Linux-Setup Digest #30, Volume #19               Thu, 29 Jun 00 00:13:10 EDT

  Announce: Industrial Linux site ("scott thomason")
  Re: Proble with System Comander Deluxe and LINUX (Rod Smith)
  Re: Starting SAMBA server (Rod Smith)
  Re: X-windows (LinuxGrooverBoy)
  Re: Hey, can anyone help me? (LinuxGrooverBoy)
  Re: Must have Domain name? (Prasanth A. Kumar)
  Re: Must have Domain name? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Mandrake's LILO a must? (Vialli Wong)
  Re: Partial Results with a SupraMax 'winmodem?' (Bill Unruh)
  Re: X-windows (John)
  X Install Problem: "X startup failed, falling back to text mode" (Red Hat 6.2)
  Re: Starting SAMBA server ("Mark Kirby")
  Re: Linux Install Lockup (John)
  Kernel rebuilt process? (Kheng-Teong Goh)
  Re: Can't compile RTL8139.c; PAGE_OFFSET_RAW error (Akira Yamanita)
  Re: ScSi Setup? (John)
  Re: Partial Results with a SupraMax 'winmodem?' (SirGawain)
  Re: "Maximal count reached"


From: "scott thomason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Announce: Industrial Linux site
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 20:11:36 -0600

Industrial Linux is dedicated to professional linux system administrators 
who need a portal site for the best linux news, downloads, documentation, 
and resources for creating fast, secure, & reliable linux servers.

I'm still in the process of preparing content. Here's a list of things to come, in 
more or less the order you can expect them:

* Guides for security, "hardening", and increasing performance (mostly done, check 
"Guides" links at the top left...) 
* Ipchains firewall builder 
* User-customized news page with feeds from more than 2,000 sites. 
* RPM search interface 
* "Box sets" for all the doc, downloads, and links for essential components like the 
linux kernel, named, apache, etc. 
* An industrial linux distribution that's "hardened" right out of box 
(penguin-flavored OpenBSD)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Proble with System Comander Deluxe and LINUX
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:13:29 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Du¹an Drobný" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I use System Commander Deluxe to run multiple OS-es on one hardrive. I have
> 2 x Windows 98SE and 1x Linux RedHat 6.2. I followed all instructions and
> documentations but after I boot up Linux from System Commander menu and then
> restart the system I get always this message: "Insert Boot-disk and press
> any key." What should I do?  The only solution that I have found is to boot
> up from Floopy and thru FDISK change active/bootable partition to the one of
> the  Windowses. Please HELP !!!!

This is very strange. Do you get System Commander back after forcing
boot of Windows as you describe, or do you have to re-install it? Do you
get the same behavior if you power down from Linux and then power the
system up?

Offhand, my only thoughts are:

1) Your disk partitioning or geometry is severely messed up. This sort
   of situation can cause severely flaky behavior. Unfortunately, if
   this is it, the only safe solution is to back everything up, wipe the
   disk clean (VERY clean), recreate partitions and the MBR, and restore
   everything. Not a fun proposition.
2) Linux is misconfigured to re-write the MBR every time it boots or
   shuts down. This would wipe out System Commander. I've got RH 6.2 on
   my system, which uses System Commander, and I've not observed this
   behavior, so I doubt if it's something that's standard to RH 6.2.
3) Your IDE (or SCSI, if this is a SCSI system) cable may be bad.
4) Your hard disk may be developing a fault in its MBR sector.
5) Your motherboard's CMOS chip may be flaky.

None of these answers seems terribly likely to me, though. You might

1) Boot Linux, then power down *WITHOUT* issuing a shutdown command.
   This will prevent Linux from going through its normal shutdown
   routine. If #2 is correct *AND* if the problem is in a shutdown
   script, you'll then get System Commander on reboot. This would be
   useful information.
2) Post details about your partitioning setup and your LILO
3) Check that your disk's geometry settings are consistent. Check the
   geometry in Linux's fdisk and in the BIOS's CMOS setup utility, and
   in any disk utilities you might have in Windows that report this
   information. If it's inconsistent, get ready for some tedious
   recovery work.
4) If you don't have to explicitly reinstall it after you recover,
   reinstall System Commander from scratch.
5) Swap out your IDE or SCSI cable.

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Starting SAMBA server
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:20:06 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <8je0hk$mjq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        "Francesco Rossi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> i have configured the samba for make my Linux SuSE 6.4 a server and all run
> very good.
> But i must run smbd -D and nmbd -D manually.
> There is two line marked as comment in /etc/inetd.conf that rappresents the
> netbios services for samba.
> I have deleted the simbol # for comments, but the samba server don't start.
> No error was found, simply don' t start.

Services run from inetd don't run all the time, only when inetd detects
incoming requests. As a general rule, it's best not to run Samba from
inetd, because doing so imposes delays and can cause problems if Samba
is configured to function as a master browser, PDC, or for similar

> 1) There are other modifies to the Linux for start the services from inetd ?
> 2) Enyware, how can i run the two samba daemons from /etc/rc.d ?

On most Linux systems, you can create startup scripts in
/etc/rc.d/init.d and then create links to those scripts in the
appropriate /etc/rc.d/rc?.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d/rc?.d directories to
start the daemons when the system enters an appropriate runlevel (the ?s
in the preceding directory names are runlevel numbers). SuSE's YaST
should be able to handle this automatically. Unfortunately, SuSE's YaST
and I have never gotten along, and my SuSE system doesn't seem to do
what I expect with respect to the startup scripts, so it's obvious that
SuSE is doing something a bit different from other Linuxes, although I
don't know precisely what. Personally, I've just created entries in
/etc/rc.d/boot.local to start up services that I need started at boot
time. For instance, for Samba:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start

Author of books on Linux networking & multi-OS configuration


From: LinuxGrooverBoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X-windows
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:23:32 +0100

Debian 2.1 
place the file "XDM" into /etc/init.d/

sylvain hutchison wrote:
> I'm new to Linux, and I was wondering what do I have to do to run
> X-windows from the start, without having to type startx or whatever,
> every time I reboot.
> Thanks,
> Sly.


From: LinuxGrooverBoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hey, can anyone help me?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:35:12 +0100

Looks like I've got an echo !!!


Subject: Re: Must have Domain name?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Prasanth A. Kumar)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:38:01 GMT

Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I'm setting up a Linux machine (RH 6.1) on a our mixed network and I'm still not sure
> - Is it imperative to have a fully qualified domain name (and therefore
> hostname) in /etc/hosts in order to connect to the net. I really just want
> to go live with the minimum configuration for the time being, and deal with
> DNS a little bit later if possible. It seems to me that if macs and pc's
> don't need em, neither should the linux machine. 
> Can someone tell me what the absolute minimum requirements are, and what
> files, exactly, need to be configged. I can do it manually or with the
> network configurator. 
> Thank you!
> chris

Some network services like sendmail will take a long time starting up
if you don't have a FQDN so just put something in /etc/hosts.

Prasanth Kumar


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Must have Domain name?
Date: 29 Jun 2000 01:49:18 GMT

In <1Dr65.1106$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]I'm setting up a Linux machine (RH 6.1) on a our mixed network and I'm still not sure
]- Is it imperative to have a fully qualified domain name (and therefore
]hostname) in /etc/hosts in order to connect to the net. I really just want
]to go live with the minimum configuration for the time being, and deal with
]DNS a little bit later if possible. It seems to me that if macs and pc's
]don't need em, neither should the linux machine. 

A name is a human readable shorthand for the IP address. If you are happy to always
refer to your machine as then go ahead. Otherwise give it the network
name that the rest of the machines have. (If it is inyour home and not connected to
the internet, you can do what you want. However then use addresses of the form
192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x

]Can someone tell me what the absolute minimum requirements are, and what
]files, exactly, need to be configged. I can do it manually or with the
]network configurator. 

]Thank you!


From: Vialli Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Mandrake's LILO a must?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 01:42:54 GMT

There is an option to install LILO on /dev/fd0.
So I can install without writing NT's bootloader.

Thanks for the hint.

> Don't now Mandrake, but there must be an option
> to install lilo on your linux-partition.
> Then you can boot from floppy or NT' s bootloader.
> /Tobbe

Some say Win9# is a toy.  I say it is not a toy.
It is a Barbie!
Those love advanced toys, love Linux; those love Barbie, love Win9#.

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux.corel
Subject: Re: Partial Results with a SupraMax 'winmodem?'
Date: 29 Jun 2000 01:51:23 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Snuggles the Psycho Shepherd 

]I'm using a diamond SupraMAX 56i PCI modem, Mandrake 7.1, & a PIII 
]w/256 mb ram, 80 mb swap.  Anyhoo I can get as far as a 'modem is busy'
]result with the 'query modem' button in the modem setup.  Is anyone else
]working on this? (this result occurs when I say the modem is on either
]dev/tty2 or dev/tty3)

But tty2 or tty3 are NOT your serial ports. Those are ttyS2 or ttyS3

]Is there a winmodem /linux project site that anyone knows of?  Any help
]would be really green.


Subject: Re: X-windows
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 08:36:45 -0600

sylvain hutchison wrote:

> I'm new to Linux, and I was wondering what do I have to do to run
> X-windows from the start, without having to type startx or whatever,
> every time I reboot.
> Thanks,
> Sly.

I don't know about other distros but on Red Hat & Mandrake login as
root and edit your /etc/inittab file.  Change the default runlevel from
3 to 5.  Then reboot.

Look for a line similar to this (mine is already set to runlevel 5):

Good luck.


Subject: X Install Problem: "X startup failed, falling back to text mode" (Red Hat 6.2)
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 02:40:02 GMT

During the install of Red Hat 6.2 (in graphics
mode), the following message pops up...

"X startup failed, falling back to text mode."

The installation completes, and Linux does run
okay.  But it appears that X did not install.  When
I look in the /usr/X11R6/bin directory, I see only
these 5 files:

fsinfo   fslsfonts    fstodbf    mkfontdir    xfs

There is no "startx" file, or any other files,
in /usr/X11R6/bin.  What am I doing wrong?
How can I get X installed?  I'm willing to
do a complete reinstall if that's the easiest

Please respond here, or better yet, e-mail me at:



From: "Mark Kirby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Starting SAMBA server
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 12:26:54 +1000

in SuSE, you have to use YAST to set samba to start automatically. (I'm
doing this from memory, so bear with me if this isn't 100% accurate).
    From the menu-> System Administration
    -> Adjust Configuration
    Find the entry "RUN_SMB"
    Change value to "yes"

Francesco Rossi wrote in message <8je0hk$mjq$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>i have configured the samba for make my Linux SuSE 6.4 a server and all run
>very good.
>But i must run smbd -D and nmbd -D manually.
>There is two line marked as comment in /etc/inetd.conf that rappresents the
>netbios services for samba.
>I have deleted the simbol # for comments, but the samba server don't start.
>No error was found, simply don' t start.
>1) There are other modifies to the Linux for start the services from inetd
>2) Enyware, how can i run the two samba daemons from /etc/rc.d ?


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Linux Install Lockup
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 08:48:34 -0600

Don Davis wrote:

> I'm having a problem installing RH Linux on a dual boot with 98 on one
> drive and putting Linux on another.
> Unfortunately, after about 6 attempts I looked and saw that my AMD K6
> 400 and mother board have known problems with installation lockups (No
> solutions in RH 6.1/6.2 hardware help).
> How do I clean up the linux partitions off my second drive and get rid
> of lilo?  Just want to wipe my system of all Linux traces.  I think lilo
> -u /dev/hdb1 would clean up my MBR but since the install never worked I
> cant get to a linux prompt to run it.  When I use the boot disk provided
> by RH it always goes into the installation routine without ever letting
> me access a linux prompt.  I need to remove the Linux partitions then
> remove lilo somehow.
> Thanks,
> Don

Could you just re-install Windows and then use MSDOS fdisk to delete
the linux partitions, create a Windows partition & then re-format your
2nd HD?  This might reset all your Windows settings though, I'm not sure.

On second thought, you might be able to rewrite the master boot record with

fdisk and avoid having to re-install Windows.

Good luck.


From: Kheng-Teong Goh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Kernel rebuilt process?
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:54:01 +0800

I need to know which is the best way to build a kernel from scratch.
And also rebuild the kernel after some complication. This complication
old need to add extra features into the kernel and not modules. If it is
so. Do I still need to make modules?


From: Akira Yamanita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Can't compile RTL8139.c; PAGE_OFFSET_RAW error
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 03:08:50 GMT

"" wrote:
>     I'm trying to compile the rtl8139.c code for an SMC1211TX card, but I
> can't get it to compile.  Here is a transcript of the compile session:
> <snip>
>     Can anybody explain the source, and more importantly, the solution to
> this problem?  Links to sites on the Web are just fine.  For the record, I
> am running an install of Red Hat 6.0, with a kernel version of 2.2.5-15.  Is
> this important?  Do I need to update my kernel?  I searched on Deja for the
> better part of an hour, but I couldn't find a message that came close to
> describing my problem.  TIA...
>     Amiri Jones

I'm just wondering why you're trying to compile it. It's worked
fine for me with RH 5.2 and 6.1 with the defautl modules. Check
/lib/modules/2.2.5-15/net for the rtl8139.o file. If it's there,
you can load it as a module and configure it using netconf or
edit the configuration files manually. I'm upgrading my kernel
and the compilation didn't work when I threw that file in the
kernel source tree. If the module is there, just use it. No
fuss. If you're just curious, I'll try getting the downloaded
source to work sometime this week.


Subject: Re: ScSi Setup?
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:10:06 -0600

The Chief wrote:

> Iam trying to setup scsi adapter! Iam using mandrake 7.0
> on my Amd machine. I have a adaptec 1505ae for my scanner/Zip! Iam having
> troubles getting linux to recognize card! do I need change Bios? my is Id#7!
> Is there a website maybe gives us help! Adaptec doesn't support Linux!

I have a 1505.  I don't know if this will work for you.

in my /etc/conf.modules:
alias scsi_hostadapter aha152x
options aha152x aha152x=0x340,10,2

I had to install the kernel sources and look at aha152x.c to find the settings.

I think they are:  address, irq, dma ???

The easiest wayto setup your SCSI card is to supply the SCSI options while
installing Linux.  I use:

see also:    (searches newsgroups)

Good luck.


From: SirGawain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux.corel
Subject: Re: Partial Results with a SupraMax 'winmodem?'
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 23:48:46 -0400

Bill Unruh wrote:

> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Snuggles the Psycho Shepherd 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> ]I'm using a diamond SupraMAX 56i PCI modem, Mandrake 7.1, & a PIII
> ]w/256 mb ram, 80 mb swap.  Anyhoo I can get as far as a 'modem is busy'
> ]result with the 'query modem' button in the modem setup.  Is anyone else
> ]working on this? (this result occurs when I say the modem is on either
> ]dev/tty2 or dev/tty3)
> But tty2 or tty3 are NOT your serial ports. Those are ttyS2 or ttyS3
> ]
> ]Is there a winmodem /linux project site that anyone knows of?  Any help
> ]would be really green.

I have the same modem and I got as far as you did, but no matter how many different 
configurations I
tried I could not get it to work. It's a winmodem heart and soul, so your best bet is 
to buy a new
one, Actiontec makes good modems.


Subject: Re: "Maximal count reached"
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 03:59:50 GMT

In article <six65.7930$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Daniel Gélinas wrote:
>What I must do if I don't want to have sometimes
>the following message at the console, when I
>mount a filesystem:
>"EXT2-fs warning: maximal count reached, running e2fsck is recommended"
>Daniel Gélinas

man tune2fs and look at the -c option.



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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