Linux-Setup Digest #41, Volume #21               Fri, 13 Apr 01 15:13:10 EDT

  Re: File with bad user & group ID ("Wayne Osborn")
  Re: File with bad user & group ID ("Wayne Osborn")
  Hard Drive Corruption????? ("Sri Panyam")
  oaf wont compile (Rimas Vilgalys)
  RH installed on a very small flash IDE (Vince Banes)
  Re: Kernel 2.4.1 and StarOffice (Colin Pinkney)
  Re: Audio with Linux (2.4.2/2.2.16) kernel and Asus AV7133 (Peter Christy)
  Re: Hard Drive Corruption????? (DeAnn)
  MRU/MTU for 56k modem ("Wayne Osborn")
  RedHat 7.0 Install question ("Martin G. Diehl")
  Re: Problem Installing Red Hat linux on a second HDD ("Dominique Schuppli")
  Re: Problem Installing Red Hat linux on a second HDD ("Dominique Schuppli")
  Re: Need help, how to check harddisk error? (Huan Nguyen)
  Re: Linux & Win2K ("Dominique Schuppli")
  Re: netscape (Jim M)
  Please help: /dev/rft0 not found ("H.A.J. van Niekerk")
  Re: my linux story (mfh)
  Re: Suse 6.4 to 7.1 (future) upgrade. (mfh)


From: "Wayne Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: File with bad user & group ID
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 00:09:18 +0800

In article <9b6sed$dr$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> >> Does anyone know how to remove a file with bad User & Group ID's?
>> >
>> > Have you tryed changing the group/userid from root ?
>> Yes, permission denied...
> I suppose you never heard of the file attributes? try `lsattr filename`,
> and you'll probbaly see an 'i' appear. chattr -i will clear the
> immutable bit.
> Eric

No go:

[root@LinuxBox /.crap]# lsattr hdparm
lsattr: No such device While reading flags on hdparm

Be Excellent To Each Other.


From: "Wayne Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: File with bad user & group ID
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 00:17:54 +0800

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Peter T. Breuer"

> Wayne Osborn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to remove a file with bad User & Group ID's?
> man rm. The uid and gid are not relevant.
>> While tinkering with hdparm (setting -X66 on a drive that did not like
>> it!), my system locked. When rebooted, the file hdparm had become a
>> block device file belonging to user "8633". As root, I can't delete it.
> Oh, OK. The uid and gid are not relevant (repeat). The problem is that
> it's probbably got an immutable attribute set. Man chattr.
>> I have tried adding a user with that Id, no go.
> You really are fixated on this, aren't you! You could have discarded
> that hypothesis by making another block device with the same modes and
> owner and group, and deleting it! What stopped you performing that test?
> It would have told you that none of the attributes you could SEE were
> relevant.

Well, come to mention it, I did delete the amiga mouse device, to see if
I could delete block devices.

>> I am sure there is a neat way of handling these problems.
> If the inode is really messed up, chattr won't work. You'll have to get
> out debugfs and clear the inode contents and the directory reference.
>> PS. Anyone playing with hdparm should be VERY CAREFULL, especially
>> enabling UDMA.
> Well, of course. Now you get the same chance to mess up, this time by
> hand, with debugfs.

For me, this is how to learn all about Linux, on a machine that is not is
commercial use. How else does one learn if that 'xyzzy' parameter kicks
etc. etc. 

> Peter

Thanks Peter.

Be Excellent To Each Other.


From: "Sri Panyam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hard Drive Corruption?????
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 03:03:58 +1000


     This is my scenario:::

Linux was randomly giving page faults and so I had to physically shut off
the machine.  Now what is happening is that when I start the machine, it
wants to me to run e2fsck.

When I do it tells me that it cant find the /dev/hda5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9.
Does any body know how I can get back my hard drive or is it basically



From: Rimas Vilgalys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: oaf wont compile
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:15:21 -0400

I hit another rock after pseudo-solving that gnome-error: oaf-0.5.7
doesent want to compile.
I'm afraid I can give you the exact error message (I'm in MacOS now,
cause X ain't workin) but it was about like this:

gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I.. -I.. -I../liboaf -I../liboaf
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/local/gnome/include
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -DVERSION=\"0.5.1\" -g -O2 -c  -fPIC -DPIC
oaf-activate.c -o oaf-activate.lo
oaf-activate.c: In function `oaf_query':
oaf-activate.c:75: warning: passing arg 4 of
`OAF_ActivationContext_query' from incompatible pointer type
oaf-activate.c:75: too many arguments to function
oaf-activate.c: In function `oaf_activate':
oaf-activate.c:134: warning: passing arg 5 of
`OAF_ActivationContext_activate' from incompatible pointer type
oaf-activate.c:134: too many arguments to function
oaf-activate.c: In function `oaf_activate_from_id':
oaf-activate.c:217: warning: passing arg 4 of
`OAF_ActivationContext_activate_from_id' from incompatible pointer type
oaf-activate.c:217: too many arguments to function
But the line numbers were different. Are there any people here who would
know what this means? I may just try an rpm, but I got a little scared
of those (see me earlier posts)...

Y'all will probably get more posts like this as i make more umm..
"progress" (fuck my system up even more).

   rim vilgalys


From: Vince Banes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH installed on a very small flash IDE
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:06:55 -0400

I need to install RH 6.x on a system using a small (128Mb) 
IDE FLASH drive.  I cannot use a regular hard drive since 
this system will be placed in a high altitude balloon with 
no presureized or heated cabin for the hard drive.

For development, I can attach a floppy and network drop to 
the flight hardware.  I used the RH 6.1 bootnet.img floppy 
install method and got as far as installing the various 
packages.  The intall stops as says I need more disk space.  
I turned off all possible packages, but it still needs at 
least 135Mb.  Remember, there is only 128Mb total.

I need for the system (Pentium based CPCI based system) to
boot up, load a couple kernal device drivers and then run
one program without any operator intervention.  The data 
will be collected and written to the FLASH drive and 
transmitted via radio to the ground station.

The development will be done on another system and the final
executable files transfered to the flight system.  Thus, I 
do not need any development support tools on the flight 


From: Colin Pinkney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.4.1 and StarOffice
Date: 13 Apr 2001 17:25:33 GMT

In comp.os.linux.misc rolf minder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> i have had the same problem with kernel 2.2.18.

> in the directory-list i have had the following entrys

> /root
> /usr
> ....
> /windows/G
> /windows/H
> ...

> i must change it to
> /root
> /usr
> ...
> /windows/g
> /windows/h
> ....

> after this change i can write with staroffice to the vfat disk

> i hope you have success.

Thanks for the suggestions, but sadly none have worked so far. I
upgraded to kernel 2.4.3 and StarOffice still cannot save to a fat
partition. My Zip drive (with disks formatted as 16bit fat) is mounted
under /zip but StarOffice can't save to that either. I also tried
mounting my win98 and zip partitions as umsdos but it can't save to
those either. But absolutely everything else is fine. If I reboot with
kernel 2.2.13 then StarOffice works ok, but I need the latest kernel
for other things. I don't get it.

Colin Pinkney
======== 3rd Year Warwick University Computer Science Undergraduate =========
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Web Site:
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* "I am ready to go anywhere, provided it be forward" *-*-*


From: Peter Christy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.asus
Subject: Re: Audio with Linux (2.4.2/2.2.16) kernel and Asus AV7133
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:47:19 +0100

I'm not familiar with that particular motherboard, but from the number I'm 
guessing it uses the VIA chipset. Many people have had problems getting the 
kernel drivers to work with this chipset. I suggest you use the Alsa 
drivers (available from the Alsa project website - can't remember the URL, 
but search for alsa on google!)

I'm using the latest beta drivers (0.9.0beta3 ) which have proved perfectly 
stable, and work with the VIA / AC97 audio setup better than the "stable" 
0.5.x drivers.

There is a good "idiots guide" to setting this all up on the linuxnewbie 
website (



Subject: Re: Hard Drive Corruption?????
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 17:43:58 GMT

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 03:03:58 +1000, "Sri Panyam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>     This is my scenario:::
>Linux was randomly giving page faults and so I had to physically shut off
>the machine.  Now what is happening is that when I start the machine, it
>wants to me to run e2fsck.
>When I do it tells me that it cant find the /dev/hda5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9.
>Does any body know how I can get back my hard drive or is it basically
                It could be that your partition table has gotten
corrupted.  If this is the case AND if you recreate the table
correctly (with fdisk, for example) AND if the drive is still
readable/usable, you may be able to recover all or most of your data.

                If the page faults were because the whole drive is
going south, you may not be able to recover anything.  (Time to haul
out those backups you religiously made.)

               So long as you do not save any changes, it is safe to
look at your drive's partition table with fdisk.  Barring additional
hardware failure, "looking" at the partition table will not make
things worse.  Before you try any changes, write down what the
partition table thinks it is now, so that you can recreate what you
have now.


From: "Wayne Osborn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRU/MTU for 56k modem
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 01:53:38 +0800

Can anyone suggest optimal MRU/MTU settings for PPP over a 56k

Be Excellent To Each Other.

  |\                                         \
  | +-----------------------------------------+
  | |                                         |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
 _| | |                                     | |
|\| | |Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guiness)  | |
| | | |kernel 2.2.16-22.3.win4lin on an i686| |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |Login: dnar                          | |
| | | |Password: ******                     | |
| | | |                                     | |
| | | |You have mail!                       | |
| | | |To reply: Remove 308 from dnar308    | |
\ | | |                                     | |
 \| | |Wayne Osborn, DNA Research           | |
  | | |Perth, Western Australia             | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | |[[EMAIL PROTECTED]] $                | |
  | | |                                     | |
  | | +-------------------------------------+ |
  \ |                                         |
   \|                     oooo         O      |
      |\  o  oooo  oooo  oooo   ooo   = = =  \
       \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
        \\  ooooooooooooooooooo   ooo   oooo   \
         \\  ooooooooooooooooooo         oooo   \
          \\  ooooooooooooooooooo    o    oooo   \
           \\  ooo===========ooooo   ooo   oooo   \


Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 14:04:15 -0400
From: "Martin G. Diehl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RedHat 7.0 Install question

I am starting to learn Linux.  I have RedHat 7.0, and 
have installed it using the "Workstation" option.  

I also need to use that PC as a Linux server.  

How do I get the RedHat distribution CD-ROM to add 
the server option to the existing workstation setup.  


Martin G. Diehl

I am what I am.  All expressed opinions are strictly my own.


From: "Dominique Schuppli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem Installing Red Hat linux on a second HDD
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:15:44 +0200

Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9b3ica$a8f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> If you show me your partitiontable, it may be easily solved.

Really? Wow, that would be great... You inspired me to actually look in
detail at the partition tables on /dev/hdb... First let me tell you what I
found out so far.

By the way, you can email me directly if this should be getting off-topic.

First of all, it seems like Windows and Linux use the same translation; a
DOS disk utility (Norton DiskEdit) and Linux's fdisk show the same partition
locations and sizes. BUT: under DOS my Linux swap partition (type 82) is
listed as an extended partition (type 05), which is of course horribly
wrong. I have then changed the type to the correct one (82) under DOS, but
when I restarted Linux there was an error message during bootup:

"swapon: /dev/hdb6: invalid argument"

Well, here is what (Linux's) fdisk showed me about the partitions on

(partition number; head, sec, cyl; head sec, cyl; start; size; id; +my

1 (active);   1,1,0;   254,63,2;   63;   48132;   83;   (Linux boot
partition, 23 MB)
2;   0,1,3;   254,63,35;   48195;   530145;   D7;   (special; see below. 259
3;   0,1,36;   254,63,290;   578340;   4096575;   06;   (DOS FAT16 part., 2
4;   0,1,291;   254,63,1023;   4674915;   15117165;   05;   (extended)
5;   1,1,291;   254,63,1023;   63;   12289662;   83;   (Linux main part., 6
6;   254,63,1023;   254,63,1023;   63;   208782;   82;   (Linux swap, 102

Okay. The second partition (type D7) is basically unused. I've left it in
case I want to try out some OS things one day... so it should be ignored.
It's always been there and Windows (neither Linux, but I needn't say that
;-) never complained about it.

I have a feeling that there's something wrong with partition 6, the Linux
swap partition. Why do I see a different type under DOS than under Linux?
Why does Linux complain when I correctly set the partition type for
/dev/hdb6 to 82? Linux shows me the correct partition type even when
obviously it's really the wrong one...

What's happening here?



From: "Dominique Schuppli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem Installing Red Hat linux on a second HDD
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:18:47 +0200

Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9b3ica$a8f$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> If you show me your partitiontable, it may be easily solved.

Really? Wow, that would be great... You inspired me to actually look in
detail at the partition tables on /dev/hdb... First let me tell you what I
found out so far.

By the way, you can email me directly if this should be getting off-topic.

First of all, it seems like Windows and Linux use the same translation; a
DOS disk utility (Norton DiskEdit) and Linux's fdisk show the same partition
locations and sizes. BUT: under DOS my Linux swap partition (type 82) is
listed as an extended partition (type 05), which is of course horribly
wrong. I have then changed the type to the correct one (82) under DOS, but
when I restarted Linux there was an error message during bootup:

"swapon: /dev/hdb6: invalid argument"

Well, here is what (Linux's) fdisk showed me about the partitions on
/dev/hdb -- sorry for the horrible formatting ;-) :

[partition number; head, sec, cyl; head sec, cyl; start; size; id]

1 (active); 1,1,0; 254,63,2; 63; 48132; 83; (Linux boot partition, 23 MB)
2;   0,1,3; 254,63,35; 48195; 530145; D7; (special; see below. 259 MB)
3;   0,1,36; 254,63,290; 578340; 4096575; 06; (DOS FAT16 part., 2 GB)
4;   0,1,291; 254,63,1023; 4674915; 15117165; 05; (extended)
5;   1,1,291; 254,63,1023; 63; 12289662; 83; (Linux main part., 6 GB)
6;   254,63,1023; 254,63,1023; 63; 208782; 82; (Linux swap, 102 MB)

Okay. The second partition (type D7) is basically unused. I've left it in
case I want to try out some OS things one day... so it should be ignored.
It's always been there and Windows (neither Linux, but I needn't say that
;-) never complained about it.

I have a feeling that there's something wrong with partition 6, the Linux
swap partition. Why do I see a different type under DOS than under Linux?
Why does Linux complain when I correctly set the partition type for
/dev/hdb6 to 82? Linux shows me the correct partition type even when
obviously it's really the wrong one...

What's happening here?



From: Huan Nguyen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Re: Need help, how to check harddisk error?
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:21:15 GMT

fsck, e2fsck are filesystem checking and repairing tools.


Ken wrote:

> Igot a redhat linux in my company, but the hardware seems unreliable.
> the server cannot properly work now, stop at check hardware /var
> Is there any check disk command or any suggestion.


From: "Dominique Schuppli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux & Win2K
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 20:29:27 +0200

Rod Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> A third possibility springs to mind: A bug in Win2K. If your disk has
> only Linux partitions, then it's not the most common configuration
> around. It's conceivable that Win2K has a bug that causes it to try too
> hard to find a FAT or NTFS partition on a disk, and thus is choking on
> this disk. This is sheer speculation, though; I don't know of such a bug

Okay, besides Linux I am running Windows 95. Now Win2K is not the same as
Win95, but still... it might still work similar. Win95 DOES try VERY hard at
finding FAT partitions, even when there are none. It once created a very
interesting file called \SUHDLOG.DAT which showed how it reads every boot
sector on the second HD (where I installed Linux). (At the end of the file
it even *writes* to the MBR!)

> in Win2K, but it is conceivable. If it's the cause, you might try
> creating a small FAT partition on the disk just to satisfy Windows.

I do have a FAT partition on the second HD, still Windows tries to find even
more. If Win2K still works the same way I'm not too sure that this will



Subject: Re: netscape
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:40:29 GMT

check opera.

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 12:10:53 +1000, "Riyaz Mansoor"

>i forgot to add this to my previous post
>is there a linux browser that supports java2 other than netscape? if so,
>where can i get it?


From: "H.A.J. van Niekerk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.config,redhat.general
Subject: Please help: /dev/rft0 not found
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 21:04:18 +0200


I've a tapestreamer connected to the floppy-controller, but I can't get
it working. When I give the command 'tar cvf /dev/rft0 /usr/download' it
says 'no /dev/rft0 found'. When I try it on RH 5.2 it's OK, but the pc's
running RH 6.2 just don't work. Has there been any change under RH 6.2?

Please help!!!!




Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: my linux story
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:04:57 -0400


thanks for your help, I have another question regarding the kernel:

I have SuSE linux installed on a Compaq machine, and I need to upgrade so I can
use KDE2 which requires the 2.4 Kernel, do I have to use a SuSE kernel to do that
Is there any generic kernel that I can use instead like a download from or something, in other words is there any non distribution specific
kernel that I can use?

I'm sorry to

Nader wrote:

> Visit
> "squashstud (w2k)" wrote:
> > Hello Guys
> >
> > I installed SuSE 6.4 on a Gateway 133Mhz machine a while ago, now I want to
> > upgrade my KDE 1.1 to 2.1.1, I found that to do that I need to have the
> > Kernel version 2.4, so I decided to upgrade my kernel 2.2.14 to 2.4 ! It
> > seems not simple at all!
> >
> > I had to download the new kernel but in the Changes file I found another
> > list of libraries and other components that  needs to be upgraded, I checked
> > the versions of my existing libraries and found that many of them needs
> > upgrade, then I started downloading them one by one from the ftp locations
> > mentioned in the kernel Changes file.
> >
> > Now that I have every thing up-to-date from the gcc compiler to the XFree86
> > on CD's, how and where do I install all of them before compiling my new
> > kernel, is there a step by step simple way of doing this somewhere?
> >
> > please help
> >
> > thanks


Subject: Re: Suse 6.4 to 7.1 (future) upgrade.
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:10:12 -0400

Hi Peter

I had the same question like you, but I wonder how will you normally
upgrade, will you go to the store and by the new SuSE 7.1 package or you
will download and recompile the kernel ?



> Hi!
> I have been running Suse 6.4 for a while now, and I'm very happy, but I
> would like to get kernel 2.4 + Nautilus on my desktop, so I think
> upgrading to Suse 7.1 would be in order. Can anyone tell me how safe it
> is to upgrade? I would prefer upgrade, without reinstalling, because I
> have a few VMWare virtual machines set up and backing up would be real
> pain... Would 7.1 perform automatic upgrade?
> Thanks for any help!!!
> Peter
> P.S. I realize that 7.1 is not out there yet, but maybe someone is
> closer to the developers and knows....
> Sent via



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