Linux-Setup Digest #68, Volume #21               Wed, 18 Apr 01 17:13:04 EDT

  Re: How to switch graphcal login manger between Gnome/ KDE ? (Afonso Sam)
  redhat 7.1 install problems ("Kirk R. Wythers")
  Re: Corrupted Profile (with vi cheatsheet) ("Joe (mvjap3) Philbrook III")
  Re: i just found a strange.. (Dave Seff)
  Re: what is the difference between the evaluation SuSe and the regular 
  Re: Corrupted Profile (H.Bruijn)
  Re: cron will not run my binaries, why? (Dave Uhring)
  Re: Masquerading a network using a permanent internet connection ("KW")
  Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem ("KW")
  Re: any one got redhat 7.1 to boot? /sbin/loader hangs, blue screen. ("KW")
  Re: i just found a strange.. (Dave Uhring)
  Re: Nice tricks with Win-Printers ("KW")
  Re: i just found a strange.. (H.Bruijn)


From: Afonso Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to switch graphcal login manger between Gnome/ KDE ?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 03:16:49 +0800

I did it, thank you.

Afonso Sam

Kwan Lowe wrote:
> Edit the /etc/sysconfig/desktop file. Change it to GNOME or KDE.


From: "Kirk R. Wythers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.harware,linux.redhat.install
Subject: redhat 7.1 install problems
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 19:29:25 GMT

I'm trying to upgrade a dual boot system from redhat 7.0 to 7.1. I'm
booting from the install cd. I have a ultra 66 controller so at the boot
prompt I type linux ide2=0x1090 so the redhat can find the ide drive.
The installer starts booting up to the following, where it stalls:

hde: 58633344 sectors (30020 MB) w/1900KiB Cache, CHS=58168/16/63,
hdd: No disk in drive
dhh: 244736kb, 239/64/32 CHS, 4096 kBps, 512 sector size 2941 rpm
Partition check:

at this point the whole process comes to a screeching halt.... any ideas
as to what is going on?



From: "Joe (mvjap3) Philbrook III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Corrupted Profile (with vi cheatsheet)
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:30:13 -0400
Reply-To: mvjap3 at work <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yeah but if he is using classic vi, then he just might need a little bit

Actually If he types 

$vi /etc/profile
Then BEFORE HE TYPES THAT "a" to enter append mode while he is still in
command mode, he should move the cursor to the line with the bogus
instruction. Without confusing the issue with more powerful methods he
can just use the cursor with the arrow keys. <but don't do that in
insert/append mode with classic vi...grin> 

once the cursor is on the correct line he can just delete the whole line
with a "dd" command Or if he wants to edit it he can put the cursor on the
1st character he wants to lose and zap one character at a time by typing 
"x" then add any replacement text by entering append mode with the a like
you suggested.

Then he hits the escape key to get back to command mode where ":w<CR>" will
write the file. And finally he can use ":q<CR>" to quit vi.

or for a reasonable visual aid for vi he can print the text I appended at
the end of this message...

        ---   ___
        <O>   <->    Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
          \___/      < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, Nathan Nagel wrote:

> > This is my problem.  I can open the file but I need to know how to edit it.  Have 
>been through --help and the
> > documentation that I have and have not been able to put the commands together.
> hit "a" to get to insert (editing) mode and then "esc" to get back to
> command line.  :w writes the file.  there, i've just told you 50% of
> what I know about vi (and hopefully enough to get your file edited)
> nate

The following all assume you are in command mode... if you are in insert
mode you will have to press the escape key once to return to command mode
first, then type the below command... but I would recomend the command

:set showmode

So you will get an on screen clue to tell you when you are in insert mode.

vi System commands...

to exit vi: ZZ <save changes>
            :q <quit if no changes>
            :q! <abandon changes>

Basic edit commands:
                    [ a ] append
                    [ A ] append end of line
                    [ i ] insert
                    [ I ] insert beg of line
                    [ o ] open new line below
                    [ O ] open new line above

                    [ dd ] delete line
                    [ dw ] delete word
                    [ dG ] delete to end of doc
                    [ d3G ] delete btween cursor & beg of line 3
                    [ x ] del char
                    [ 3x ] del 3 char

                    [ r ] replace char
                    [ R ] replace multipal char

                    [ yy ] copy line
                    [ 3yy ] copy 3 lines
                    [ p ] paste below/after cursor
                    [ P ] paste above/before cursor

                    [ u ] undo
                    [ U ] multi undo (single line)
                    [ :e! ] undo everything since last save

file commands:
              [ :w ] write
              [ :w file ] write file
              [ :w! file ] overwrite file
              [ :w>>file ] append file
              [ :w ] !mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail copy of file

              [ :e newfile ] edit newfile
              [ :e! newfile ] abandon changes edit newfile
              [ :r file ] read file into current cursor position

scrolling etc:
              [ctrl-D] [ ^d ] down
              [ctrl-U] [ ^u ] up
              [ctrl-F] [ ^f ] forward
              [ctrl-B] [ ^b ] backward
              [ctrl-E] [ ^e ] down <cursor stays-screen moves>
              [ctrl-Y] [ ^y ] up <cursor stays-screen moves>

in case cursor <arrow keys> don't work... cursor moves:
             [ h ] left
             [ j ] down
             [ k ] up
             [ l ] right
other cursor moves:
             [ G ] go to end of file
             [ g linenumber] go to spec line num
             [ w ] word right
             [ b ] word back
             [ e ] end of word
             [ 0 ] beg of line
             [ $ ] end of line

search for string
                  [ /text ] search fowards for text
                  [ ?text ] search backwards for text
                [ :set ic ] would ignore case in searches


From: Dave Seff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i just found a strange..
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:51:21 -0400

v.naga srinivas wrote:

> My X Manager is of KDE..
> I locked today for 1st time the screen before lunch
> after coming from lunch, i entered the password
> field with lessthan the last numerical characters..
> funnily it opened...................
> I done several times repeatedly...........
> Its taking less 2 characters ..
> why....( any bug it seems.........)
> And similarly,      I went to advanced editor
> i copied some text
> and while pasting in
> the new mail window( of netscape mail client)
> its not pasting there.............
> whats this funny....................
> srinivas.
What version of KDE are you running. I used to build daily from CVS while I 
was developing and remember the screen lock was broken for a short time. I 
should be fixed in all of the oficial releases. 


Subject: Re: what is the difference between the evaluation SuSe and the regular
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:00:57 -0500

I'm not seeing an evaluation version for SuSe 7.1 yet, only a live
eval.  Is there an eval version, and if so, where?  I don't want to have
to boot off CD every time I reboot.  Thanks.
Chad Sellers

themethod wrote:
> Someone gave me an address for the ISO of SuSe Linux 7.1  but it is the ISO
> of the evaluation versian. how long would I be able to use it and what
> functions would it lack.
>     secondly the regular ftp versian of SuSe 7.1 is over a gigabyte and I
> need to transfer it via cd to another computer How do I sepperate the files
> to both cd's and then how do I install it
>      Please help me this is for my school computer lab and to help me learn
> linux.
> thanks


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: Corrupted Profile
Date: 18 Apr 2001 20:22:45 GMT

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 18:49:41 GMT, Ed allegedly wrote:
>On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 18:28:34 GMT, Nathan Nagel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> type:
>> vi etc/profile
>> that should get you going.  Incidentally I do not know how to open a
>> file from within vi but then again my vi skills suck, to put it mildly.

Vi is old, and according to many quite obsolete. But you can find it on
any unix system, often as the only editor installed by default. Second
since it only relies on key strokes, it is much more powerfull (for the
initiated) then most Graphical Editors.

Vi has two (actually three) modes, one the command mode and a second 
the insert mode. In the insert mode all characters you type appear on
the screen and in the text file you are editing. The Esc-key or Ctrl+[
takes you in the command mode. In command mode the characters you type
are commands that can modify text, move it around, delete
characters/lines/sections, move the cursor, and bring you in the insert
Normally you open an existing file, or create a new file from the
command line: "vi filename". The file is opened in command mode,
navigation goes either with the cursor keys or with the letters hjkl.
To go to insert mode use the one-character-commands aAiI

In command mode:
navigation:   h     l   or the cursor keys.
w       Moves one word forward.
W       Moves one word forward, and ignores punctuation.
b       Moves one word backward.
B       Moves one word backward, and ignores punctuation.
$       Go to the end of line.
0       Go to beginning of line.

Exit and save:
ZZ      save the file under the current name and exit
:wq     identical to ZZ; save the file under the current name and exit.
:q      exit the file, without saving modifications. Fails when file has
        been modified.
:q!     forced exit, abandons all changes.
:w      write file to disk. Optionally followed by a filename.

To get in Insert mode:
i       Go to insert mode at the cursor position.
I       Go to insert mode at the beginning of the line.
a       Go to insert mode after the cursor position, append.
A       Go to insert mode at the end of the line.

Modify text:
r       Replaces the one character under the cursor with the next one typed. 
R       Replaces all characters till returned to command mode.
cw      Remove the word (everything up to the next space) and go to Insert mode
c$      Remove everything till the end of line and go to Insert mode. 
x       Remove the character under the cursor.
dd      Remove the line the cursor is on.
dw      Remove the word (everything up to the next space).

u       Undo the last action. The old vi had only one level of undo,
        typing u a second time would result in undoing the undo,
        returning to the original situation. Vi IMproved fixes that.
U       Big undo, undo all changes to the line the cursor is on, since
        it was last moved there.

Some usefull settings may only apply to vim:
:set nu         Set line numbers, usefull for debugging.
:NUMBER         Go to line number NUMBER
:set ai         Set Auto Indenting.
:mkvimrc        Save all current settings to ~/.vimrc

For more information, read the following chapter:
If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                         website:
The Netherlands 


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cron will not run my binaries, why?
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:43:42 -0500

God_Of_Pain wrote:

> I wrote a simple program in C. When I try to have cron run it cron says
> that it is running it but it does not actualy run it.
> I wrote a bash script and had cron run the script and the script run the
> binary. cron runs the script just fine but the binary still does not run.
> The permissions on the binary are 755 and it is in the /usr/local/bin
> directory. I can run the binary just fine my self but cron does not. cron
> is setup to run it as root, root can run it from the command line just
> fine.
> I can find any errors in my log files about this. Every thing looks fine
> excet that I know the app does not get run.
> How do I find what is wrong?
> Any ideas as to why it would not run?
> Any ideas why there is no error reported in the logs?
cron requires the full path to the binary.


Subject: Re: Masquerading a network using a permanent internet connection
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:44:40 -0500

try adding this to your firewall/MASQ script

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and since eth1 is the outside interface, I believe you have to change -i
eth0 to -i eth1 in the MASQ line....

You shouldn't have to modify the routing tables as long as eth0 and 1 are
working correctly...   just have the win box setup to use the internal IP
as a gateway and dns...  or you could use the external DNS if you don't
want named running on your box.    

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Leo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello readers:
> I currenly am trying to setup IP Masquarading...
> I have REDHAT 6.0 installed and TWO NICs:
> eth0 is a RT8139
> eth1 is another RT8139
> eth0 has address          (invalid) eth1 has address
>       (valid)
> Our network in assigned invalid addresses and currently is under an NT
> domain.  We use a proxy which is located on an NT Server to access the
> I am experimenting with a masquarading internet to users within the
> network.  During such attempt I uninstall the proxy client to insure the
>  proxy is not functioning.
> our default gateway is set (a cisco router)
> route -n outputs the following:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
> Iface
> UH    0      0        0
> eth1
> UH    0      0        0
> eth0
> U     0      0        0
> eth1
>   U     0      0        0
> eth0
>       U     0      0        0
> lo
>         UG    0      0        0
> eth1
> I use IPCHAINS to setup MASQ with the following commands
> ipchains -P forward DENY
> ipchains -A forward -s -i eth0 -j MASQ
> The system is set up to forward packets...
> And lastly my DNS in Caching Only at the moment.
> I install my linux machine (pawn) as the gateway for the Win98 client
> ( but somehow I am not able to connect...
> Is masquarading for PPP/slip connections only?  If not how do I...
> Thanks in advance,
> Leo Cambilariu


Subject: Re: RedHat 7.1 installation problem
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:46:01 -0500

I think the CD-ROM HAS to be on the primary IDE channel with the HDD.
You may want to check that.   If it is connected to a soundcard you are
probably SOL.

In article <3add979d$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "sambucca"

> Hi all,
> I just downloaded RH 7.1 images and burnt into 2 CDs. I'm trying to
> install it on an old PC which is only P120, 48MB, 2x IDE 1.2GB disk,
> with Wearnes CDD1020 CD-ROM.
> I made a boot disk using dd command from another Linux box. Then boot up
> the P120 with the boot disk. The installation process starts but keeps
> saying "I could not find a Red Hat Linux CDROM in any of your CDROM
> drives..." even though I put disc 1 in.
> Then I start the machine using a DOS boot disk with the driver for the
> CD-ROM. I ran \dosutils\autoboot. The installation process starts but
> ends with the same error.
> Anyone has any idea why it won't see the CD.
> thanks
> Sam


Subject: Re: any one got redhat 7.1 to boot? /sbin/loader hangs, blue screen.
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:47:03 -0500

7.1 worked fine here on an install yesterday...  

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Unknown"

> hello,
> Any one able to boot the rhat 7.1 iso images (intel) ?
> After I burn the CD's (cd 1 and cd 2). I reboot the PC, and the boot
> starts from the CD. I get the menu, I hit return to do graphic install,
> then when it goes to /boot/loader message on the console, the screen
> flips to all blue and then nothing happens.
> HW is fine. I tried 2 good disks and no change. this same PC I am using
> now with Suse 7.1 and window with no problem.
> SO it seems the problem with the new RHat 7.1 not happy about something.
> This is an intel PC, IDE drives, 128 MB. nothing fancy, just a reqular
> PC.
> These are images I am using:
> 672518144 Apr 17 20:50 seawolf-i386-disc1.iso 668551168 Apr 18 00:12
> seawolf-i386-disc2.iso
> downloaded today from mirror site. (redhat ftp site is always busy, you
> would think they will get a bigger machine of something by now).


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: i just found a strange..
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:47:01 -0500

v.naga srinivas wrote:

> My X Manager is of KDE..
> I locked today for 1st time the screen before lunch
> after coming from lunch, i entered the password
> field with lessthan the last numerical characters..
> funnily it opened...................
> I done several times repeatedly...........
> Its taking less 2 characters ..
> why....( any bug it seems.........)
> And similarly,      I went to advanced editor
> i copied some text
> and while pasting in
> the new mail window( of netscape mail client)
> its not pasting there.............
> whats this funny....................
> srinivas.

Why would you even expect cut and paste to work between 2 completely 
different applications.  You want cut and paste between the editor and a 
browser, use konqueror.


Subject: Re: Nice tricks with Win-Printers
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:51:37 -0500

You could output the files in postscript (.ps)  format and use ghostscript to
convert them to PDF's.....

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Nils Holland"

> J Hayward wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Try this:
> Ok then, seems that the lxm3200 driver that is available there could
> work. I didn't yet download it, so I couldn't try it.
> HOWEVER, on the machine on which I wanted to try it, which has SuSE
> Linux 7.1 installed, I saw that ghostscript seems to actually contain a
> Lexmark 3200 driver (lex3200, as I can see by going a gs -h). In fact,
> SuSE even says on their website that the Lexmark 3200 will work with
> their distribution! Unluckily, however, I have tried that driver and it
> didn't work. I think I set up everything correctly (I've set up printers
> under Linux for many times). As I said, I will try the lxm3200 driver
> available at and see if that works. In the mean
> time, however, two more questions:
> 1) First of all, if somebody has ever set up a Lexmark 3200 under Linux,
> I'd be glad to hear about anything that I should be aware of.
> 2) What do I do when I have a GDI-Printer that *really* doesn't work
> under Linux? My father has a Minolta-QMS 1100L laser printer that prints
> really well. While I'm happy with my own Linux-compatible Deskjet, I
> thought it would be find if I could every now and then print some
> Linux-document on the 1100L. This printer emulates PCL, and I would like
> to know how I can (and if I can at all) tell Linux to send its printer
> output to a file (of course after gs has transformed it to PCL) instead
> of sending it to a printer. Any help is welcome!
> Greetings,
> Nils


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: i just found a strange..
Date: 18 Apr 2001 20:59:01 GMT

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001 09:01:52 +0000 (UTC), v.naga srinivas allegedly wrote:
>My X Manager is of KDE..
>I locked today for 1st time the screen before lunch
>after coming from lunch, i entered the password
>field with lessthan the last numerical characters..
>funnily it opened...................
>I done several times repeatedly...........
>Its taking less 2 characters ..
>why....( any bug it seems.........)

Older password encryption schemes use only the first 8 characters of
passwords, additional charatcers are ignored.

Or it's a bug in the screen lock...

If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                         website:
The Netherlands 



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