Linux-Setup Digest #30, Volume #20               Mon, 13 Nov 00 14:13:10 EST

  Re: .Xauthority file (Jim Gadbaw)
  SMTP Failure, please advise (Buschman)
  Re: HELP: Dual OS: Win2000 and Redhat 7.0 (Eric)
  Re: SMP Thoughts? ("Arun Shastry")
  install problems ("?")
  Re: Memory reported wrong by Linux (Mav)
  Re: Windows corrupts adjacent linux partition? (Derek Jolly)
  Re: MP3 decoder-encoder (Derek Jolly)
  Memory leak? (Greg Engel)
  Re: Memory leak?
  Re: Memory leak? (k)
  Re: Memory leak? (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4h=E4ri?=)
  Re: LAN ethernet networking help needed (Allen and Erin Brandt)
  ssh-keygen? (Raymond Chui)
  Re: disk, network install not working (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Oracle 8i on RH Linux 7.0 ("Lamar Thomas")
  Re: Help with Logitech Cordless mouse needed ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
  Re: X graphic weakness (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E8re=5FOrph=E9e?=)
  Can't right click in Gnome ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Q: NIS with win clients ("Hwanjo Yu")
  Re: LAN ethernet networking help needed (Allen and Erin Brandt)
  WINE, VMware, Willows TWIN, etc. vs. Dual Booting ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Which distro for old(486SX 6MB) firewall (Scott Rainaldo)
  Re: Which distro for old(486SX 6MB) firewall (Scott Rainaldo)


From: Jim Gadbaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: .Xauthority file
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 15:14:41 GMT

Kousik Nandy wrote:

> $ man xauth
> "Jim Gadbaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What is the .Xauthority file that shows up in my /home

My paranoid mind was equating cookie and the log line "ignoring
suspiciously looking cookie" with some security problem - still working
at delving into the innards of this Linus beast  - thanks -- Jim


From: buschman_007@!!!Remove!!! (Buschman)
Subject: SMTP Failure, please advise
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 15:26:53 GMT

OK last Thursday for no apparent reason my mail services stopped.  I
have not received any mail since that time, and I know mail has been
sent.  I also am unable to send any mail.  When I do try to send mail,
in pine for instance, I get the following message:

[Sending             ]


[>SMTP Greeting failure:421 SMTP connection went away!<]


[Error sending:]

I am using mandrake 7.2 and postfix as my MTA.  My server has a static
IP and has no problems in any of it's other ports, at least that I can
find.  I first noticed the problem accessing pine through an ssh port.
I also get the SMTP went away error accessing the mail server locally.
If I type in ps -ef|less I get a bunch of root and apache UID's and
one xfs UID.  One of the root UID's is for /usr/sbin/snmpd and another
is for sshd.  If I type ps -ef|grep postfix I get back one return that
is grep postfix.

If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me and write me
back here.  Thank you for your help.



Subject: Re: HELP: Dual OS: Win2000 and Redhat 7.0
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:29:59 +0100

Svend Olaf Mikkelsen wrote:
> >> If it is in fact OK to put LILO on the MBR with Windows 2000 on an NTFS
> >> partition first, are there advantages/disadvantages -- in user
> >> interface, performance, anything -- to doing that vs. keeping NT loader?
> >Yes there are, and this is exactly why I like to use LILO.
> >After you recompiled your kernel, and reran /sbin/lilo, you can
> >normally reboot and use the new kernel, but if you use the NT loader,
> >and forgot to copy the new bootsector to floppy, for exchange with NT,
> >you can only boot linux from a floppy.
> >This is because the NTloader needs a bootsector.img to run, which
> >actually contains LILO.
> Another possibility is to install Lilo in the boot sector of a Linux
> partition, and then use Gilles Vollant's Bootpart for adding Linux to
> the NT boot menu.
> Bootpart will not copy the Linux boot sector, but add an entry that
> chains to the boot sector. This way the boot sector does not need to
> be copied after a Lilo rerun.
> --
> Svend Olaf

At least a better solution than dd'ing all the time, but I still prefer
LILO as main loader, but thanks for the info (I keep on learning a lot
from you ;-) )



From: "Arun Shastry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP Thoughts?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:57:32 -0500

I built a dual PII 350MHz SMP server using ASUS P2B-DS motherboard.  I also
use 2 9GB IBM SCSI disks and 256MB of RAM.  It works like a charm!

The other feature you're looking for (processor affinity) depends on the
application itself.  I belive Linux supports processor affinity.

Good luck,

"mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
>     I want to build a new dual processor system. I just wondered if
> anyone's got any experience in this field? Rough idea on specs 2x 600Mhz
> processors, G400 AGP graphics card, 3DFX card 20Gb HDD and A
> motherboard. Which is the crunch point. What motherboard? I want to get
> something the Linux gets on well with, and would be a nightmare to set
> up. Any suggestions?
> While I'm one the subject of SMP. Is it possible, like in VMS, to force
> the system to run a certain process on a certain processor? If I don't
> how does the Kernel decide where to place a process? Does it just simple
> give it to the CPU which has the least work to do? Finally do you see
> good performance improvements?
> Any thoughts appreciated
> Many thanks
> Mark


Subject: install problems
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 16:26:12 GMT

trying to install rh 6.2 on a sysmax server motherboard L440GX+ with onboard
scsi adapter
Adaptec scsi controller hooked to a board which the hdd's are plugged into
allowing me hot swap ability, the problem is rh hangs on installing
reporting it will take 130hrs for installation
which never finishes. As a side note, I did install an IDE drive and the
installation went fine.
I'm figuring the problem is the controller board the scsi drives are plugged
into. I'd like to find an update or a work around, around this without
having to install a scsi card and new cables.

any help would be appreciated


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Memory reported wrong by Linux
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 14:01:16 GMT

Troll alert!!!!

> All the more reason not to use LinSUx.
> Robbo
> On Thu, 09 Nov 2000 19:50:19 -0600, "Clifton T. Sharp Jr."
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Windows seems to be able to recognize all the memory in my machine
> >> fine. So does BEOS.
> >> Why can't Linux manage this?
> >
> >Probably because Linus can't call 100,000 hardware makers and scare them
> >by saying "if you don't give me full documentation on your products, then
> >100,000,000 PCs around the world won't be able to use it."


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Derek Jolly)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Windows corrupts adjacent linux partition?
Date: 13 Nov 2000 16:47:55 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alan Raskin), in message 

>I had a similar problem with the same system and Linux distro/version.
>For some unknown reason, the Mandrake 7.1 installation didn't resize the
>Windows partition properly on my 12GB drive, so the Windows and Linux
>partitions ended up overlapping. When the disk defragmenter ran
>automagically every Friday morning, Windows would take back about 200 MB
>from the Linux partition. Can you say "Kiss your Linux good-bye"?

Ah!  This explains what happened to my Mandrake 7.0 system a while back.

I managed to fill my Windows partition up (which had been resized via
Mandrake 7.0's installer) when trying to install something, and couldn't
boot into Linux any more.

I'm now dual booting Win 98 and SuSE 7.0.  I formatted my hard disc and
explicitly created partitions for these before installing, so the same
problem hopefully should not reoccur.
* Derek Jolly  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  (Remove the 'x' for e-mail)  *
* For 50/60Hz PSX Action Replay switch codes and some Speccy stuff   *
* check out my homepage on            *
* Registered Linux User ( No. 176120          *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Derek Jolly)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: MP3 decoder-encoder
Date: 13 Nov 2000 16:52:04 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Pritchard), in message 
<8s1j30$on$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, wrote

>I used abcde (A Better Cd Encoder) which unfortunately is command line.

I'm using bladeenc personally.  I've written a little shell script that
enables me to create a file called tracklist in a directory containing
each of the track names on the CD.  Passing the directory to the script
then goes off and runs cdda2wav and bladeenc on each of the tracks on
the CD naming them as trackname.mp3, where trackname is the relevant
entry in the tracklist file.
* Derek Jolly  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  (Remove the 'x' for e-mail)  *
* For 50/60Hz PSX Action Replay switch codes and some Speccy stuff   *
* check out my homepage on            *
* Registered Linux User ( No. 176120          *


From: Greg Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Memory leak?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:53:31 -0500

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on this.

I've noticed that I seem to have a memory leak somewhere in my system.
Over the course of 72 hours or so, the memory used on my system goes
from 72 MB to 225 MB.  No one needs to be logged into the workstation
for this to happen.  Does anyone know a utility to tell me what is using
this memory?  Top does not show that the memory is in use by any
process, but it does show that the memory is unavailable.

My system is running the 2.4.0-0.37smp kernel from RedHat (same problem
with the shipping RedHat 2.4.0-0.26smp kernel, hence the upgrade) and
Redhat 7.0.  The system is using autofs, nfs, and nis, and
unfortunately, it is acting as a server so I can't very well turn off
services for 72 h at a time.  I'm also using tripwire extensively, and
I'm fairly certain that I haven't been hacked.

If anyone has any ideas about what could be causing this (I did turn off
rhnd --that's not it), I'd appreciate the insight.




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: Memory leak?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:11:51 GMT

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 11:53:31 -0500, Greg Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on this.
>I've noticed that I seem to have a memory leak somewhere in my system.
>Over the course of 72 hours or so, the memory used on my system goes
>from 72 MB to 225 MB.  No one needs to be logged into the workstation
>for this to happen.  Does anyone know a utility to tell me what is using
>this memory?  Top does not show that the memory is in use by any
>process, but it does show that the memory is unavailable.

On a per process basis, gtop will show memory usage.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: Memory leak?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:12:56 GMT

Greg Engel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>My system is running the 2.4.0-0.37smp kernel from RedHat (same problem
>with the shipping RedHat 2.4.0-0.26smp kernel, hence the upgrade) and
>Redhat 7.0.  The system is using autofs, nfs, and nis, and
>unfortunately, it is acting as a server so I can't very well turn off
>services for 72 h at a time.  I'm also using tripwire extensively, and
>I'm fairly certain that I haven't been hacked.

have you tried using a _stable_ kernel?

A great frustration in life is discovering that sometimes those who
say something can't be done turn out to be right.
 -Donald Simanek


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E4h=E4ri?=)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: Memory leak?
Date: 13 Nov 2000 18:13:41 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Greg Engel wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on this.
>I've noticed that I seem to have a memory leak somewhere in my system.
>Over the course of 72 hours or so, the memory used on my system goes
>from 72 MB to 225 MB.  No one needs to be logged into the workstation
>for this to happen.  Does anyone know a utility to tell me what is using
>this memory?  Top does not show that the memory is in use by any
>process, but it does show that the memory is unavailable.
>My system is running the 2.4.0-0.37smp kernel from RedHat (same problem
>with the shipping RedHat 2.4.0-0.26smp kernel, hence the upgrade) and
>Redhat 7.0.  The system is using autofs, nfs, and nis, and
>unfortunately, it is acting as a server so I can't very well turn off
>services for 72 h at a time.  I'm also using tripwire extensively, and
>I'm fairly certain that I haven't been hacked.
>If anyone has any ideas about what could be causing this (I did turn off
>rhnd --that's not it), I'd appreciate the insight.

Is this a real memory leak or are you viewing "buffered" and "cached"
memory as "unavailable"?

The "cached" memory are used as a dynamic cache. Data and code that is
being used frequently goes into this part of the memory. It is freed
and allocated as needed by the OS. The "buffered" memory is also
handled by the OS.

All the memory not locked up by a process (the "SIZE" column in 'top')
are available for other processes to allocate.


Andreas Kähäri, Uppsala University, Sweden (until 1:st of Dec. 2000)
"If you leave now, you're going to miss the real experience."
-- Richard M. Stallman, Stockholm 1986.  Visit


From: Allen and Erin Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LAN ethernet networking help needed
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:09:10 +0100

Simple setup. Both Linux boxes. Same computers, same ethernet cards.

cfish wrote:

> type
> dmesg | grep eth
> to see if ethernet card detect.
> for your other question you need to tell specific setup. is there a
> link to the outside? what are the OS on the two machines, etc.
> On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:59:34 +0100, Allen and Erin Brandt
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi, I can only work on Linux sporadically. I've completed several steps
> >to getting my computer to network. I installed the network card driver
> >and re-compiled the kernel a while back. Now I want to check to see if
> >the driver was installed properly and if it is working. Is there a log
> >file at boot time that will tell me if the network card was detected and
> >the driver installed during boot? Assuming I have the cables and the two
> >computers hooked up to my hub, how can I get them to communicate? How
> >can I mount the network drives?
> >Thanks,
> >Al Brandt


From: Raymond Chui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ssh-keygen?
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:02:03 -0500

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I install sshd in my Redhat 6.2 Linux. After I issued ssh-keygen command

in my ~/.ssh/ directory I only got identity and files,
to ssh-keygen man page, it should also have id_dsa and files.

But I don't have these two files.

I set /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to

Protocol 2,1
RSAAuthentication yes
DSAAuthentication yes

and restart the sshd, then tried ssh-keygen again. But I still don't see

id_dsa and generated. Please tell me what do I missing.
Why only RSA keys get generated but not DSA keys.
Thank you!

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Raymond Chui
Content-Disposition: attachment;

tel;home:ICQ #: 16722494
tel;work:(301)713-0624 Ext. 168
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:SA, DBA
adr;quoted-printable:;;NOAA, NWS, Office of Hydrology, W/OH2=0D=0A1325 East-West 
Highway, Room 8112;Silver Spring;MD;20910-3283;U.S.A.
fn:Raymond Chui



Subject: Re: disk, network install not working
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 17:44:40 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] () writes:

> I'm trying to install Redhat using floppies. I got the bootnet.img on
> a diskette, boots up fine but when it comes to choosing the network
> card, it exits with a "device or resource busy" no matter what driver
> I choose. Help!

Try switching virtual terminals and see if there is any strangeness.



From: "Lamar Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.networking,
Subject: Re: Oracle 8i on RH Linux 7.0
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:37:03 -0800

I am using the "Oracle 8i for Linux Starter Kit" book and the Oracle CD that
came with the book.  I have read good things about the book on "".
There is also an "Oracle 8i for NT Starter kit".

However, that is where I got my error:  "Initializing Database" (see my
first post in this chain).


"Marco Shaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:p4lP5.2904$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Yes:
> 1. where you can get a free account, and continue from
> 2. Buy the Oracle Press/Osborne book: Oracle 8i for Linux Starter Kit to
> the CD.
> Marco
> "Doug Holtz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> news:3a0d859e$0$99041$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Where can I get Oracle for Linux?  Is there a free download version?


Subject: Re: Help with Logitech Cordless mouse needed
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:14:58 GMT

I've never heard of this procedure. Does your cordless mouse connect to
a serial port?

I see a button on the bottom of the mouse which flashes a nearby LED on
the mouse but don't find the receiver on the computer. 


rude wrote:
> I have a cordless radio Logitech, no clue which model though...
> Anyway, you did try to sync mouse and receiver by pushing their two
> buttons simultaneously, did you?
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have a Compaq Presario 3060 PC with a Logitech Cordless mouse attached
> > to it. The model type seems to be M/N:M-RC33. I think it must be a radio
> > mouse because I don't see any IR transmitter on the mouse or IR receiver
> > on the PC. Under Windows it looks like it's attached on a serial port
> > (Serial 3, I think). I'd like to know if there's a way I can use this
> > mouse under Linux. I've tried setting up gpm and X using the serial
> > connection (I know it's serial 2 under Linux) but I get no response from
> > the mouse. Has anyone used one of these type mice? Any help would be
> > appreciated. I don't read this newsgroup frequently and would like it if
> > you could respond to my e-mail address, Thanks
> >


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E8re=5FOrph=E9e?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X graphic weakness
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 19:17:21 +0100

Eric wrote:

> CDM wrote:
> >
> > Run xf86config (or there might be other tools dep. on your dist., Sus=
e uses
> > Sast)
> New tool? Yast & Sax combined or what is this?
> Probably need Sax there.
> > If you have Redhat use command "menuconfig" then select "configure X =
> > To position (left/right/wider/narrower) the display use "xvidtune" or=
> > your monitor buttons.
> Or run XConfigurator

I did this sorry I didn't mention
it says "error blablaba back or quit" unless I choose 640x480

> > "Fr=E8re_Orph=E9e" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I am helpless on how to make my mach64 server find its way to 800x600=
> > displays 640x480 8bit by pixel, and removes everything else from vali=
> > resolution I indicate it from my monitors manual...
> >
> > any Idea apreciated,
> What are you using (XFree86-4.0, what card)?

"ATI Rage Pro"

> What have you tried yet

wanderded around the X windows
menus to find anything related to monitor graphic card or resolution
edited the configuration file XF86Configsomething
I had to install mach64 because when I installed linux 6.2 from its cd (w=
boot disk)
The card that was in was a Matrox that I had to give back in the meantime=

> Have you looked at the FAQ's (and other info) at

I sure will, but I still feel my problem is serious I couldn't explain wh=
Maybe I should go to see a doctor before continuing this install.

> Eric

Lex legis
Organisation pour un monde plus optionnel

En ce moment
Orph=E9e - Johanne


Subject: Can't right click in Gnome
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:09:56 GMT


I have installed TurboLinux Server 6.0.4 on a IBM
PC365. The install
went fine, had a little trouble getting the Token
Ring driver to work.
I am using the Gnome desktop and the Enlightenment

I have noticed that I am unable to right click on
anything such as
the Gnome panel and produce a popup menu. Right
clicking in
Netscape also does not work either.

Can anyone point me to a resource that could
assist me in
troubleshooting this problem?


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "Hwanjo Yu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Q: NIS with win clients
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:43:24 -0600


Is there any way to set up NIS server on linux, and NIS clients on windows ?


From: Allen and Erin Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: LAN ethernet networking help needed
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 19:50:42 +0100

OK, it seems to have worked.
after the command:

Computer 1
eth0: IBM LAN Adapter /A found in slot 6
eth0: IRQ 5, I/O 0x1000, memory 0xc4000-oxc7fff, MAC address
eth0: 10BaseT medium

Computer 2
eth0: IBM LAN Adapter /A found in slot 3
eth0: IRQ 5, I/O 0x1000, memory 0xc4000-oxc7fff, MAC address
eth0: 10BaseT medium

What do I do next?
Al Brandt

cfish wrote:

> type
> dmesg | grep eth
> to see if ethernet card detect.
> for your other question you need to tell specific setup. is there a
> link to the outside? what are the OS on the two machines, etc.
> On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 12:59:34 +0100, Allen and Erin Brandt
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hi, I can only work on Linux sporadically. I've completed several steps
> >to getting my computer to network. I installed the network card driver
> >and re-compiled the kernel a while back. Now I want to check to see if
> >the driver was installed properly and if it is working. Is there a log
> >file at boot time that will tell me if the network card was detected and
> >the driver installed during boot? Assuming I have the cables and the two
> >computers hooked up to my hub, how can I get them to communicate? How
> >can I mount the network drives?
> >Thanks,
> >Al Brandt


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: WINE, VMware, Willows TWIN, etc. vs. Dual Booting
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 18:48:34 GMT

OK -  After coming to the conclusion I will still NEED Word'97 for my
dissertation and such for at least 6 months of work I have options:

On the laptop I am about to get (3gig HD, 32 Mb RAM, P 233Mh Compaq
Armada 1592)  I can either make it dual boot: ~2.2 Gig Linux & ~700 Mb
Win95 or use WINE or other Windows emulator to install Word & Excel on
(moving to MySQL from Access - yes!!!  :-)

I see having two OSes as a real waste of space (although Win95 can
install in just about 110Mb on my desktop)  and do not want to bother
doing everything twice and having to reboot, etc.

Why do people dual boot when there are emulators?  From my searches, it
does seem they are a slower then the 'real thing'.  How noticable on
the Word '97 front?  I do not play games, and hence this is entirely a

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Scott Rainaldo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which distro for old(486SX 6MB) firewall
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:04:46 -0600

I have never used/installed OpenBSD, but this may be a good reason to try it
out.  However, I have a few questions:

* Will the setup for the net installer allow you to send a hostname to the
DHCP server for authentication?  I cannot get a connection without this

* Will OpenBSD allow me to have a private network behind the firewall,
sharing the one internet connection?  Is that what IP forwarding is for?

* How difficult is it to set up?  I am not a network guru by any stretch of
the imagination.

Please excuse my ignorance as I have only setup one linux machine for this
purpose before and it didn't work very well.  Thanks.

cfish wrote:

> I did one on a pent 100. OpenBSD took about 60 megs of space. very
> good secure firewall. it was a net based install.
> On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 04:11:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi everybody.  I recently purchased an old PC for use as a linux
> >firewall/IP forwarding.  Here are the specs:
> >
> >Processor: 486SX
> >Memory:  6MB
> >Hard Drive: 130MB
> >NIC:  3COM ISA Etherlink III
> >
> >I was wondering which distribution would be easiest to install with this
> >
> >setup?  I want as minimal a setup as I can possibly get (ONLY
> >firewalling/IP forwarding).   Is this even feasible with this hardware?
> >
> >I could not get a RedHat 6.1 boot floppy to boot.  I was able to get a
> >Redhat 5.1 floppy to boot, but I want a newer setup than this.  I was
> >thinking of trying to temporarily install my DVD-ROM (from my current
> >desktop) into this machine to install from, but was unsure if a machine
> >this old would recognize it as a CD-ROM.   Suggestions anyone?
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >
> >Scott
> >
> >
> >


From: Scott Rainaldo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Which distro for old(486SX 6MB) firewall
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:05:00 -0600

I have never used/installed OpenBSD, but this may be a good reason to try it
out.  However, I have a few questions:

* Will the setup for the net installer allow you to send a hostname to the
DHCP server for authentication?  I cannot get a connection without this

* Will OpenBSD allow me to have a private network behind the firewall,
sharing the one internet connection?  Is that what IP forwarding is for?

* How difficult is it to set up?  I am not a network guru by any stretch of
the imagination.

Please excuse my ignorance as I have only setup one linux machine for this
purpose before and it didn't work very well.  Thanks.

cfish wrote:

> I did one on a pent 100. OpenBSD took about 60 megs of space. very
> good secure firewall. it was a net based install.
> On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 04:11:52 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Hi everybody.  I recently purchased an old PC for use as a linux
> >firewall/IP forwarding.  Here are the specs:
> >
> >Processor: 486SX
> >Memory:  6MB
> >Hard Drive: 130MB
> >NIC:  3COM ISA Etherlink III
> >
> >I was wondering which distribution would be easiest to install with this
> >
> >setup?  I want as minimal a setup as I can possibly get (ONLY
> >firewalling/IP forwarding).   Is this even feasible with this hardware?
> >
> >I could not get a RedHat 6.1 boot floppy to boot.  I was able to get a
> >Redhat 5.1 floppy to boot, but I want a newer setup than this.  I was
> >thinking of trying to temporarily install my DVD-ROM (from my current
> >desktop) into this machine to install from, but was unsure if a machine
> >this old would recognize it as a CD-ROM.   Suggestions anyone?
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >
> >Scott
> >
> >
> >



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