Linux-Setup Digest #43, Volume #19               Fri, 30 Jun 00 18:13:09 EDT

  Re: not enought free space on hd (DeAnn Iwan)
  Re: after i add memory do i need to increase swap space. (J Bland)
  Re: network question (sylvain hutchison)
  Re: My first install RedHat 6.2 Cant start X ("Mingyi Liu")
  Multiple network configuration on a laptop. (Craig Hagerman)
  Re: cdrom mount problems in Redhat 6.2 ("Bernie Borenstein")
  Re: my computer has a SCSI hardisk,but i can not install linux? (Craig Kelley)
  Re: My first install RedHat 6.2 Cant start X (Craig Kelley)
  Re: How to make a bootable Linux CD ? (Mingyi Liu)
  Re: SCSI module (Craig Kelley)
  Re: cdrom mount problems in Redhat 6.2 (Craig Kelley)
  Re: read-only filesystem (Craig Kelley)
  Re: Naming Partitions for Red Hat 6.0 (Jim Harback)
  Kernel Oops, v2.2.15 (Kuang-chun Cheng)
  Re: Multiple network configuration on a laptop. (Andreas Schweitzer)
  Re: after i add memory do i need to increase swap space. (LinuxGrooverBoy)
  Linux loading problem please help (Siengman Tan)
  A couple of questions about the Storm Linux 2000 Rain edition install ("Theodore J. 
  Makeing Linux into a dumb(ish) term (CoryJ)
  Re: 192.168.0.* vs 192.168.1.* (Sean)
  Behind IPMasq Sendmail config? (jason varsoke)


From: DeAnn Iwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: not enought free space on hd
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:10:08 -0400

      The error message is misleading.  This problem is being reported
when there is no space for the boot sector below the 1024 cylinder limit
(which is as far as many BIOS can see).  Take a look at the multiboot
howtos for more information on this and other "gotchas" of multi-OS

coder-a wrote:
> I want to install Red Hat but I have a problem. I have 16 GB disk space. For
> linux I left 2 GB clear and when I am choosing Wokstation Instalation Linux
> tells me that I heve not enought free memory space. What's the matter?
> Please help me.
> My e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks a lot


Subject: Re: after i add memory do i need to increase swap space.
Date: 30 Jun 2000 19:13:02 GMT

>    I have Mandrake 6.5 running on my m/c (400Mhz 686) and i have 32M of
>    I have ordered another 128M because KDE + Netscape just don't work
>well in 32M RAM space.
>    During initial setup i had 64M swap space reserved. So now do i have
>to add 320M (2 X RAM)
>    as swap space and if yes how do i accomplish this. or how much
>should i have.

The old rule of thumb of 2XRAM is just that, a rule of thumb.

With 196MB of RAM, unless you're really hammering the system, you'll only
use a meg or two of swap space.

If it's a desktop, workstation, or small-scale server with that much RAM
you're not going to touch swap. If you're upgrading because you're going to
be using a lot more things at once then maybe you could consider a little
more, but frankly I doubt you'd ever need it.

Linux loves RAM. The more you give it, the faster it gets. The whole point
of you getting this RAM, I suspect, is to reduce the amount of swap
thrashing that's bound to occur with KDE+Netscape, so the last thing you
want to do is go using even more of it ;).

Frinky (128MB and using barely 2MB of swap on a pretty busy desktop)


From: sylvain hutchison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: network question
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:23:41 -0700

Thanks for everything, I openned netconfig, filled in the Ip, ..., and it
worked, while I was about to compile this driver I needed for my networks
card into the kernel, and and then I had to do all sort of shit so I gave up,
did netconfig and it worked, I'm on the network.
But tell me, why then was I told my some docs, that I had to install this
driver for my card and this and that when I didn't have to do any of this??

Anyway, thanks a lot,

Mikey wrote:

> sylvain hutchison wrote:
> > I kind new to linux, and I am trying to get myself connected to the
> > server, but the IT guys don't know to do it with linux!!!!
> If you're using X-windows (the  GUI for Linux), logged in as root, go to
> the shell (terminal) and
> type 'netconf', or 'netconfig', or 'netcfg'.
> You should be able to do anything that you need to set up your network
> settings there.
> > I was told that I needed to use a couple of commands. Does anybody know
> > any commands that can help me,
> Logged in as root at the command line, you can type 'ifconfig' and that
> will let you know your basic network info.
> Let me know if this helps, or if you need more info.
> --
> Since-beer-leekz,
> Mikey
> Best comment in a kernel /*Drunk...fix later*/


From: "Mingyi Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: My first install RedHat 6.2 Cant start X
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:13:31 -0500

Are you sure you installed X? You can check if you have X files installed.
If not, you can install XF86 from you RedHat CD.

"JS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:AC%65.286$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi guys
> Just done my first install but after rebooting got a prompt foor@localhost
> /] log in as root and type startx but nothink hapen.
> ? is how to x .


From: Craig Hagerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multiple network configuration on a laptop.
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 13:48:13 -0700

Running Redhat 6.2 on a Dell Inspiron 7500.  So here is the problem.
When I am at the office I am connected to a network, and my name
resolution comes from the DNS server.
When I am at home I connect to an ISP, their DNS does the host
When I am on the road, I want the system to be standalone, with no
network connection.
When I boot as a standalone the Ethernet fails as expected, but then
sendmail tries to start, and times out on the Ethernet card, and http
does the same thing with host resolution.  Gnome, and the X server also
have trouble  not being able to resolv the hostname.  The hostname is in
/etc/hosts but this does not help, also, the DNS search path is DNS then

So here is the question (or challenge).  Can I do different startup
configurations based on weather or not I am connected to a network???

Craig Hagerman
Xsides Inc.
821 Second Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104-1504


From: "Bernie Borenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cdrom mount problems in Redhat 6.2
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:12:21 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, cowbird
> One of the things that I miss about CorelLinux is how seamless cdrom
> mounting was.  In Redhat, almost every time that I try and unmount a
> drive, I get a "device busy" error (even if there are no open terminals
> in the cd directory).  Even a --force does not unmount the drive (why
> have a --force if it doesnt actually force?!).  How can I alter the
> fstab so that the drives always unmount when they should?
> Thanks, cjf
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Got questions?  Get answers over the phone at Up to 100
> minutes free!


   This means you are  trying to unmount the CD while still accessing it.  Make sure
you are out of /mnt/cdrom (or whatever you are calling your mount point) and then
you will not have the device busy message.



Subject: Re: my computer has a SCSI hardisk,but i can not install linux?
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Jun 2000 14:54:51 -0600

"jacky cui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> linux can supports SCSI hardisk,but i can not install my RH 6.0 to my linux
> box ,how to install it? it can not find device ,I used HP netserver.

First of all:  RedHat 6.0 has some fairly significant problems
(although they are not related to this) -- I'd get a more recent
version like 6.2.

During setup, startup in 'expert' mode.  When the installer asks if
you want to insert additional drivers, choose 'yes', then 'scsi' then
pick your scsi card out of the list.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: Re: My first install RedHat 6.2 Cant start X
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Jun 2000 14:56:52 -0600

"JS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi guys
> Just done my first install but after rebooting got a prompt foor@localhost
> /] log in as root and type startx but nothink hapen.
> ? is how to x .

Run Xconfigurator first (to configure X11), then you can use startx.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Mingyi Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: How to make a bootable Linux CD ?
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:42:49 -0400

Kit-pui Wong wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just a "simple" question: How to make a Linux
> bootable CD that can boot-off into a clean shell ?
> It would be useful to maintain HD from time to time,
> isn't it ?
> I tried to boot from the Installation CDs of RedHat,
> CorelLinux, Caldera ..... etc.  Unfortunnately, NONE
> of them lets user quit the install procedures and get
> into a clean shell.
> many thanks for any hint !
> Kit

I'm really new to Linux, but I met the same problem as yours. What I did
for a workaround is to choose upgrade rather than install, and upgrade a
small game or some unimportant stuff, you'll get nothing affected and
get Linux started.  Before I learn more about Linux, this is the best I
can think of. (of course you can also make bootable floppy, but seems
you're not interested in that).



Subject: Re: SCSI module
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Jun 2000 15:01:48 -0600


> I have recently upgraded a redhat system from 2.2.12 to 2.2.16 and can
> no longer load the SCSI disk controller card's driver as a module. The
> controller has the SCSI boot disk attached (initrd has been created).
> The controller card is a NCR53C8XX and works fine when compiled
> directly into the kernel.
> Any help appreciated.

It's probably best to compile it into the kernel, but otherwise be
sure that your initrd has /linuxrc with something like this:

echo "Loading ncr53c8xx module"
insmod /lib/ncr53c8xx.o

And that you have the *proper* (ie, correct kernel version) module in
/lib on the initrd -- which is then gzip'd and pointed to by lilo.conf.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: Re: cdrom mount problems in Redhat 6.2
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Jun 2000 15:03:36 -0600

cowbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One of the things that I miss about CorelLinux is how seamless
> cdrom mounting was.  In Redhat, almost every time that I try and
> unmount a drive, I get a "device busy" error (even if there are
> no open terminals in the cd directory).  Even a --force does not
> unmount the drive (why have a --force if it doesnt actually
> force?!).  How can I alter the fstab so that the drives always
> unmount when they should?

You can run

  fuser /dev/hd?  [your CDROM device]

to see which process has it locked.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


Subject: Re: read-only filesystem
From: Craig Kelley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 30 Jun 2000 15:05:24 -0600

Dennis Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm trying to setup a slackware 7.0 system with the root filesystem
> mounted as read-only. I have /var and /tmp mounted on ramdisk. I've
> modified /etc/fstab with the 'ro' option on the root filesystem. But the
> system always boots up 'rw'. Does anybody know what's wrong?

The init scripts (/etc/rc.d/*) typically mount / in ro first and then
explicitly mount / with rw.  You need to edit the proper file (sorry,
I haven't used Slackware for about 4 years now) so that it doesn't
mount it rw.

The wheel is turning but the hamster is dead.
Craig Kelley  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP block


From: Jim Harback <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Naming Partitions for Red Hat 6.0
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 23:22:23 +0200


You are specifying the locations of the directories but, you are not
adding extra directories.  By specifically specifiy the directories as
you are doing you are physically placing them on different partitions
of your hard drive instead of placing them all on one partition.  This is
normally considered a good thing.  If a partition goes bad you don't lose
everything just that directory along with its subdirectories. For instance
you have roughly set up the following:

hda1  /
hda5  /home
hda6  /usr
hda7 /var
hda8 /boot  ( I would recommend to place this first, not at the end)

If you lose hda7 you will still have all your data because it will be located
on hda5 (/home).  In cases of disaster this type of patitioning scheme allows
for  a more graceful rebuild of your system.

I hope this is understandabel and clears up some misconceptions.


the curious one wrote:

> Hi,
> I am jus wanting to know, by naming partitions,/ , home, usr, var, boot
> ...... is this correct ?? And if so then does this mean that i am specifying
> that i want these directories in these specific partitions ? Or am i
> actually adding extra directories to the whole sys ?
> thnks
> Leanne


From: Kuang-chun Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Kernel Oops, v2.2.15
Date: 30 Jun 2000 21:25:07 GMT


while compiling mySQL.  The kernel version is 2.2.15.  I am using
RH6.2 which has kernel 2.2.14.  The similar problem happen regularly
about once for two week.  That's why I re-construct a newer kernel.

        Now, by using 2.2.15 kernel, it happen again ... Anyone
can tell me what's wrong and what should I do.  My PC is PIII 500 +
128 M RAM, 10G Disk.  At the time it crash, well, I open a lot of
xterm and Netscape window in KDE env.  But I my should most of stuff
still remains in RAM instead of Swap.

                                        Kuang-chun Cheng
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Message I got from /var/logs/message after reboot my system:

        do_wp_page: bogus page at address bfffce94 (40000000)
        swap_duplicate: entry 3238392c, nonexistent swap file
        VM: killing process sh
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        last message repeated 3 times
        VM: killing process cc1
        do_wp_page: bogus page at address 081aef88 (ee746000)
        VM: killing process cc1
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        last message repeated 3 times
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        last message repeated 4 times
        swap_free: swap-space map bad (entry 00000f04)
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        last message repeated 4 times
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        swap_free: offset exceeds max
        swap_free: Trying to free nonexistent swap-page
        Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 000
        current->tss.cr3 = 091fe000, %cr3 = 091fe000
        *pde = 00000000
        Oops: 0002
        CPU:    0                                


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andreas Schweitzer)
Subject: Re: Multiple network configuration on a laptop.
Date: 30 Jun 2000 21:30:44 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Craig Hagerman wrote:
<some problems I also had>
>So here is the question (or challenge).  Can I do different startup
>configurations based on weather or not I am connected to a network???

I have found 2 packages :
netenv and divine  (I have no URL's here - you may find them on freshmeat etc.)

I haven't even tried divine yet.
I tried netenv but I had to fool around with it so much I ended up doing the
following :
You can pass environment variables with lilo. Everything that is not
understood by lilo or the kernel is passed to init and even further.
So I have some targets in lilo.conf that set certain variables and my
init scripts test these and set up the network accordingly and fool around
with other files.
I even have a target that eventually asks during boot up for the IP etc.

I hope these ideas help.


                       Andreas Schweitzer
        This post is brought to you by VIM, slrn and FreeBSD


From: LinuxGrooverBoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: after i add memory do i need to increase swap space.
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:33:09 +0100


The last text I read suggested a Swap of 2xRAM upto 64Mb MAX



From: Siengman Tan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux loading problem please help
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:47:03 GMT

I having trouble loading linux after installation. The system would hang
after uncompressing the kernel. Caldera 2.2 install just fine, but the
problem seems to be from Redhat. I've tried installing Redhat 6.1 and
6.2 several times already, the problem still persist. I've tried
installing on the same drive as Win2k on a different partition and even
on a different drive. Please help......


From: "Theodore J. Mooney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A couple of questions about the Storm Linux 2000 Rain edition install
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 16:56:20 -0500

I just installed Storm Linux 2000 Rain edition.
Question 1: During the installation, it asked for a name and password
for user. It also asked for a password for /root, but no name. I assumed
that it would use the same name to get /root privileges with the
different password, but I'm darned if I can figure out how to get it to
accept it. If I log out and then use the /root password and the user name,
it gets rejected. How do I get into /root?
Question 2: How do you get it to dial an ISP to connect to the Internet?
Netscape was installed, but I can't find any way of telling it where my
modem is and where to dial. Maybe I'm missing something obvious here,
but I haven't found anywhere in Netscape or Linux to set it up.

The views, opinions, or statements stated above or below
are not necessarily those of the poster. So there! Nyah!


Do not disturb!  Had enough trouble getting turbed in the first place.



Subject: Makeing Linux into a dumb(ish) term
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 21:46:36 GMT

My patience is running out, so I have to come to all you gurus and
linux-heads :) for help.

What I'm trying to do:
  Part 1: Set up a 386 with KBT, NIC, and monitor with about 8MB of RAM
so it boots to a telnet session instead of a Linux login.  There is
going to be little on the system except telnet and whatever needs to be
there for it to work.  I would like the system to boot, and when someone
presses ENTER, attempt to login to telnet into a server.
  Part 2: Set up system so that they can hot-key to different virtual
terminals (via Alt+F1, Alt+F2) and log in a 2nd time if needed.

What I've managed so far:
  I have the system set so I can boot straight to a telnet session. When
telnet is exited (or dies) a new login prompt appears. (yay!)

How I did it:
  I just replaced mingetty in inittab with telnet.

What I can't figure out:
  How can I get a different telnet in each virtual terminal?  Since
telnet doesn't know anything about the different terminals accessed via
ALT+F1, etc. the 2nd and higher copy of telnet that I run just bleeds
over onto the Alt+F1 session.  Is there any way I can get them to leave
each other alone?

Sent via
Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: 192.168.0.* vs 192.168.1.*
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:07:10 GMT

It is fine to use 192.168.0.z or 192.168.1.z.  If you use the
192.168.0.z make sure all your computers have 192.168.0.z and that
your subnetmasks are the same. Look belowe for an example... = router/gateway = first machine = second machine and so forth.

just make sure your gateway is set to on your machines. As
to the wildcard, are you talking about wild card masking for
firewalls? All the subnetmask does it determin what is on what network
and what is not, and which host is on what network, thats it. 1s and
0s..pain the ass! LoL. If you dont supply a netmask then it should
take the default class c mask. If you have any questions email me.

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 14:15:16 -0400, moonie;) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On Sun, 18 Jun 2000, David wrote:
>>Are there any complications or things that can't be done by using a 0
>>as the 3rd part of an IP address as opposed to 1-255?
>>It's just supposed to use the netmask to determine what part of the IP
>>address is actually the host-part wildcard right?
>Not that I know of, I use for my linux box (Win98SE ICS connected
>to I-net, don't ask) and I have SAMBA, APACHE, FTP, and a Half-Life Dedicated
>Server, as well as all of my normal net services running just fine (netmask:
>moonie ;)


From: jason varsoke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin
Subject: Behind IPMasq Sendmail config?
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:09:55 GMT

   What is the correct configuration for sendmail on a server that is
behind an IPMasq server?

   Or is there some other program that will take care of mail delivery?




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