Linux-Setup Digest #317, Volume #21              Sun, 27 May 01 23:13:10 EDT

  Re: kernel failure error question, and mount question (Richard Laskey)
  Re: NT - Tracert (Dave Uhring)
  Did not find COAS?? ("psy")
  To FIPS or not to FIPS? (Vitamx)
  Re: Spambot Fodder : Dont bother to read, just spamming a spammer (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: grub versions not right and it doesn't work (Noble Pepper)
  Re: NT - Tracert (Tiikuli)
  Re: FTP Question RH 7.1 (Dean Thompson)
  pcmcia issue (Shore Linux Solutions)
  REQ:  help, simply mounting MSDOS floppy! ("Innov@tion")
  Re: Downgrade the system error message (chris)
  Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company? (Mark Johnson)
  Re: Floppy (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?=)
  Cable Modem Connection - Help Required ("Shankar Radhakrishnan")
  Why won't my RH 7.1 box reboot? ("George Adams")
  Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company? (E J)
  Re: Cable Modem Connection - Help Required (Michael Mitchell)
  Re: To FIPS or not to FIPS? (E J)
  Re: Mess up with dd (Vilmos Soti)
  Help with tinycobol (David. E. Goble)
  Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company? (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: configuring the modem (Victor S. Miller)
  Re: Downgrade the system error message (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?=)
  Re: Why won't my RH 7.1 box reboot? (Marco Radzinschi)
  Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company? (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?=)
  linux and the Mac (Shore Linux Solutions)
  PCI modem recommendations for Linux box - what should I buy? (Professor Bruno)
  Re: Did not find COAS?? (Dave Uhring)


From: Richard Laskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: kernel failure error question, and mount question
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 19:09:18 -0400

Farrell Farahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>kernel but i chose not to. i needed to enable "set version info. for all
>modules", and i was told it was in the loadable module support catagoy
>in xconfig, but what do i change, when i compiled my kernel all 3
>choices were set to yes. is that what i was supposed to do?

Yeah, that should be fine.

>also, my 2.4.4 kernel has a coupple of problems with my new kernel. when
>its starting up linux i get the following "failed" errors....

>tuning on process accounting accton...function not implemented.

Try enabling BSD process accounting, perhaps ?

>bring up device eth0: delay in eth0 initalization.

I'm thinking this has something to do with DHCP, but that's only a
recollection of a fuzzy memory.  Never messed with that sort of thing,
nor have I ever gotten that error.

>also, when i try to mount one of my fat32 partitions in linux with the
>following command: mount -t vfat /dev/had5 /mnt/my_files i get the
>following error.... mount: fs type not supported by kernel

Enable DOS FAT support, and the vfat support under that.

>and when i shut down i get two failed errors but i could only bearly
>read one of them--they went by tooo fast, the 1st one was something
>about aumix.

You might want to check the syslog.  It doesn't look like this is
related to a kernel compilation.

>im assuming these errors have to do with misconfiguration my my new
>how do i fix these problem? recompile--with what changes?

Yes, recompile with the options I mentioned above.

>lastly, i know that in xconfig i can just click help to see what a
>certin option is/does, but is their a web page/site that has the
>same/their version of the info in the help section so i can print it out
>as a referentce. i cannot print underl inux yet, i havent gotten to
>printtool yet ;-) ----- and i dont think i can print the dialog box that
>come up for help anyways.

You can check the Documentation directory.  I don't know of any other
options in there.


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NT - Tracert
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 19:34:57 -0500

Bit Twister wrote:

> On Mon, 28 May 2001 00:43:32 +0200, Deuce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>What is the equivalent for this command under Linux please.
> traceroute
> ps:
> BTW, if you want to send the same message to more than one NG, CROSSPOST!
> Don't post the same message to more than one NG individually, it makes it
> much harder to keep track of a discussion.

The real equivalent is "traceroute -I" since Windoze uses ICMP for tracert.


From: "psy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Did not find COAS??
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 20:48:56 -0400


In order to install the proper driver for my D-Link ethernet card, it is
said on the d-lind website to do the following:

Select COAS from the KDE menu
Choose network, then Ethernet interfaces
Select new device and choose VIA Rhine PCI driver.

Being happy of finally find the answer to my problem (Linux was not
detecting my ethernet card...) I went in KDE.  To my surprise, I did not
find COAS!!  I am missing something?  How can I make sure to select Via
Rhine PCI driver?

Many thanks!

Visitez mon site Web!!


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vitamx)
Date: 28 May 2001 00:48:19 GMT
Subject: To FIPS or not to FIPS?

I just bought a computer, and I am on the verge of setting it up to dual 
boot with WIN98 and Linux.  

I have 20 GIGS.

I will need to use a healthy chunk for WIN98 for work, 10G should be more than
enough.  What is the best way to partition the rest of the drive?  I would like
to be able to try different distros easily.

Also, after reading the FIPS documentation it seems that it is not easy to undo
the partitioning at some later date.  

It seems that without saving the original FAT file it is not possible.  I hate
to have 
another floppy around that I will probably only lose.  


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Spambot Fodder : Dont bother to read, just spamming a spammer
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 09:31:28 +0100

In article <9epgi1$h5b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
there are easier, more effective, and less irritating ways to do this, you

take it elsewhere.

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: Noble Pepper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: grub versions not right and it doesn't work
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 20:01:08 -0500

Sounds like you had the old version already installed. 

locate grub

if you get two you can either use the full path/name of the one you want 
or rename/delete the old one.

mike wrote:

> i downloaded grub 0.5.96 uncompressed it then typed:
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> all of the commands appeared to work, but when i type grub it displays
> version number and some of the commads that are in the
> instuctions do not work ie "setup (fd0)" ... the tar file is in the
> /root/tmp/ directory... i did think this would matter, but i thought i
> would include it
> in my quary...  any help would be great...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tiikuli)
Subject: Re: NT - Tracert
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 01:07:10 GMT

On Mon, 28 May 2001 00:43:32 +0200, "Deuce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What is the equivalent for this command under Linux please.

Most probably traceroute...

tiikuli  <daikane at yahoo dot com>  <>


From: Dean Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: FTP Question RH 7.1
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 11:21:39 +1000


> Just installed RH 7.1 and am trying to get FTP working.  When I dial
> into my ISP from a Windows system I get an access denied msg.  When I
> run "chkconfig --list wu-ftpd" it returns "wu-ftpd  off".  Is this why I
> can't connect?

Check to make sure that there is no "disable=yes" flag in the file
/etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd.  It looks like the wu-ftpd has been installed on your
system but it just hasn't been switched on.

See ya

Dean Thompson

| Dean Thompson              | E-mail  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bach. Computing (Hons)     | ICQ     - 45191180                         |
| PhD Student                | Office  - <Off-Campus>                     |
| School Comp.Sci & Soft.Eng | Phone   - +61 3 9903 2787 (Gen. Office)    |
| MONASH (Caulfield Campus)  | Fax     - +61 3 9903 1077                  |
| Melbourne, Australia       |                                            |


From: Shore Linux Solutions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: pcmcia issue
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 21:23:47 -0400

I recently installed rh 7.1 on a laptop.  Apparently it  sucessfully
detected my pcmcia modem/network card (zircom cardbus 56k).  However now

each time I reboot it is telling me the card has been removed but the
card is still actually in.  Also I am unsure of what exactly to do to
get pcmcia working.

This is my first install on a laptop.  Could someone please give me some

instructions on how or what I must do.  Also I don't know if this will
help or not but when I list my loaded modules (ls mod) it is showing 2
zircom modules having been sucessfully loaded.



From: "Innov@tion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: REQ:  help, simply mounting MSDOS floppy!
Reply-To: this newsgroup....
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 01:30:06 GMT

REQ:  help, simply mounting MSDOS floppy!

Okie doke.  I guess this will take a while, before I can learn what
you guys do instinctively.  But, I'm just trying to mount the silly
floppy, darn it!  Probably a 10-year-old could advise me on this one,

So, in RedHat v 7.1, using Gnome, I go into the console.  If what I
think I see makes sense, I need to CD down to the root before the
mount location is read by the system (I am not yet up on relative path
here...).  In any case, when I do "fdisk -l", it doesn't show the
floppy.  So I do this:
    mount -t msdos fd0 /dev/floppy
I had looked in File System and found a directory called /dev/floppy
and figured that would be a great place to mount the floppy.  But I
get the response:
    "mount point /dev/floppy does not exist"
So, frustrated, I next try this (figuring that /dev does exist):
    mount -t msdos fd0 /dev
And it responds with this:
    "special device fd0 does not exist"
So, I try with fd1, fd2, fd3, fd4, fd5, fd6, none of which apparently

Do I need to have a floppy in the drive as the system starts?  What am
I doing right and wrong here?  And, why does /dev/floppy directory not
exist when I can clearly see it in File System?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (chris)
Subject: Re: Downgrade the system error message
Date: 27 May 2001 18:35:46 -0700

Hello Rasmus, 

i try to rebuild the *.img, when the system reboot, the system show this message :

Can't found aicxxxx moduless for keneral

i think the system can't found the scsi cards.

when use floopy disk boot the system is OK
Moreover, i use fdisk /l show more device, all device is ok
and then the lino.conf no typing problems.

Would you tell me others suggest to solve my problems

Best Regards
Chris Kung


Subject: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Johnson)
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 01:29:55 GMT

My wife's small company (15 employees) would like me to install linux for 
them.  I use Mandrake at home, but I was wondering if they should be using 
RedHat or some other distribution since they are a company or does it 
really matter.  

They said they didn't care (cos they don't really have an opinion), I said 
I would install Mandrake just cos I was more familiar.  They do have a 
firewall running Debian that was installed by a contractor a long while 

Anyway, any suggestions?  Should I buy the professional versions of 
whatever, or just down the distro's off the internet...

Is LinuxCare worth getting?

thanks for your help!


From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Floppy
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 03:55:41 +0200

On Sun, 27 May 2001, LaMaffia wrote:

> I've 2 floppy on my computer one of them is 3 1/4 and other is 5 1/2 .
> When i'm on win98 the floppy A is 3 1/4  and B is 5 1/2 .
> The problem is the following : when i switch to linux (redhat 6.2) it
> recognizes fd1 the
> floppy 3 1/4 and fd0 the floppy 5 1/2 .
> Could anyone tell me if  i can change the floppys in linux, fd1 as floppy 5
> 1/2 and fd0 as 3 1/4 ?

Exchange the positions on the cable. You cannot echange them otherwise.
Many BIOS'es has a possibilty to swap floppy drives, but a never made it

Just mount them where you want and forket about the fd0 and fd1 names.


-- [ Rasmus 'Møffe' Bøg Hansen ] --------------------------------------
There is no insanity, just different perceptions of reality.
================================= [ moffe at amagerkollegiet dot dk ] =0


From: "Shankar Radhakrishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Cable Modem Connection - Help Required
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:01:40 GMT


I've a Windows 2000 and Linux Mandrake 7.2 on my machine. As of now I've my
AT&T @home connection to access Internet thro' Windows2000. I would like to
use my @home modem[ 3Com Modem ], while I'm in Linux.

Can someone help me to establish this connectivity. I'm new to Linux and
please be in detail in your replies.

Thanks a lot, in advance for your help.

- Shankar.


From: "George Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.redhat
Subject: Why won't my RH 7.1 box reboot?
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:03:03 -0400

I'm trying to compile a new 2.4.4 kernel to replace the 2.4.2 kernel that
came with Redhat Linux 7.1, which I installed a few weeks ago. Everything
seems to be going well, and the new kernel seems to work fine... except when
it comes to shutdowns and reboots.  For instance "reboot" (or "shutdown -r
now") goes through the regular list of things, and after unmounting the
filesystems, says:
   Please wait while the system is rebooting.
   Restarting system.
(or something to that effect).

Then the system just hangs.  I have to hit the restart button to get it to
reboot.  Needless to say, that'll make remote sysadmin'ing a bit of a pain.

Since rebooting/shutdown used to work fine under the RH7.1 2.4.2 kernel, I
wondered if maybe some of the new features I had compiled into the 2.4.4
kernel (as modules) were causing problems.  So I removed the power
management (APM/APCI) and USB support I had added and recompiled/reinstalled
the kernel.  But that didn't work - it still hung at the same place.


1) Can anyone tell me why this happening, and what I need to do to fix it?

2) if this problem could be due to any NUMBER of things, can anyone give me
an idea of what kind of steps I can take to track down what's causing the
problem?  (even if it involves making modifications to the kernel source to
write out debugging info, or whatever's necessary)

Thanks to anyone who can help!

(Oh, the system is a Dell PowerEdge server (700Mhz, I believe, with 256M


Subject: Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company?
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:06:05 GMT

Mark Johnson wrote:

> My wife's small company (15 employees) would like me to install linux for
> them.  I use Mandrake at home, but I was wondering if they should be using
> RedHat or some other distribution since they are a company or does it
> really matter.

Pick a distro you are comfortable with.

> They said they didn't care (cos they don't really have an opinion), I said
> I would install Mandrake just cos I was more familiar.  They do have a
> firewall running Debian that was installed by a contractor a long while
> back.

You can create a firewall with most other distro.

> Anyway, any suggestions?  Should I buy the professional versions of
> whatever, or just down the distro's off the internet...

Only if you can't get if off the internet, or if there is licensing issues.
For example, you can get  a special edition Redhat 7.0 with a pricey licences
for Oracle 8i and it is legal to use commerically; the extra disk (3, 4, etc)
for Mandrake is also commerical.
You download linux off the net, and buy commerical software packages you need
(if you need it).

> Is LinuxCare worth getting?

It depends, do want to buy preventive support or support when you get into
trouble?  How much level of support
do you want.
Many distros include Redhat have a support program which you can buy.

> thanks for your help!


From: Michael Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cable Modem Connection - Help Required
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:09:21 GMT

Shankar Radhakrishnan wrote:

> hello,
> I've a Windows 2000 and Linux Mandrake 7.2 on my machine. As of now I've my
> AT&T @home connection to access Internet thro' Windows2000. I would like to
> use my @home modem[ 3Com Modem ], while I'm in Linux.
> Can someone help me to establish this connectivity. I'm new to Linux and
> please be in detail in your replies.
> Thanks a lot, in advance for your help.
> - Shankar.

It will be simple getting through netconfig, one thing they don't tell you is
too get your mail server and news server ip's and plug them in your browser
settings.  Netscape mail server works great in Linux but you have to plug in ip
numbers and not "mail" as if in Windoz.


Subject: Re: To FIPS or not to FIPS?
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:14:47 GMT

You should always backup when repartition your hard disk, using open source or
commerical programs.
Yes, you can't undo the partition using FIPS, but you repartition back it original
form using "parted" from or the commerical "partition magic".
Or instant of FIPS, you can start off with "parted" or "partition magic"

Vitamx wrote:

> I just bought a computer, and I am on the verge of setting it up to dual
> boot with WIN98 and Linux.
> I have 20 GIGS.
> I will need to use a healthy chunk for WIN98 for work, 10G should be more than
> enough.  What is the best way to partition the rest of the drive?  I would like
> to be able to try different distros easily.
> Also, after reading the FIPS documentation it seems that it is not easy to undo
> the partitioning at some later date.
> It seems that without saving the original FAT file it is not possible.  I hate
> to have
> another floppy around that I will probably only lose.


Subject: Re: Mess up with dd
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:21:00 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nickr_21045) writes:

> I did :
> dd if=bare.i of=/dev/hda1
> by mistake I meant to do dd if=bare.i of=dev/fd0
> /dev/hda1 is a windows 98 FAT32 partition I wrote 1788+0 records.
> Now when I try to mount the windows partition I get

We feel sorry for you. Backup is your only option.



From: goble@gtech (David. E. Goble)
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,aus.computers.linux,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Help with tinycobol
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:28:29 GMT
Reply-To: goble@gtech

Hi All;

Iam running redhat 6.2 (server install).

I found tinycobol-0_51-1_libc5_i386.rpm on tuscow.

But when I try to compile one of the, this happens;

############ ###################

Processing compiler parameters
Cannot spawn
"/usr/local/src/redhat/BUILD/tinycobol-0.51/cobpp/htcobolpp": execv
error: pre-processor return status=512, ... aborting
Assembler messages:
Error: Can't open job1.s for reading.
job1.s: No such file or directory
make: *** [job1.o] Error 1

Earlier I had similar problems with htcobol, it had htcobol in
/usr/local/bin and had cobopt in /usr/local/share/htcobol. I had to cp
one to the other. I ended up cp each to the other.

can anyone help please, I would really would like to move my cobol
programming from win95 Microfoucus personnal to linux.


Subject: Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company?
From: Vilmos Soti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:22:15 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Johnson) writes:

> My wife's small company (15 employees) would like me to install linux for 
> them.  I use Mandrake at home, but I was wondering if they should be using 
> RedHat or some other distribution since they are a company or does it 
> really matter.  

If you will be ending up maintaining the machines, then install the
one you are familiar with.



Subject: Re: configuring the modem
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Victor S. Miller)
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:26:31 GMT

>>>>> "Duane" == Duane Healing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Duane> You don't mention what kind of modem it is (manufacturer,
    Duane> model, chipset) so it's hard to know for sure, but I'd bet
    Duane> it's probably a winmodem. You may be able to get it to work
    Duane> (see for details) or you may have
    Duane> a piece of junk.

    Duane> -- -Duane -DNAware SoftLabs

Duane, Nope it's a U.S. Robotics Sportster 33600 FAX/Voice Int.  No
winmodems for me!



From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Downgrade the system error message
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 04:27:42 +0200

On 27 May 2001, chris wrote:

> i try to rebuild the *.img, when the system reboot, the system show this message :

Eh, *.img? The kernel image or what?

> Can't found aicxxxx moduless for keneral
> i think the system can't found the scsi cards.

That's perfectly correct. You need to have support for your SCSI adapter
in your kernel.

> when use floopy disk boot the system is OK
> Moreover, i use fdisk /l show more device, all device is ok
> and then the lino.conf no typing problems.

Ok. Did you actuallyy compile a kernel? If so recompile it with support
for your SCSI adapter. The SCSI adapter needs to be compiled in - not as
a module. The kernel cannot access modules until the root file system is
mounted (as the modules are on the root file system).


-- [ Rasmus 'Møffe' Bøg Hansen ] --------------------------------------
ATA100 is another testimony to the fact that pigs can be
made to fly given sufficient thrust (to borrow an RFC)
                                               -Alan Cox
================================= [ moffe at amagerkollegiet dot dk ] =0


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.admin,comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.redhat
From: Marco Radzinschi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why won't my RH 7.1 box reboot?
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 02:35:29 GMT


        I had this same exact problem using both red hat 7.0 and red hat
7.1 on an HP Vectra Pentium 166 MMX.  Corel Linux shut down and powered
off correctly though, so I knew it was red hat's doing. :-)

Anyway, you have to recompile the kernel, and under Advanced Power
Management, there is an option to "use real mode BIOS to shutdown" or
something like that (first 4 words there for sure); enable it.

On my particular system, the 2.4.2 kernel that came with red hat did not
work even with that option enabled, but it does now that I installed the
2.4.5 kernel.  Try it with 2.4.4, but try the newly released 2.4.5 if it
doesn't work.  Judging from what you say, however, 2.4.4 will probably
work on your system as long as you enable this option.

Cross posted to four newsgroups... can't wait for the porn mail to come
in. :-)



Marco Radzinschi

AOL IM: CrackedBoy

"Then, in the dark hour before dawn, sirens blasted. They were announcing
departures for a world that now and forever meant nothing to me. . . . And
I felt ready to live it all again too. As if that blind rage had washed me
clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs
and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world.
Finding it so much like myself--so like a brother, really--I felt that I
had been happy and that I was happy again." --Meursault of The Stranger

On Sun, 27 May 2001, George Adams wrote:

> I'm trying to compile a new 2.4.4 kernel to replace the 2.4.2 kernel that
> came with Redhat Linux 7.1, which I installed a few weeks ago. Everything
> seems to be going well, and the new kernel seems to work fine... except when
> it comes to shutdowns and reboots.  For instance "reboot" (or "shutdown -r
> now") goes through the regular list of things, and after unmounting the
> filesystems, says:
>    Please wait while the system is rebooting.
>    Restarting system.
> (or something to that effect).
> Then the system just hangs.  I have to hit the restart button to get it to
> reboot.  Needless to say, that'll make remote sysadmin'ing a bit of a pain.
> Since rebooting/shutdown used to work fine under the RH7.1 2.4.2 kernel, I
> wondered if maybe some of the new features I had compiled into the 2.4.4
> kernel (as modules) were causing problems.  So I removed the power
> management (APM/APCI) and USB support I had added and recompiled/reinstalled
> the kernel.  But that didn't work - it still hung at the same place.
> So:
> 1) Can anyone tell me why this happening, and what I need to do to fix it?
> Or,
> 2) if this problem could be due to any NUMBER of things, can anyone give me
> an idea of what kind of steps I can take to track down what's causing the
> problem?  (even if it involves making modifications to the kernel source to
> write out debugging info, or whatever's necessary)
> Thanks to anyone who can help!
> (Oh, the system is a Dell PowerEdge server (700Mhz, I believe, with 256M
> RAM)


From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rasmus_B=F8g_Hansen?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Redhat vs. Mandrake for small company?
Date: Mon, 28 May 2001 04:39:00 +0200

On Mon, 28 May 2001, Mark Johnson wrote:

> My wife's small company (15 employees) would like me to install linux for
> them.  I use Mandrake at home, but I was wondering if they should be using
> RedHat or some other distribution since they are a company or does it
> really matter.
> They said they didn't care (cos they don't really have an opinion), I said
> I would install Mandrake just cos I was more familiar.  They do have a
> firewall running Debian that was installed by a contractor a long while
> back.
> Anyway, any suggestions?  Should I buy the professional versions of
> whatever, or just down the distro's off the internet...

Probably the best thing is to gor for Mandrake. As you say, you are
familiar with it. Whether you choose RedHat or Mandrake does probably
not matter for them and then you experience is probablt more important.


-- [ Rasmus 'Møffe' Bøg Hansen ] --------------------------------------
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes.
                                                            -- Dr. Who
================================= [ moffe at amagerkollegiet dot dk ] =0


From: Shore Linux Solutions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux and the Mac
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 23:03:20 -0400

I am running rh linux 7.1 I have a zip disk that a friend of mine put
graphic files on for me.  However the zip disk was done on a zip disk
machine.  What I would like to do is mount the disc on the linux box and

transfer the files to the box.  However each time I attempt to mount
the file system it is telling me that it is an incorrect type.

The following command is the exact command I am entering (mount -t hfs
/dev/hdc /mnt/zip100.0)  I have no problems seeing windows formatted zip

disc but I cannot get this mac zip disc mounted at all.  I have even
looked in /proc/filesystems and I don't see hfs listed.  However when I
looked at the man page for mount and hfs is a valid type for the -t

Can you please direct me to anyway that I can properly view the contents

of a mac formatted disc?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Professor Bruno)
Subject: PCI modem recommendations for Linux box - what should I buy?
Date: 28 May 2001 03:05:23 GMT

Per the subject line.  Any recommendations on what to get?


Max Pyziur


From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Did not find COAS??
Date: Sun, 27 May 2001 22:07:34 -0500

psy wrote:

> Hi!
> In order to install the proper driver for my D-Link ethernet card, it is
> said on the d-lind website to do the following:
> Select COAS from the KDE menu
> Choose network, then Ethernet interfaces
> Select new device and choose VIA Rhine PCI driver.
> Being happy of finally find the answer to my problem (Linux was not
> detecting my ethernet card...) I went in KDE.  To my surprise, I did not
> find COAS!!  I am missing something?  How can I make sure to select Via
> Rhine PCI driver?
> Many thanks!

COAS is from Caldera Open Linux.  What distribution are you using?  Perhaps 
linuxconf will substitute.



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