoPopup()    \n\
        <Btn3Up>:                       ActivatePopup() \n\
        Ctrl<Btn4Down>: PageUp()\n\
        Ctrl<Btn5Down>: PageDown()\n\
        Shift<Btn4Down>: LineUp()\n\
        Shift<Btn5Down>: LineDown()\n\
         None<Btn4Down>: LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()LineUp()\n\
        Alt<Btn4Down>: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
        Alt<Btn5Down>: xfeDoCommand(back)\n
        <Key>BackSpace: xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
!       <Key>Left: xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
!       <Key>Right: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n

Netscape*globalNonTextTranslations: #merge\
 Shift<Btn4Down>: LineUp()\n\
 Shift<Btn5Down>: LineDown()\n\
 Alt<Btn4Down>: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n\
 Alt<Btn5Down>: xfeDoCommand(back)\n
 <Key>space: PageDown()\n\
! <Key>BackSpace: xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
!       <Key>Left: xfeDoCommand(back)\n\
!       <Key>Right: xfeDoCommand(forward)\n

# Restrict the range of size increments allowed by <font size=n> directives to 
# the range 80% - 120% rather than 50% - 210%.  Default increment is 20.
# KMSelf Wed Dec 29 15:47:57 PST 1999
Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   05

# Clean up the fscking toolbar
Netscape* false
Netscape*toolBar.destinations.isEnabled: false
Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled: false
Netscape*toolBar.viewSecurity.isEnabled: false
Netscape*toolBar.print.isEnabled: true
Netscape*toolBar.home.isEnabled: true

# And some other brain damage
Netscape*useStdoutDialog: false
Netscape*useStderrDialog: false
Netscape*noAboutSplash: true

# Fonts -- dialogs and such
Netscape*attachmentProps*XmLabelGadget.fontList: fixed
Netscape*AddressBook*mainform.fontList:          fixed 
Netscape*XmLGrid*fontList:                               fixed
Netscape*attachItemLabel*fontList:                   fixed
Netscape*prefs*fontList:                                 fixed
Netscape*statusBar*fontList:                         fixed

# Document fonts -- scaling doesn't appear to take effect w/ TTF fonts
Netscape*documentFonts.defaultFont*iso-8859-1.prop: -ttf-garamond-120-noscale          
Netscape*documentFonts.defaultFont*iso-8859-1.fixed: -ttf-courier new-90-noscale
================================<  end  >===============================

Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.             
   What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?      Debian GNU/Linux rocks!      K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0


Subject: Re: Cant create a partition with disk druid?? (newbie
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 06:57:42 GMT

Hi Trent,

I still do have some ideas on what you can check, make sure that the
/boot partition doesn't crosses the 1024th-cylinder of /dev/hdb, so make
it small (15M) and at the start of the disc. If that doesn't work, you
can try fitting it on /dev/hda by resizing the partition(s) there. You
would still need only some 15M there and all the other partitions could
still be on /dev/hdb. Just a thought, can you create a /home on
/dev/hdb? If you can do this that's a sure hint that you're dealing with
the 1024 cylinder problem. (check the setting in your BIOS too, is it
set to LBA?)


Trent Cook wrote:
> Eric, many thanks on your post.  You have a very good thought here, the only
> problem is that my 13 gig is primary master, 5 gig is primary slave and my
> cd and cdr are my secondary drives.
> I have a SCSI drive as well, but am not using for linux....
> So with your chart the 5 gig western digital would be /HDB right...well man,
> thank you soo much for trying...guess Ill just have to keep searching, or if
> you have any other thoughts, please let me know.
> Thanks
> Trent
> "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi Trent,
> >
> > I'm making a guess here, and I'm not sure if it's the cause of you're
> > problems, but is the 5G drive connected as /dev/hdc?. IIRC (some/all?)
> > bios'es cannot boot from anything but hda and hdb, so it might be so
> > that diskdruid
> > -in order to prevent you from making an unbootable system- doesn't allow
> > you to create a /boot on /dev/hdc. Connect the HDD as /dev/hdb and see
> > if that resolves the problem.
> >
> > In case you don't know this yet:
> >
> > primary IDE controller  : master = /dev/hda
> >                           slave  = /dev/hdb
> > secondary IDE controller: master = /dev/hdc
> >                           slave  = /dev/hdd
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > Trent Cook wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi again,
> > >
> > > I figured the best way to get out of my linux mess, was a complete fresh
> > > install.  Guess not, cause here is my problem:
> > >
> > > I have 2 hard drives:  one 13gig cut up for windows and one 5gig cut up
> for
> > > linux.
> > >
> > > The problem is that I can only create a swap partion on my 5 gig drive.
> I
> > > have deleted all partitions in fdisk, disk druid, linux fdisk, delpart
> etc
> > > etc and every time I come to disk druid in the setup.  It says that I
> have
> > > 100% free space on  my 5 gig drive, but when I try to create a /boot or
> a /
> > > root drive it says there isnt enough space.
> > >
> > > Oddly enough I can create swap files (as many , or as big as I want with
> the
> > > 5 gig drive?)
> > >
> > > Why cant I make any other drives?  I tried creating them with fdisk and
> > > converting to linux but no go.
> > >
> > > I did an Fdisk /mbr as well (just cause i ran out of things to try) but
> > > nothing.
> > >
> > > So I guess Linux doesnt want to go on my machine, but I am sure that
> there
> > > must be something I can do.....isnt there?
> > >
> > > Please Help!
> > >
> > > Trent  (newbie)


Subject: Re: Linux newbie Mandrake 7.1/Win95 HD install problem
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 06:41:40 GMT

David Efflandt wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, John Slaney
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I recently installed Mandrake 7.1, and had a strange problem after the
> >install.  I started out with a 30G HD, used MS fdisk to partition it
> >into 1 primary (C:) of about 10Gig, 1 extended partition of 9Gig with
> >only one logical drive filling the whole extended partition.  These were
> >both formatted with FAT32, and WIN95B was installed on the primary.  The
> >D: was functional and visible until I installed Mandrake (custom, 2
> >partitions, one root and one swap filling up the rest of the drive).
> >For some reason, the 9Gig is still visible in Linux (as a Windows/FAT32
> >drive), but not on Win95.  I've tried this twice, with no success.  I
> >upgraded the BIOS on the MB (ASUS P5A/B, K6-2/333, 64M) to a recent one
> >(1/2000?).  I'm sure this is a shortcoming of Windows, so no need for
> >any propaganda there. ;).  I know there was a recent similar post, but
> >he did not detail the solution enough, and his email doesn't work.  MS
> >fdisk doesn't seem to understand what the heck is on the rest of the
> >disk (other than the primary) and corrupted everything else when I tried
> >to re-create D:.  Any suggestions on how to make the 2nd FAT32 visible
> >to Windows?  I don't have any data on it that I need (yet).
> It might help to see the output of Linux fdisk.  I have Mandrake 7.0
> happily coexisting in the same extended partition as a Win98se D: drive on
> my laptop like this:
>    Device Boot    Start       End    Blocks   Id  System
> /dev/hda1             1       653   5245191    b  Win95 FAT32
> /dev/hda2   *       654       655     16065   83  Linux /boot LILO
> /dev/hda3           656      1099   3566430    f  Win95 Ext'd (LBA)
Just some extra info, if this does look any different on your system,
change it to this partition-type. The type of the extended partition
must be windows ext'd and not linux extended. Otherwise windows probably
isn't able to find any logical partition in there, because it uses the
partitiontypes to assign drive letters to the different partitions.
That's also why some people have (inaccesable) linux partitions showing
up in windows. So use linux ext'd only if there are no windows
partitions inside the ext'd partition, otherwise use windows ext'd


> /dev/hda5           656       872   1743021   83  Linux /
> /dev/hda6           873       897    200781   82  Linux swap
> /dev/hda7           898      1099   1622533+   b  Win95 FAT32
> Note: vfat partitions larger than 1024 cyl would be type 'c'.
> --
> David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Re: SCSI and network card conflict? Linux refuses to boot.
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 06:47:34 GMT

There are a few things you should check:

do all devices have a unique SCSI-ID?
is the SCSI-CHAIN terminated?
is the device working correctly (check in an other PC)?


Brendan Boyle wrote:
> I have recently had a cable modem installed with the idea of setting up my
> PC as a server for internet access in my office network of 3 PC's.  The
> cable modem installed in Windows 98 after only 8 reboots (a new record
> maybe?) and 4 hours.  I have a Linux partition running Redhat 6.2 that I was
> hoping to use for the majority of the time.  The RH partition was in place
> before the cable modem and it worked fine.
> Now that the modem is installed Linux refuses to boot (even from a floppy).
> The hardware is as follows:
> PCI Fast Ethernet DEC 21140 for the Cable modem with a static IP address
> supplied by my ISP
> Realtek RTL8029 Ethernet adapter with a static IP supplied by me
> Adaptec 2940AU PCI SCSI Controller that runs my scanner and CD burner.
> The boot process runs as normal until it locates the SCSI card.  Then the
> messages are as follows:
> scsi: 1 host
> scsi: aborting command due to timeout : pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun
> 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
> scsi: aborting command due to timeout : pid 0, scsi 0, channel 0, id 0, lun
> 0 Test Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00
> Then the system freezes.
> If I ctrl+alt+del I get the message: Stopping all md devices and the system
> reboots.
> The timeout messages happen very quickly so I don't think that is the
> problem.  Before the network card for the cable modem was installed
> everything worked fine.
> My first solution was to reinstall Linux as it was a pretty clean copy
> anyway.  This made no difference.  I really don't want to play with Windows
> anymore so if anyone has come across this problem before or can point me in
> the direction of some help I would be most grateful.  I'm more than happy to
> install Linux again with different parameters. Last time I installed it I
> disabled the cable modem ethernet card on boot just to try to get in and
> that didn't work.
> If possible could you please direct responses to the newgroup as well as to
> my email address.  I'm a bit of a networking/Linux newbie so please be
> gentle with your responses:)
> Thanks in advance
> Brendan Boyle


From: Kheng-Teong Goh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitions
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:12:32 +0800

Simon Reye wrote:

> On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:32:18 +1000, Ewan Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Simon Reye wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 28 Jun 2000 12:31:12 +1000, Ewan Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Simon Reye wrote:
> >> >>
> < Snip>
> >>
> >> Oh and that's another thing I forgot to mention.  I now have 128Mb of
> >> RAM so does that mean my swap partition should be around 256Mb?
> >>
> >> Simon
> >
> >
> >Simon, when you are setting up a Linux box, you probably should not be
> >reading any NT books.  :->
> Yes I know, but I've seen people on this newsgroup generally double
> the RAM as a guide to the size of the swap.  Is this the general
> practice for Linux or not?
> Simon

I have 128Mb of swap partition. and according to the xosview or other
monitoring software. I'm using 8 Mb of swap memory.

Oh yuh, I have 64Mb of ram in my box now ( should be 128Mb, my cousin
borrowing my ram on long term basis ). And I'm running slackware 7 with full
installation. I even have apache running in the background (should really
shut it down, not using it.)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Strange Lilo "LI" problems
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 07:41:46 GMT


I had the same problem...
On a PC with Win and Linux. I installed LILO in the MBR and Norton
antivirus corrupted it ! Same problem, same solution...

fdisk /mbr

Reinstall Linux (update) just to reinstall LILO. It's fast.



In article <zDh65.8095$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Douglas W. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've seen the problem before too, although I won't
> pretend to understand the root cause as well as the
> others in this group.  In my case, I had installed R.H.
> on a drive and subsequently tried to clone another drive
> to this one.  My cloning operation was less than successful
> at clearing the contents of the MBR.  Try "fdisk /mbr"
> using a dos bootable floppy and then giving the drive a
> fresh install.
> Hope this helps!
> Andrew P. Billyard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I had a similar problem once  before and it was because of the LBA
in the
> > BIOS.  I changed the drive type from LBA to NORMAL in BIOS and
> > worked fine.  This may not be the answer, but it worked for me.
> >
> > Neil Koozer wrote:
> >
> > > "LI" means it's loading things from the wrong physical address on
> > > hard drive.  The bios (at boot time) is doing something different
> > > sector adresses than what Linux does when it's running.  This is
> > > referred to as a geometry mismatch.  The 'linear' option is
designed to
> > > fix this problem, but since you tried that, it must be due to a
> > > logic design in the bios.
> > >
> > > How did you set the CHS geometry in the bios?  Did you set the
> > > themselves or select some mode that resulted in those numbers?
Did you
> > > partition after setting the numbers?
> > >
> > > If the drive itself has LBA capability you can use the nuni boot
> > > which does not use the bios.  It does not use the concept of
> > > or geometry, so the chances are that it would work here.  It can
> > > found at
> > >
> > > Neil.
> >

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Quiney, Philip [HAL02:HH00:EXCH]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot rsh to linux box
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 08:51:20 +0100

Fred Nastos wrote:
> David Efflandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 28 Jun 2000 04:21:20 GMT, Fred Nastos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you have the following line UNcommented in /etc/inetd.conf:
> > login   stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.rlogind
> Yes! It is uncommented. I'm assuming I should comment it out.
> Do I need to reboot the machine, or is there someother command
> that avoids that. Thank you

No don't comment it out leave it alone ;-)

No you don't need to reboot you have 2 options

1/ killall -HUP inetd # the signal tells inetd to re read its config
file - IMHO the real way (TM)

2/ /etc/rc.d/init.d/inetd restart # this stops & starts the inetd
service - as done by rebooting but without actually doing the reboot.

Before trying rsh have you tried rlogin?

If rlogin works and you get a password prompt then you are a
$HOME/.rhosts away from working - rlogin then won't prompt for a
password and rsh, rcp etc will then work.

There are several things to try...

1/ The machine you are logging in from must be known to the other
machine (add entry to /etc/hosts - or make the Linux box get at local
DNS/NIS servers - you may need help from your local Guru for this)
2/ It won't work as root unless you remove/comment out the securetty
lines from files in /etc/pam.d - give thought to the security hole you
have just created and grin if you can live with it ;-)
3/ The /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny should be left alone - make sure
they are empty - bar comments (as they are by default)
4/ Make sure package rsh-server is installed (rpm -qi rsh-server) oops
assumed RH - see if 'which in.rlogind' finds anything. On RH6.2 this is
in the rsh-server package. You didn't specify distro ;-(



Phil Q


Phil Quiney                             CSIP Demonstrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              Nortel Networks,
Telephone: +44 (1279) 402363            London Rd, Harlow,
Fax:       +44 (1279) 402885            Essex CM17 9NA,
                                        United Kingdom.

"This message may contain information proprietary to Northern 
Telecom so any unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution
of its contents is strictly prohibited."



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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