Linux-Setup Digest #60, Volume #20               Fri, 17 Nov 00 22:13:08 EST

  Re: Identd Problems (Mark Post)
  Re: WINE, VMware, Willows TWIN, etc. vs. Dual Booting ("Charlie Gibbs")
  Re: Go!Linux 8.0SE - probs (Rudi Effe)
  Re: how to log bootup messages to a file? (Mark Post)
  Re: Problems setting up TV-Card (C. L. Lewis)
  Re: xanim, QuickTime 4, "Sorenson video" (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: Actually, I made audio work, but MIDI - - - NOT - - -!!! (Michael V. Ferranti)
  Re: printer setup problem (TopQuark)
  Re: color in text-based (Norman Levin)
  Re: set -o vi for r.h6.2? (Norman Levin)
  Re: Linux and NTFS (John Gog)
  SuSE 7.0 and IPX Tools ("Ed Loesch")
  Re: Windows corrupts adjacent linux partition? (Norman Levin)
  Re: Static IP Nightmare (Steve Martin)
  Dell Latitude LM RH 7.0 install. (Ignacio Valdes)
  2.4.0 modem help? (none)
  Re: parallel port not detected - why?? Pls help. (Ray Drake)
  Re: color in text-based ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Static IP Nightmare (Ian Cottrell)
  cdrom unfound (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E8re=5FOrph=E9e?=)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: Identd Problems
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 00:16:22 GMT

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 18:28:01 -0500, "Nate Fitch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>    This is a problem that plagues me during my IRC sessions.  I cannot
>connect to particular irc servers (particularly EFnet servers.)  I get the
>infamous (~[EMAIL PROTECTED] - please install identd) error from the
>server.  I'm running RH7, using DHCP, and I've installed identd 3 again to
>make sure it's there.  EFnet has been one of the most worthless irc n'works
>out there lately (thanks to the script kiddies) - and the only server I can
>get a connection on is, and that's usually lagged for some
>reason.  Anyone with insight, your advice will be appreciated greatly, tnx.

Are you running behind an IP masqueraded firewall?  If so, you will need to
run a version of identd that supports that.  There are several that can be
found at

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: "Charlie Gibbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: WINE, VMware, Willows TWIN, etc. vs. Dual Booting
Date: 16 Nov 00 17:25:47 -0800

In article <8urjt2$20q$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(StephenLynch) writes:

>The latest releases of Wine have been great for me.  Relatively fast
>(obviously a program like Office that already takes 20 seconds to load,
>takes at least 25 in an emulator - but otherwise l'm very happy with
>it).  There are only 2 programs l've tried that didn't work well:  AOL
>and Flash exe's.

The one I've found is the command-line linker in Borland's C++ Builder
(both versions 4.0 and 5.5).  The compiler and librarian work fine, but
the linker goes into a loop and just sits there chewing up CPU time.
This a shame, since I'd love to be able to move my Windows program
development onto a Microsoft-free zone like my Linux laptop.  Aside
from that, I'm very impressed with Wine.  (And if anyone has gotten
BCB working under Wine, let me know.)

>                  But l just use that as an excuse not to use AOL, and
>for people to not send me those dumb little cartoon attatchments they
>all think are so cute...


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Charlie Gibbs)
Remove the first period after the "at" sign to reply.


From: Rudi Effe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Go!Linux 8.0SE - probs
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:30:07 +0100

Thus spoke cfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in comp.os.linux.setup on Mon, 13 Nov
2000 06:34:15 GMT:

> uh. never heard of that distribution. but it's probably that the
> kernel doesn't have USB support. when it boots, read and see if it
> ever mentions usb.
> or after boot, do a dmesg, and uname -a and see what you got there.
> no matter what, lacking a mouse will NOT fail your boot process. if it
> doesn't boot, something else is wrong and you need to tell what's on
> the screen when the kernel refuse to boot.
mmh, seems to make sense. On my machine, the boot kinduv chrashes IIRC,
on my brother's pc, all went fine, ending up with some setup GUI...

I'll try again with a serial mouse, who knows what it is...

> On Sun, 12 Nov 2000 19:37:35 +0100, Rudi Effe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I was very glad to find a bootable Linux-CD with some PC magazine. Alas,
> >the version mentioned above seems to have trouble with my USB logitech
> >mouse - hence the boot process fails. Any hints?
> >


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Post)
Subject: Re: how to log bootup messages to a file?
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 00:39:10 GMT

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 21:52:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I'm currently running redHat linux 6.2. I would like to
>run linux 2.3.99-pre7 instead. I configured the kernel
>parameters and built the os from the source code, but
>the system does not boot. Unfortunately, I can't figure
>out what caused the problem because the info files off
>the screen too fast. What's left on the screen are a bunch
>of numbers followed by the following lines:

>Code: 8b 56 1c 89 d0 85 d2 7d 06 8d 82 ff 7f 00 00 25 00 25 00 00 ff ff

>Aiee, killing interrupt handler
>Kernel panic: Attempted to kill idle task!
>In interrupt handler - not syncing

Shift-Pageup might allow you to scroll back up towards the top of the

Mark Post

Postmodern Consulting
Information Technology and Systems Management Consulting
To send me email, replace 'nospam' with 'home'.


From: C. L. Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problems setting up TV-Card
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 00:31:37 GMT

Hi Oliver,

I have a Hauppage card that is sold under the brand of WinTVGO that
sounds about like what you may have.

I'm not familiar with SuSe so I amy not be able to help at all. My
experience with it is all on COL and Redhat, but I've been able to get
it to work with both, but have had problems with the early kernels and
drivers for the video4linux.

It works great with the 2.4-test10 kernel that I'm using currently.

The main thing is to make sure you do actually have support either
compiled into the kernel or as loadable modules. Next, I found that with
the version 0.7.4 .rpm of the Kwintv application, I couldn't get channel
change on the earlier kernel drivers, although I could get it with the
with the xawtv aplications, but I didn't particularly like the
interfaces of them. The source for kwintv-0.8.4 will build okay if you
point it to an install of qt-1.44, and in my case, I had to make a small
modification in the make file in the icons folder and straighten out the
install path for the mini icons with my KDE.

Bundled in with the source is a MAKEDEV script that sets up your devices
for you.

I don't have all the URLs handy right now as to where to get all the
sources, etc. but you can just do a search on the www for the key word
video4linux and it will take you to the project page and from ther you
are pretty well pointed to most of the information you will need.
 The cRadio-0.10, an FM tuner works welll with the card also to give you
an FM radio interface.

Hope I've been a little more helpful than confusing. I'm pretty lax
about documenting all the stuff I try and most of the time rely on my
short memory in stuff like this. ;-)


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Jan Oliver Koch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have installed a Hauppauge TV-Card,
Laughter is the best laxative there is for a constipated mind. Humor is
an ideal spoon to dose it.
 --Chronocidal Charlie, 1995-2000, RIP--

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Michael V. Ferranti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: xanim, QuickTime 4, "Sorenson video"
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:36:50 +0000

And mst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:

>AFAIK, it may never be supported. Sorenson says Apple won't let them
>license the codec to third parties, Apple says it's Sorenson that won't

        Good.  Let'em screw themselves into the wall.  With those kind of
business practices, Apple is gonna have a well-deserved, second-rate
platform forever.  I'm waiting for them to start distributing all their
apps on ROM cartridges like the Nintendo 64. <grins>

--               Michael V. Ferranti [blades&inreach*com]
Warning: The Surgeon General has deemed that excessive displays of warning
labels and public service announcements produce stress and shortens lives.


From: Michael V. Ferranti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Actually, I made audio work, but MIDI - - - NOT - - -!!!
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:36:51 +0000

And "frankie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoke thusly:

>Now for the bad news: using sndconfig, MIDI does not work.
>My boot-up messages when re-booting linux say that the MIDI module is
>an opl3 (Yamaha)

        Half-way there.  Have you tried searching google or deja for your sound
card to see if someone else has had any success?  (I don't have MIDI either
period.)  My on-board soundchip performs MIDI the Windows' Way - through
software (SoftMIDI). <snorts>  Wish I could help more...

--               Michael V. Ferranti [blades&inreach*com]
Warning: The Surgeon General has deemed that excessive displays of warning
labels and public service announcements produce stress and shortens lives.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (TopQuark)
Subject: Re: printer setup problem
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:38:09 GMT

On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 12:37:45 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>  Hi, I am trying to setup my printer under linux. It's an Epson Stylus
> 440 and acording to the prinitng database it should be 100% compatible
> with Linux. I have read around the forums and tryed a lot of things but
> nothing works. Printtool simply does not find it.
>  When I do
>  /sbin/modprobe lp  I get:
>  /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused
>  by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
>  /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o: insmod
>  /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o
> failed/lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/lp.o: insmod lp failed
>  Under Windows it tells me that the IRQ is 5.
>  So my question:
>  1. Is there a default IRQ for the parallel port, like the COM ports and
> what is it?


>  2. If there is a default IRQ and it is not 5, what can I do to
> configure the module to look for the port at IRQ 5.

You could add a line like this to your /etc/lilo.conf:


Sets it to IRQ 0, aka polling mode.


 Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
     TopQuark Software & Serv.  Contract programmer, server bum.  
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Give up Spammers; I use procmail.


Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 19:01:46 -0600
From: Norman Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: color in text-based

I agree that there should be better control of the 'color' in text mode.
The normal font is not a bright white against a black background but a muted
grey.  This is hard on 'old' eyes.  You can see that there is a much brighter white
by playing with 'tput sgr' and various  settings.  A simple 'tput smso' and reset
with 'tput rmso' also shows this.  How can I have a really BRIGHT font for normal
console operation?

"H.Bruijn" wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 12:56:21 +0800, maher abedib allegedly wrote:
> >hi,
> >
> >As usual in redhat,in text-based mode there is a font color with white
> >and the background is black.
> >I would like to know, where can I change (or it's available the change)
> >the font color in text-based mode (init 3) not in x-windows system.
> I think you'd need to change it at source level. As far as I can tell
> you need to edit: /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/console.c
> Even more usefull might be: /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/console_macros.h l
> ines 44 and 45 (in kernel 2.2.17)
>         #define foreground      (color & 0x0f)
>         #define background      (color & 0xf0)
> >As far as I know, we can use the ls --color=always ..What I wanted to do
> >is to change the whole font color in test based mode (maybe in green)
> You probably don't want to alias ls to ls --color=always. The colorcodes
> will be used even when they're not appropiate, such as when you pipe the
> output of ls through more. Use ls --color=auto instead. You can set then
> with the environment variable LS_COLORS. See "man 1 dircolors".
> --
> If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Herman Bruijn                            mail:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The Netherlands                       website:

Norman Levin


Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 19:30:36 -0600
From: Norman Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: set -o vi for r.h6.2?

iksrazal wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know how to fix the bashrc file to get this command to work?
** two things must be done.
If you are only interested in getting it done for you (not all users) then:
1. in .bash_profile at the end, you must "unset INPUTRC"
        This is currentl set to /etc/inputrc and all comment go thru this so as to give
        you 'doskey' like recall.  Must be killed.  Then
2. in ~/.bashrc - as the last line, a "set -o vi" will work.

Norman Levin


Subject: Re: Linux and NTFS
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Gog)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:56:41 GMT

On November 17 2000, "Matthew Darcy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> if you use the kernel 2.2.17 you can both read and write access an 
> NTFS drive.

NTFS4 and NTFS5?

 John Gog  (Delete REMOVE to e-mail)
 Advanced Systems Design
 Opinions expressed are my fault; advice is worth what it cost.
 Using: OUI PRO 1.9.2 from <>


From: "Ed Loesch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SuSE 7.0 and IPX Tools
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 01:58:04 GMT

When I try to install Greg Pages IPX Tools with the make command, I run into
errors. I get parse errors in the ipx.h include file.  These errors trace
back to a structure that defines variables based on types that have been set
up in other include files (e.g. __u32 or __u16). The include files are drawn
from several directories under /usr/include.  The subdirectories are Linux,
sys, and asm.  Are these directories set up differently in SuSE than in
others?  I'm new to Linux, and I'm stuck.  Thought I'd try here first before
beseeching the creator (Greg Page).  Remove the _x characters from the
e-mail address when replying via e-mail.


Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 20:08:54 -0600
From: Norman Levin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.portable,uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Windows corrupts adjacent linux partition?

"Anthony W. Youngman" wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Mark Evans
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >Anthony W. Youngman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Every version of linux fdisk I've seen warns about creating DOS
> >> partitions. Stupid doze believes the header information at the start of
> >> the partition over and above the partition table itself. So if the data
> >> in the header is corrupt, bang goes the next partition...
> >
> >> My complaint about stupid doze fdisk is that, having *recognised* the
> >> disk as having 790 cylinders, it created an extended partition ending on
> >> cylinder 790, then put inside it a logical partition ending on cylinder
> >> 791. And no, linux fdisk went nowhere near the disk - indeed, the
> >> closest linux got to that disk then was to blow away the partition table
> >> (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdd bs=1024 count=1). I thought it wiser to
> >> give doze a blank partition table and it STILL screws up!!!!!
> >
> >Except that will just clear the MBR, what you probably wanted
> >was dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdd<n> bs=1024 count=20 where
> >/dev/hdd<n> is the dos partition.
> >
> I said I wanted to blow away the *partition*table*, not the partition.
** if you want to blow away the partition table - basically the first record on the 
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda count=1 bs=512
Norman Levin


From: Steve Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Static IP Nightmare
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 02:13:29 GMT

Nate Fitch wrote:

> figure out where I am going wrong.  I have a Windows box (not surprsing) and
> I used winipfg to get the following values:
> IP Address:
> Sub. Mask:
>     In Linux (Red Hat 7.0), I have set the following values using Network
> Configurator:
>    lo - proto(none) - atboot(yes) - active(active)
>     eth0 - proto(none) - atboot(yes) - active(active)

I'm a big believer in asking the dumb questions first to get them
out of the way early. You aren't running *both* of these computers
on the network at the same time, are you? Two computers connected
to the same network can't have the same IP address; if they do,
the network breaks.

As someone else pointed out, you need your default gateway to point
to the IP address of the cable modem so that all outbound traffic
gets routed to the cable modem.

I'd bet that one or the other (or both) of these is your problem.
Hope this helps.


From: Ignacio Valdes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dell Latitude LM RH 7.0 install.
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:49:51 -0600

Hello all,

I have a Dell Latitude LM the kind with the removable CD, Floppy, but
NOT BOTH at the same time. I tried autoboot.bat from dos, and it starts
up fine, then mysteriously reboots after detecting the mouse.  I already
have RH 6.2 installed. Is there any way to start the install CD from
within RH 6.2? I've also tried NFS install via boot floppy, but it
doesn't have my Ethernet card SMC 9194 listed when the driver list comes
up. Rats, painted into a corner. Can anyone help?

-- IV


From: none <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2.4.0 modem help?
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 18:28:26 -0800

I keep trying to figure out what it wants to no avail would someone
simplify for me? I have tried using my old script but it says it cannot
get input/output info?

I am using mandrake 7.2, btw anyone know what happened to my button 1
menu in E? I guess mandrake ate it. Oddities like that are ruining an
otherwise good first impression.


From: Ray Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: parallel port not detected - why?? Pls help.
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 02:39:29 GMT

Had the same problem. My fix was to change the BIOS parallel port
from "auto" to "enabled". auto worked for win98 but not redhat 7.

Brendan Farthing wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed Red Hat 6.1 and am trying to get my HP
> Laserjet-4MP printer to work.
> I use the 'control panel' to configure the printer but when it tries
> to autodetect it finds nothing at /dev/lp0, lp1 or lp2.
> I have tried everything including playing with the parallel port
> settings in the BIOS to using 'filters' in the print setup.
> My PC is dual boot and the printer works fine in Windows 98.
> Is there something really stupid that I should have done when setting
> up Red Hat (I don't think I missed anything).
> Has anyone else experienced this problem? How can I go about
> diagnosing exactly what is wrong? It is obviously not a hardware
> problem because the printer works fine in Windows 98, just not in
> Linux.
> Please also send replies vai email.
> Thanks,
> Brendan...


Subject: Re: color in text-based
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 02:31:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  maher abedib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> As usual in redhat,in text-based mode there is a font color with white
> and the background is black.
> I would like to know, where can I change (or it's available the
> the font color in text-based mode (init 3) not in x-windows system.
> As far as I know, we can use the ls --color=always ..What I wanted to
> is to change the whole font color in test based mode (maybe in green)
> thank you.
> maher

$ setterm -foreground green -background black

The colors allowed are:
see also: man setterm


Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Static IP Nightmare
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ian Cottrell)
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 02:42:51 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Knott) wrote in

>I've got one.  On Rogers@home, you get a static IP if you're
>not running Windows or Mac.
First time I ever heard that variation!  I'm running a RH 6.1 system here 
and the ip has changed a couple of times.  I'm running dhcp (pump, 
actually), so I never noticed the change until I checked ifconfig one day.  
To the best of my knowledge, rogers@home ALWAYS recommends dhcp and does 
not differentiate between OS's......................Ian


From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Fr=E8re=5FOrph=E9e?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cdrom unfound
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 03:52:06 +0100

I temporarily changed my linux booting HDD from one machine to another

its been searching for new hardware
and I told it to keep all existing unfound hardware unless the one that
were effectively removed from the previous machine...

but the cdrom (mitsui) is unfound... any configurator program that may
use standard driver and get me a chance to copy the driver from the
redhat cd? :)

N.B. I have no floppy installed on this machine!

Lex legis
Organisation pour un monde plus optionnel

En ce moment
Orph=E9e - Johanne



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