Linux-Setup Digest #74, Volume #20               Sun, 19 Nov 00 23:13:05 EST

  Re: Help me with my cable connection! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Questions from newbie to Linux (Topaz Crow)
  /dev/modem (Harry)
  Re: Help with RH6.1 and SBLive! (jinp)
  Re: ethernet nightmare! (Topaz Crow)
  Re: Not worth the hassle..... (Steve Bradley)
  LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server (Kyle)
  Re: netscape 6 crashed on RH 6.2 (Steve Bradley)
  Re: how make a new boot floppy? ("Dan Shackelford")
  Re: How Do I Make Vi My Command History Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: test2 kernel compile probs (Paul Kimoto)
  Re: /dev/modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  help with my netcard! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Static IP Nightmare ("mark dynarski")
  Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot) (Rod Smith)


Subject: Re: Help me with my cable connection!
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:55:32 GMT

In article <1zWR5.1849$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Will H" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK I will try to describe the problem as best I can.
> I'm on a machine with a Kingston KNE100TX ethernet card, a SB3100
> modem, and my ISP is Adelphia Powerlink up in Maine.
> In windows 98SE, network is configured automatically, and from running
> winipcfg I was able to obtain my HostName (, my
primary and
> secondary DNS servers, subnet mask address, default gateway address,
> DHCP server address. My IP is DYNAMIC I might add.
> I first installed Mandrake 7.2 as lnx4win to try it out. Worked fine,
> had a few problems with networking. Miraculously, with entering a few
of the
> addresses above, I got my connection working!
> So I was satisfied and uninstalled lnx4win, created a new partition,
> installed linux again. This time howerever, I cannot get my connection
> work!
> When booting up, it says "Setting hostname OK" and
> afterwards "Bringing up interface eht0; delaying eth0 initiliazation.
> What should I do? Somebody please help me I'm about to kick my PC!

Hi Will,
The first thing to do is read the file /var/log/messages, it is a
plain text file so you can read it with anything (like the less
command). Check near the bottom of the file for logs of the eth0
init, that should tell you what is broken, post some snips here if
you need more help tracking down the problem.  I would guess that
your eth0 should be set to use DHCP, not a static IP-addr and hostname.
DHCP is a system which requests new TCP/IP info (IP-addr, hostname, and
DNS) from your ISP for each connection (using ICMP to communicate).


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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Topaz Crow)
Subject: Re: Questions from newbie to Linux
Date: 20 Nov 2000 02:11:15 GMT
Reply-To: alt.anonymous.messages;ATTN: Topaz Crow

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 22:46:30 GMT, jf arocha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I just bought a computer with no software and I would like to install some
>distributuion of Linux. Since I am completely new to Linux I want to buy
>one of the distributions on CD. Now, which distribution should I buy? I
>have read contradictory opinions on this, some claiming that Corel is
>easier because it is the more similar to Windows. This doesn't not work
>for me because I come from the Mac camp and have very little experience
>with MSWindows. I have read a few reviews of Mandrake 7.2, but some people
>told me that it wasn't very good for beginners. Others seem to like Debian
>very much and have recommended it to me.
>Second, I have looked for information about installing Linux, but what I
>have read seem  to assume that you have Windows installed. Do I have to
>install Windows first?

Try out SuSE.  It's a very easy distro to get up and running by a newbie.
Another plus is it comes with so much software that you can try them out
and decide what you like and don't like.  The problem I had when I started
was trying to figure out what apps did what.  I didn't know what apps to
download to do what I wanted.  SuSE made this very easy because it comes
with everything you could need and sets them up for you.  The documentation
is very good also.  Don't worry about it being so big.  After you figure out
what you need and want you can get rid of what you don't.

Debian is a very good distro but you may find it a bit hard starting out.

The only reason you would need to install windows first is if you wanted 
a dual boot system.  If you don't plan on using windows then just put
the cd in the drive and boot up.

Have fun.

Topaz Crow -- No replies by email, sorry.
Reply to alt.anonymous.messages Subject: ATTN: Topaz Crow
PGP/GPG: DSS: 0xBADA36EA  RSA: 0x357245A1
Using SuSE 7.0 and Slackware 7.1 


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: /dev/modem
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:06:18 +0000

I've been trying to get the symlink to point to /dev/ttyS5 instead of
ttyS3, but whenever I restart the machine it's back to ttyS3 again!

I'll be mightily grateful if someone will tell me which script is
doing this because I can't find it. Come to think of it I'd also
appreciate it if someone will point me to a document that explains the
whole boot up process, blow by blow. And lastly, what's /dev/modem.O

Many thanks, in advance.



From: jinp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help with RH6.1 and SBLive!
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 21:30:48 -0500

You need emu10k1 driver, it comes with 2.2.17, for older version, 
download may work. You need to do insmod for soundcore and emu10k1 after 

D. Bell wrote:

> I have recently installed RedHat Linux 6.1 on my WindowsMe box at home.  I
> was able to successfully get my ppp working last night (had to use external
> modem), but I still can't get my sound card to work.  It's a SoundBlaster
> Live Value PCI.
> Is there a configuration utility (GUI) that does this, or do I need to
> somehow set this manually?
> If anyone can give me some direction, I'd appreciate it.
> Thanks,
> db


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Topaz Crow)
Subject: Re: ethernet nightmare!
Date: 20 Nov 2000 02:19:19 GMT
Reply-To: alt.anonymous.messages;ATTN: Topaz Crow

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:32:22 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>I get this message as my computer is starting up.
>The message goes something like this: starting
>lpd.2000-11-19-15:24:24.17.694 Get_local_host:
>hostname 'localhost.local' bad
>I specified the the host name as:
>localhost.local  -- I have tried different things
>like just putting in my name as the host and
>different stuff like that. Nothing seems to work.
>When shutting down the computer I also get
>ldp [Failed]
>Also when I try to ping anything -- from a
>specific IP addess to a web site, it won't do it.
>So now tried: route add default eth0
>after I hit enter I see: Network Down
>So do I have two problems, or just one and when I
>fix the first one I mentioned, will it then
>resolve all of this other stuff?

Try changing your hostname to something like
and assign the card an IP of

Make sure you have your DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf

Topaz Crow -- No replies by email, sorry.
Reply to alt.anonymous.messages Subject: ATTN: Topaz Crow
PGP/GPG: DSS: 0xBADA36EA  RSA: 0x357245A1
Using SuSE 7.0 and Slackware 7.1 


From: Steve Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Not worth the hassle.....
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:24:20 GMT

Jade Falcon wrote:

> I'm not bashing Linux, but I don't think it's worth the hassles.
> Everything has to be compiled, debugged, etc.
> I could spend more time messing around with Linux than I
> would getting some work done.
> It runs nice, rarely crashes, and can run on a small amount of
> ram.
> But it is a big pain in the arse, to get it to work.
> It's just not worth it.

Well, I guess we all have our opinions here, no?

How much of a pain in the ass it is largely depends on how much of a pain 
in the ass you want it to be.  On my personal system, for example, I run 
the latest releases of the test kernels, always upgrade my libraries to the 
newest version, and largely run betas of anything that looks interesting.  
Why?  Because it's a pain in the ass and I enjoy it - it presents a 
challenge and keeps me technically involved.

On the other hand, I just built a system for my soon-to-be-moving-out 
girlfriend who has come to enjoy Linux through using my computer - for her 
I installed RH6.2, StarOffice5.2, Netscape6 and other non-beta, established 
applications.  The install was as easy as Windows, maybe even easier, and I 
know that, since she doesn't have root access, there is very little chance 
she'll be able to really screw the system up.  It runs perfectly now, and 
true to Linux's reputation, will probably do so for years with very little 
intervention on her part while providing better performance, better 
stability, and better network performance.


Steve Bradley

Registered Linux User#187404
(register at


Subject: LILO doesn't install with TurboLinux Server
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:30:08 -0000

I'm a Linux newbie and we recently got cable Internet access, and I bought 
a Linksys Broadband Gateway. With the gateway came a disk 
called "TurboLinux Server 6.0 Lite" I don't know what the lite means, but 
it doesn't say anything when installing about lite. 

Anyway, I rebuilt my computer and left about 2.5 GB un-partitioned for 
Linux. Put the CD in rebooted, and started to install. I setup my Linux 
partition, and swap file. TurboLinux took, and continued with the 
installation. When it came to LILO setup I choose to put it in my master 
boot record. Continued with setup, no errors, no crashes, nothing. 
Restarted....booted to Windows. 

So I went back and tried to re-install TurboLinux, this time I tried to 
write it to a floppy, no errors, continued installation, left floppy in, 
restarted, invalid system disk. Now I was confused I looked over 
TurboLinux's website and didn't find anything.

I did find some info on setting up LILO from linux.......but i can't get 
in to linux.

Please help me, I'm completely lost ... and have no clue what I'm doing 
wrong or if this is a bug.

Posted via CNET


From: Steve Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: netscape 6 crashed on RH 6.2
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:38:15 GMT


> Thanks for your reply!
> 1. I did run NS6 as root in the 1st time.
> 2. MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME and MOZILLA_HOME are empty after install NS6. After
> export these 2 equal to the value you suggested, still get the same
> error. So I don't want to try NS6 anymore.
> 3. Let's wait IE for Linux. Netscape is just too bad.

;-)  IE for LInux...what a thought!  I mean, I acutally LIKE Internet 
Explorer 5.5- one of the few MS programs I enjoyed - it was quick to start 
(on any kind of a decent system) rendered pages fast, had a nice 
full-screen mode...but the thought of how badly any MS involvement in the 
Linux community would pollute things.....yuck!

BTW, I think you might be doing something wrong with your env variables - 
when I start NS6, it definately shows my MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME path correctly.  
If you feel up to it, do this in a bash shell (as superuser if you want, 
just to eliminate that potential stupidity):

>MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/linux2/programs/netscape  (substitute your correct path 
to the netscape DIRECTORY sure it's correct - test it by trying 
to CD to it first so you know it's where you think it is!)


>$MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME <return>  (should return the path you entered and 
indicate that it is a directory.  Dont forget the $ in front).

>$MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/netscape (this should start NS6.  If it works, add the 
first two lines above into /etc/profile.  When you log back in, the env 
should be set properly.)

Good Luck, pray for rapid completion of Opera4!
Steve Bradley

Registered Linux User#187404
(register at


From: "Dan Shackelford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: how make a new boot floppy?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:39:46 -0800

Try formatting a floppy using fdformat, then copy "vmlinuz" from the /boot
directory to the newly formatted floppy.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:8v8p0m$dii$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>  When I've installed Redhat, I've specified to install Lilo on a floppy.
> But my floppy seems to be corrupt!
> So what should I do?
> Regards,
> --
> nico_duch
> Sent via
> Before you buy.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: How Do I Make Vi My Command History Editor
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 02:53:50 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Cory Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to us vi as my command history editor.
> I'm using the bash shell and I have put the following in my
> .bash_profile file in my home directory.
> set -o vi
> It will not work when the file is sourced.  I have to set it manually.

The "set -o" command is for overriding the default setting from the
command line.  Try one of these commands in ~/.bash_profile, either one
should work.


> Do I not have this command in the right file?

That is the right file.


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Before you buy.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Kimoto)
Subject: Re: test2 kernel compile probs
Date: 19 Nov 2000 21:47:27 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jones E. Versichoran wrote:
> gcc -D__ASSEMBLY__ -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux/include -traditional
> -c checksum.S -o checksum.o
> checksum.S:238: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> checksum.S:244: badly punctuated parameter list in #define
> make[2]: *** [checksum.o] Error 1

These look like the error messages generated by development versions of gcc
(so-called "2.96" or "2.97").  Linux kernels, even recent development ones,
may not work with these compilers.  Use an older compiler, one actually
released by the egcs/gcc maintainers (egcs-1.1.2, gcc-2.95.2).

Paul Kimoto
This message was originally posted on Usenet in plain text.  Any images, 
hyperlinks, or the like shown here have been added without my consent,
and may be a violation of international copyright law.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.portable
Subject: Re: /dev/modem
Date: 20 Nov 2000 02:31:52 GMT



Subject: help with my netcard!
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 03:08:20 GMT

I have been looking everywhere trying to set up my netcard. I can not
get it to work! Anyway, I have an SMC1211TX. I use the module rtl8139.
If I try to use DHCP, it does not work. If I type in the IP and
everything else it boots up fine, but when I go to ping a server I, I
can't! When I type in: route add default eth0, I get: network down.

Please help!


Adam Cavaliere

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: "mark dynarski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Static IP Nightmare
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 03:27:40 GMT

Something is odd about your eth0 gateway IP address, it's the same as your own
IP address. 

Try setting the gateway address for eth0 to, maybe that will help.

Mark Dynarski

In article <RqPQ5.52955$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Nate Fitch"

>     I am trying to configure my 3Com 3C905B-TX NIC card to connect to my
> cable provider (@Home)  I am about to pull my hair out because I've
> tried DHCP and static to no avail.  It could be any number of things
> with DHCP, so I scrapped it and I'm trying to go static.  I cannot for
> the life of me figure out where I am going wrong.  I have a Windows box
> (not surprsing) and I used winipfg to get the following values:
> Host name: DNS Servers:,
> Node Type: Broadcast IP Address: Sub. Mask:
> Default Gateway: DHCP Server:
>     In Linux (Red Hat 7.0), I have set the following values using
>     Network
> Configurator:
> Hostname: Domain: Nameservers:
>, Hosts:
>  localhost.localdomain  localhost
>  CC661256-B
> Interfaces:
>     lo - proto(none) - atboot(yes) - active(active) eth0 
> - proto(none) - atboot(yes) - active(active)
> Routing:
>     Default Gateway: Default Gateway Device: eth0
>     Interface: eth0 - Network Address: - Netmask:
> - Gateway:
>     That is it, all of my information.  I am using the correct kernel
>     module
> for my NIC card as well (3c59x.o)  It could be something as silly as my
> DNS, I have no idea.  I've ran netstat and I am getting data, but that
> is about it.  Are there any files I need to edit that aren't taken care
> of Network Configurator or LinuxConf?  I am admittedly a Linux newbie,
> but I am really clueless here.  I've read FAQs and tried to figure this
> out myself, but maybe it is all just a bit over my head.  Bless anyone
> that actually takes the time to read and decipher this long mess.
> -Nate Fitch


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: How should I install Linux and Win2K (dual boot)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 03:59:15 GMT

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Brando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have a 6 GB HD (Laptop) and I want to dual boot Linux and Win2K. I have a fresh 
>disk to
> install on so I don't have to save any data.
> What's the best way to go about doing this? Which OS should I install first and how 
> I set up the partitions. I want about 2.5 GB for Windoze and 3.5 for Linux. I do have
> Partition Magic.

I recommend the following:

1) Use PM to set up your partitions. Use ext2fs for Linux, Linux swap
   for Linux swap, and NTFS or FAT for Win2K. You may also want a FAT
   partition for data exchange. Win2K requires a primary partition, but
   the rest can be logical. A LOT more can be written about partitioning
2) Install Win2K.
3) Install Linux, and be sure to add the Win2K partition to the LILO
   (Linux Loader) configuration.

Many people advise using Win2K's OS Loader to choose which OS to boot.
Personally, I dislike this solution, because it requires that you copy a
boot sector to a file accessible to Win2K whenever you change you
kernel, which I consider a pain. LILO can boot Win2K directly, obviating
the need for extra shenanigans. If LILO resides in the MBR, though, it's
at least potentially susceptible to being overwritten at Win2K's whim.

Lots more can be said about multi-booting (in fact, I wrote a book on
the subject; see for details). Post
if you have more specific questions.

Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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