Linux-Setup Digest #45, Volume #19                Sat, 1 Jul 00 02:13:06 EDT

  Re: Fetchmail Question (Tom Hoffmann)
  Re: Problem Dual Booting with LILO : Changing the default setting... ("John French")
  Re: How to make a bootable Linux CD ? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Enabling swap partition? (bullwinkle)
  Re: Actual memory vs top, /proc/meminfo (bullwinkle)
  x-windows' input device ,such as touchscreen .....? ("jacky cui")
  Re: [Q] Is there nfslock support into RH6.2? (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Xterm Backspace not working (Jeff Makey)
  yet_another_lilo_problem ("locke")
  Re: How do you make the windows smaller? (Mary P)
  DHCP and Gnome ("Brad")
  Desktop Icon Text (Gnome 1.2) ("David M. Carney")
  Re: Activate lilo graphics ("Derek Whitten")
  Re: x-windows' input device ,such as touchscreen .....? (Homer Jay)
  Re: Desktop Icon Text (Gnome 1.2) ("David ..")
  Re: kppp problem (Eddie John Creasey)
  Re: Weird Dual Boot Problem?? ("David ..")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tom Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: Fetchmail Question
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 01:13:18 GMT

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:42:04 -0500, David .. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Jeffrey Lacy wrote:
>> Hi.  I am running Redhat 6.2.  How can I make fetchmail fetch mail every X
>> minutes without manually starting it?  Thanks in advance!
>Use "cron"

Don't use cron, use fetchmail in daemon mode:

fetchmail -d 600

will run fetchmail every 600 seconds.
>Registered with the Linux Counter.
>ID # 123538


From: "John French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem Dual Booting with LILO : Changing the default setting...
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:09:59 -0500

I re-ran LILO and it works just fine now!  Thanks.  I'm obviously new to
this and didn't know that I had to re-run LILO.  I thought LILO looked at
LILO.conf at every boot.  Thanks again.

Michael Nadler wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>John French wrote:
>> I'm using RH Linux 6.2 and Win98 on same IDE Hard drive under their
>> respective native partitions. LILO, of course, configured itself for
>> boot to linux.  My wife wants the default boot to be dos (I can type
>> at the lilo prompt, she's not ready for the linux thing just yet).  As
>> I changed  the /etc/lilo.conf  to include the line: default=dos but it
>> loads linux.  Any Ideas?
>> Thanks
>> John French
>1. You didn't re-run lilo after changing lilo.conf.
>2. I'm not sure, but isn't the "default=" thing supposed to point at an
>image-name, rather than a label.
>3. I am sure about this -- what ever image configuration comes first in the
>file will be the default.  So, put the DOS configuration in front of the
>one, run lilo and your wife will be very happy.  And you will be very
>too ;-)


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: How to make a bootable Linux CD ?
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 18:10:47 -0700

In comp.os.linux.hardware on Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:42:49 -0400, Mingyi Liu 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scrivened:
> Kit-pui Wong wrote:

>> Hi there,
>> Just a "simple" question: How to make a Linux
>> bootable CD that can boot-off into a clean shell ?
>> It would be useful to maintain HD from time to time,
>> isn't it ?
>> I tried to boot from the Installation CDs of RedHat,
>> CorelLinux, Caldera ..... etc.  Unfortunnately, NONE
>> of them lets user quit the install procedures and get
>> into a clean shell.

A (minimal) shell is usually available on a different virtual console.
<ctrl>-F2, in most instances.

> I'm really new to Linux, but I met the same problem as yours. What I did
> for a workaround is to choose upgrade rather than install, and upgrade a
> small game or some unimportant stuff, you'll get nothing affected and
> get Linux started.  Before I learn more about Linux, this is the best I
> can think of. (of course you can also make bootable floppy, but seems
> you're not interested in that).

The LinuxCare Bootable Business Card (BBC) is a slick little tool.  ISO
image at:

For a more minimal set, Tom's Root/Boot:

Trinux gives you more Linux, on two or more floppies.

Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Evangelist, Opensales, Inc.          
  What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   Debian GNU/Linux rocks!    K5:
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595 DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0


From: bullwinkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Enabling swap partition?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 01:30:05 GMT

yidao.cai wrote:
> From: Yidao Cai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Can someone tell me if there
> > should be an entry in /etc/fstab for my swap partition, and if
> > so, what should it look like?
> /dev/hda6   swap    swap defaults        0 0
> cai
     That's what swap should look like in /etc/fstab.

Posted via CNET


From: bullwinkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Actual memory vs top, /proc/meminfo
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 01:30:04 GMT

steve.emmett wrote:
> From: Steve Emmett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If this is not the appropriate group, I would appreciate being
>  pointed
> in the correct direction.
> This is the situation.  I've just installed RH 6.2 (/proc/version
>  shows
> 2.2.14-5.0) on a machine that has 256M Ram.  The bootup banner
>  showing
> 256M.  However, when I execute top or look at /proc/meminfo, they
>  both
> show memtotal of 64M.  Now I thought Linux would use all available
> memory so my questions are:
> 1) are top and /proc/meminfo being truthful in their depiction of
>  total
> memory available?
> 2) if they are, does this mean I have to build a new kernel to take
> advantage of all of the memory?
> 3) if 2 is true, what parameters (SHMMAX, etc) do I change to make
>  use
> of all the available memory?
> --
> Steve
> =========================================
>               Steve Emmett
> =========================================
> "A mind that is stretched to a new idea
>  never returns to its original dimension"
> =========================================

     I believe the BIOS is telling your system that there is 64M of
To tell Linux there is 256M available, enter this in /etc/lilo.conf:
Then run /sbin/lilo.  After your next boot, you should have 256M.  I have
read some systems need to reserve 1M of memory, so only 255M would be
available, if this is the case enter 255M instead of 256M in

Posted via CNET


From: "jacky cui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: x-windows' input device ,such as touchscreen .....?
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 09:39:49 +0800

how does touchscreen work?
it's work method is famliar to mouse,isn't it?
Best wish to you


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: [Q] Is there nfslock support into RH6.2?
Date: 1 Jul 2000 01:53:29 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Paulo Nogueira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]A Linux (RedHat 6.2) machine is file-serving an
] HP-UX computer. However, when the mail daemon from
] the HP asks the Linux box to lock the mailbox of
] some user, it tells it can't create the output
] file. The sender of the mail receives the mail
] back together with the following message:

] /var/mail/user_x : No locks available
] mail: can not lock on /var/mail/user_x after 10 tries

There seems to be something broken about locking on the linux 2.2.15
system. lockd is supposed to be a module, but it does not work. You have
to run rpc.lockd it seems. 


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jeff Makey)
Subject: Re: Xterm Backspace not working
Date: 1 Jul 2000 02:01:18 GMT

In article <8ji7n2$6sl$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When running a xterm on the new machine and displaying it
>remotely to another pressing the backspace key yields "~".

This happened to me on Red Hat 6.2 because I use the 

 XTerm*ttyModes: intr ^C erase ^?

X resource to guarantee that the delete character deletes, *and* I
redefine the big backspace key to send a delete character by doing

 keysym BackSpace = Delete

in xmodmap.  This has worked very well for years on lots of different
operating systems, but Red Hat 6.2 defined a bunch of new VT100
translations in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/XTerm and one of them
redefines the delete key.  My solution was to add this X resource:

 XTerm.vt100.translations: #override <Key>Delete: string(0x7f)

to my .Xdefaults file, which reverts the definition of the delete key
to the standard ASCII value and lets everything work correctly again.

                             :: Jeff Makey
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Department of Tautological Pleonasms and Superfluous Redundancies Department


From: "locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: yet_another_lilo_problem
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 04:12:32 +0100

I wonder if anyone can help me, this problem is beginning to drive me
I'm trying to install linux (suse 6.4) on my computer, where win98 + 2k
already reside.  I have two HD's, pri master has win98 and my linux
partitions, pri slave has win2k.  I have  /boot; root and swap partitions,
the /boot is well under the 1024th cyl and has the kernal etc.  Lilo is in
the mbr, with linux options and a windows option, which loads win2k's boot
manager.  But, the only way I can boot linux is by booting from the cd- lilo
loads NT fine, but for linux I just get "loading
linux.........................." and then that's it, no disk activity or
anything.  I have checked, and vmlinuz and vmliuz.suse are indeed both in
/boot (hda5 on my system for some unknown reason).
Does anybody have any ideas?  I simply don't understand why this is
happening, everything else seems to be fine.




Subject: Re: How do you make the windows smaller?
Date: 1 Jul 2000 03:23:13 GMT

On Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:54:51 -0500,
 Theodore J. Mooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I just installed Storm Linux 2000 Rain edition.
>...   When I try to do something that creates a new tabbed
>window, the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are off the screen
>on the bottom and there's no way to move the window up
>any more.

I can't help you with Storm Linux but if you are still
sitting there five hours later and haven't closed those
windows yet :-) try moving the window DOWN on your
screen (assuming
you are now in the upper left part of the virtual desk-
top). Then get yourself down to the part of the desktop
directly below, and you'll be able to see the bottom of
the window you just moved. If you want to click some
button at the bottom, you will now be able to do so.
Before I figured that out I was kind of "diving" the 
mouse cursor down below the bottom of the page and
clicking randomly, hoping to hit "cancel" or whatever.
I thought it was a feature until somebody took me aside
and gently explained . . .

In RH you can fix it with
Xconfigurator, and if that doesn't clear it up there are 
monitor configuration HOWTOs at
and elsewhere. 

   . .
  // \\
 //   \\
  (W W)


From: "Brad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DHCP and Gnome
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 20:50:57 -0800

My linux PC uses dhcp to establish network settings. Hence the IP address
can change with each reboot. In addition, there isn't a hostname set by
dhcp. Gnome requires a hostname with IP address to function properly. How
can I set a hostname an associate it with the IP address dhcp assigns?




From: "David M. Carney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Desktop Icon Text (Gnome 1.2)
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:25:04 -0500

Hello all, and thanks for reading.

When I used KDE, it had an option to set the background for the desktop
icon text to transparent. When I first installed Gnome 1.2, the icon text
background was also transparent.

Well, I must have fiddled around with this and that and now the text has
these ugly gray boxes around it. 

What does it take to get the transparent icon text background back?



From: "Derek Whitten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.uu.comp.os.linux.questions,alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Activate lilo graphics
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 22:18:50 -0700


"Draco Ravenloft" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ok, I've upgraded my Lilo to a version that is graphically based rather
> than text........
> uhmm.... i have one problem though.....
> I can't figure out how to turn the graphics on........ it still loads in
> text and I'm not having great deal of luck wif the docs.


From: Homer Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: x-windows' input device ,such as touchscreen .....?
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 05:14:49 GMT

> how does touchscreen work?
> it's work method is famliar to mouse,isn't it?

Please don't take this personally, but I want to take this opportunity
to gently remind everyone to make it _clear_ what your question is.
We've all rushed off emails and posts so I'm not blaming any one

It's not 100% clear if you are asking how to _use_ a touch screen,
which would be a really silly question honestly that no one would
take the time to respond to, or if you want to know how to set up
a touch screen in linux. That latter question is excellent.

Despite my rambling about posting clarity, I'm afraid all I can
provide is second-hand knowledge from the HOWTOs, e.g. from the
  There are a number of devices worth considering for such input such as
  touch screens and eye pointers.  Many of these will need a `device
  driver' written for them.  This is not terribly difficult if the
  documentation is available, but requires someone with good C
  programming skills.  Please see the Linux Kernel Hackers guide and
  other kernel reference materials for more information.  Once this is
  set up, it should be possible to use these devices like a normal

And, from the Hardware-HOWTO:
  23.3.  Touch screens

  The Metro-X X-server is supporting the following touch screen

  ·  Carrol Touch serial touch screen

  ·  EloGraphics

  ·  Lucas Deeco

  ·  MicroTouch

I hope that if this isn't enought that you can find someone to help
you get your touch screen working with Linux. Anyone out there know??

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Desktop Icon Text (Gnome 1.2)
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:21:25 -0500

"David M. Carney" wrote:
> Hello all, and thanks for reading.
> When I used KDE, it had an option to set the background for the desktop
> icon text to transparent. When I first installed Gnome 1.2, the icon text
> background was also transparent.
> Well, I must have fiddled around with this and that and now the text has
> these ugly gray boxes around it.
> What does it take to get the transparent icon text background back?
> David

In the file manager window click on settings/preferences/desktop and
choose "use shaped text"

Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538


Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 15:39:11 +1000
From: Eddie John Creasey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: kppp problem


> Connecting as a general user a get a message saying that the daemon
>  has
> deid - while trying the connect as root I just get no carrier ?
> Any ideas?
> Russ

Russ , using the Dialup Internet Connection tool setup your connecton (
detials etc: ) and edit your options
so that  the ppp starts either ealier or later, test your connection
both ways. You dont say what type of        version you have I am using
Red Hat  6.2 which makes connecting to the internet simple ,  as long as
you know your isp number and have an external modem the rest is easy its
all done for you Russ.


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.corel,comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: Weird Dual Boot Problem??
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:41:54 -0500

Alister Smith wrote:
> I installed Corel Linux 1.1 and Win98SE on the same hard disk (Win98
> on paritition one - Linux on partition two). At boot up I use Corel
> Boot Manager (or whatever they call it) to select the OS I want.
> However........when I run Parition Magic 5.0 in Win98 I get a serious
> error message claiming that there are dire problems on my hard disk.
> (Partition Table errors!!) Yet - both Windows and Linux appear to run
> OK. Is this normal?

I have never used partition magic but it may be seeing lilo as a
corrupted MBR.

> I am also curious as to the correct method of installing this <dual
> boot> setup. Initially I tried creating an ext2 Linux partition on the
> hard disk (using Partition Magic) - but Corel Install express did not
> offer this as an installation option (the button was greyed out).
> Seems it looks for <free/unallocated space> and would only allow me to
> either take over the whole hard disk (didn't want that) or install in
> an exisiting DOS/Windows parition (no dual boot facility and mega
> slow).
> So, I just shrank my Win98 partition and left the remainder of the
> disk as <unallocated space>. Corel 1.1 installed fine into that. Is
> this the right way to do it?

Yes that is the way I always did it and never had problems. Either OS
can be reinstalled without causing problems with the other.
> Also, do I assume correctly that Corel Linux 1.1 will not install into
> a partition beyond the second partition? I tried installing into a
> third partition I had created - but the Install Express program kept
> encountering errors - so I gave that one up in a hurry.

You were possibly trying to install above the 1024 cylinder limit which
comes in to the picture somewhere around 8 GB.
> The only other option I can see (to avoid the PM 5.0 errors) is to
> install Corel Linux 1.1 by itself on my second hard disk. But then I
> would have to muck about inside the box changing jumpers around and
> all that stuff (not so keen on this).
> Any ideas most gratefully received. TIA.
> Alister
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Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538



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