Linux-Setup Digest #336, Volume #21              Wed, 30 May 01 19:13:07 EDT

  Re: X configuration (Frank Prengel)
  USB missing IRQ (HD)
  Re: Help, I'm trying to find COM2 (KCmaniac)
  Re: HELP : syslog problem (Michael Heiming)
  File Permissions - again ("Rloc")
  Re: Help, I'm trying to find COM2 ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Login Problems on Red Hat 7.1 Install (Squirrel Police)
  DNS lookup fails (Lee Merrill)
  Re: Login Problems on Red Hat 7.1 Install (Michael Heiming)
  Mandrake 7.1 boot error ("EC932")
  Adding service on boot up (Philip)
  Re: Adding service on boot up (H.Bruijn)
  Apache question (Lamar Thomas)
  Re: Mess up with dd (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
  Re: Adding service on boot up ("Peter T. Breuer")


From: Frank Prengel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: X configuration
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:15:06 +0200

See if your laptop is listed at
It took me about 3 weeks to get everything working on mine...


D.P.Conroy wrote:

> I have just installed RedHat 7.1. The install seems to have worked fine
> apart from the X configuration. I was wondering if anyone knows how to
> configure X for a laptop TFT screen or how to go about it.
> Cheers
> Darren


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: USB missing IRQ
Date: 30 May 2001 13:35:40 -0700

I have an old PPro system (SuperMicro P6SNA motherboard, 440FX
chipset, AMI BIOS).  The motherboard has a USB controller which I
enabled in the BIOS, but insmod of the usb module uhci failed because
the BIOS did not assign an IRQ to the USB controller.

My BIOS does NOT have any options to assign IRQs to the USB
controller.  I have already enabled the USB device in the BIOS.  PnP
OS is also turned off.

I played with setpci as some posts on this group had suggested but
that did not do anything.  lspci and /proc/interrupts still show NO
irq assigned to the USB controller.

I am stuck at this point and don't know how to proceed further 8(
I am hoping there is a way for the OS to force an irq if one is not
assigned by the BIOS.

I am using kernel 2.4.3-20mdk (Mandrake 8.0)

Any help is appreciated.

-- HD


From: KCmaniac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help, I'm trying to find COM2
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 16:44:24 -0400

First, your responses and patience is greatly appreciated and isn't unnoticed, I assure

The last couple of hours I have been trying to get further along but this problem is
still persisting.

>Of course they ARE! Install them (and where did anyone say kermit ...).
>I don't know where you get the concept of a "basic system" from! What
>your debian system contains is exactly what you choose to put in it, no
>more and no less! On my old debian stable distro, minicom is at 1.82.1:

To elaborate on minicom not being available:
I installed debian following their instructions.  I downloaded files and placed them
where I thought they should be according to the instructions.  Started the process with
boot floppy.  The install program then stepped me through (not without some
peculuarities, mind you) to installing a "basic system" which came from one of the 
I downloaded.  After it apparently installed the kernal and "basic" system, I was
required to re-boot and the install program then re-continued.  The next step was to
install the liteny of packages that make up the a "complete"  debian system.  I choose 
use the FTP method, hoping that it would just magically configure my modem, dial out 
presto files will be downloading and installed.  I also wish a million dollars 
There is no minicom, emacs, gnome and all the other major programs included with this
"basic" system.  Before I rebooted, it didn't ask me what I wanted to include about
anything.  Once the "basic" system is in order, then the install program walks you
through upgrading to the full blown system.  I knew in the back of my mind that it 
going to be able to configure my modem so I somehow managed to quit the install program
(it wasn't easy).  I rebooted again and what I have is a minimal command line system.

>I have never heard of this file[serial.conf]. What is it used for? I would suppose
>it contains configuration parameters for use by setserial when called
>from one of the init.d scripts in your debian setup. Throw it away,
>unless you plan on using it for something!

After doing some plugging and chugging, I found that indeed my RH system does not use
COM2.  It assigns the modem to ttyS14.  I went back and booted into the debian system 
it is not even doing that.  It is not creating a /dev/ttyS14 or /dev/modem.  I am 
sure ltmodem.o does not have anything to do with this because it isn't even loaded 
either the end of the boot process or after it.  This setserial program is just to 
serial port's configurations.  It doesn't have much to do with the boot process'
detection of serial ports, either.  So I am totally at a lose as to why this kernal is
not finding or detecting the modem.

I went to and learned that the with each new kernal version ltmodem.o 
to now change with it.  I guess this started after 2.2.14 which is what I am using on 
RH.  Debian installed some obscure kernal "2.2.19-pre17-idepci" on my disk.  I figure
this must be a temporary kind of minimal kernal just for the installation procedure and
the upgrade procedure to a full blown system would include the complete 2.2.19 kernal, 
something.  Anyway, I downloaded a .deb module from this site that is supposed to match
2.2.19-idepci but upon running dpkg -i, the program said that the module depends on
kernal-image 2.2.19-idepci but I have this obscure pre17 kernal?????

So now I can't even, apparently, install this latest winmodem driver.  I am THIS close 
giving up.  This is just NUTS.  Linux is definently NOT user friendly.
And I am not going to continuously fork over dollars to keep up with all the kernal
versions and distro versions.  Windows is bad enough but they are not, at least, 
out new versions every SIX MONTHS like RedHat and the linux world is doing.

Normally when I really put my mind to something, I can do it.  But trying to upgrade 
Linux is nearly a practice in futility unless you just break down and spend 40.00 every
six months to keep up with all their changes, I guess.  Backward compatibility must be
low on the Linux communities priority list and I question their ISO rating.  It must be
one of the lower level ratings.

Oh, well, back to Windows, I guess.



Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:48:47 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HELP : syslog problem

joyeux666 wrote:
> Hello, I'm french.
> at present i make my work placement in D'arva, I have a problem with syslog
> under Linux.
> Indeed, I would like to get back the logs of a switch in a file which I have to
> create in /Var/log/switch.log
> In the syslog program, I added -r to the daemon syslogd to allow the reception
> of the distant network. I modified the syslog.conf file in etc/syslog.conf by
> adding it the line
> IPadress.*      /Var/log/switch.log
> I have already to try
> @hostname.*     /Var/log/switch.log
> by adding IPadress hostname in the file hosts

from 'man syslogd':

To forward all kernel messages to a remote h
configuration file would be as follows:
                   # Sample configuration file to forward
                   # messages to a remote host.  

The line that follows doesn't really look like what you put in...

Michael Heiming


From: "Rloc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: File Permissions - again
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:21:06 +0200

I have a network of Win9x boxes connected to a Mandrake 7 fileserver /
internet gateway.
I need to achieve the following:

The directory /home/sites/management must be rwx for all users in the group
Any files created by members of the group 'management' via SAMBA should be
created rwx for 'management' and should preserve the ownership of the fle.

The directory /home/sites/unrestricted should be rwx for all users in groups
'public' and 'management' and any files created by any members of these two
groups via SAMBA should be rwx for public and file ownership should be

Please advise me as to the settings in smb.conf regarding 'force create
mode=xxxx' and 'force directory mode = yyyy' and any other relevant settings
regarding the permissions for the directories /home, /home/sites, and
/home/sites/management and /home/sites/public

Thanks and regards



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help, I'm trying to find COM2
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:09:32 GMT

KCmaniac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To elaborate on minicom not being available:
> I installed debian following their instructions.  I downloaded files and placed them
> where I thought they should be according to the instructions.  Started the process 
> boot floppy.  The install program then stepped me through (not without some
> peculuarities, mind you) to installing a "basic system" which came from one of the 

You are misunderstanding the word "basic". That means "minimal". Once
the basic system is installed, you  then have to go on and add
everything you want!

> required to re-boot and the install program then re-continued.  The next step was to
> install the liteny of packages that make up the a "complete"  debian system.  I 
>choose to
> use the FTP method, hoping that it would just magically configure my modem, dial out 

?? modems don't need configuring. And yes, you are now supposed to
install the rest via ftp or from any other media you have handy.

> After doing some plugging and chugging, I found that indeed my RH system does not use
> COM2.  It assigns the modem to ttyS14.  I went back and booted into the debian 
>system and
> it is not even doing that.  It is not creating a /dev/ttyS14 or /dev/modem.  I am 

Well I wouldn't expect it to! I seriously doubt that you have even
gotten hold of a driver for the winmodem. It's getting the driver, and
reading the instructions that come with it, that causes the /dev/ttyS14
to be made. Reading the instructions causes you to follow them, and
along the way causes you to make that device node.

> sure ltmodem.o does not have anything to do with this because it isn't even loaded 

I don't know how you'd get hold of it! I don't see how it could come
with debian, but I've been surprised before.

> I went to and learned that the with each new kernal version ltmodem.o 

Well, of course. You need to get the code in the first place!

> RH.  Debian installed some obscure kernal "2.2.19-pre17-idepci" on my disk.  I figure

That's fine. It's a near 2.2.19, compiled for ide and pci. You should
compile your own as soon as possible, just for practice.

> this must be a temporary kind of minimal kernal just for the installation procedure 
> the upgrade procedure to a full blown system would include the complete 2.2.19 
>kernal, or
> something.  Anyway, I downloaded a .deb module from this site that is supposed to 
> 2.2.19-idepci but upon running dpkg -i, the program said that the module depends on
> kernal-image 2.2.19-idepci but I have this obscure pre17 kernal?????

?? You have to _get_ the new kernel-image first. That's what apt-get
does for you automatically. You are using the wrong tools. The command

   apt-get update
   apt-get upgrade

in that order. You don't "get a .deb" and then use dpkg on it!

> So now I can't even, apparently, install this latest winmodem driver.  I am THIS 
>close to
> giving up.  This is just NUTS.  Linux is definently NOT user friendly.

It is not friendly to people who behave crazily towards it! Why are you
behaving so strangely? Why did you go and get a .deb for something
(and then complain when it rightly told you that you'd wreck your
system if you isntalled it). COme to that, why are you doing all this
nonsense? You aren't at the stage where you can compile anything yet,
let alone compile a kernel, or a kernel driver! You'll need piles of
stuff, and all you've done is install a minimal 40MB or so of basic
system. You've got another 2GB to come!

> And I am not going to continuously fork over dollars to keep up with all the kernal

:-) Boy! Have you got the wrong end of the stick! This is 
getting quite funny now.

> versions and distro versions.  Windows is bad enough but they are not, at least, 
> out new versions every SIX MONTHS like RedHat and the linux world is doing.

Six months? There is a new version of debian every DAY! In fact there
are 3 new versions every day. And guess what, it's all free, and all
automatic, and all painless to install.

> Normally when I really put my mind to something, I can do it.  But trying to upgrade 

Either your mind is weaker than you think it is, or you are having a
bad day. You seem to have some remarkably inflexible ideas, and seem not
to realize that they're wrong :). It's quite amusing from here!



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Squirrel Police)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Login Problems on Red Hat 7.1 Install
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:11:21 GMT

Well, I've finally done it. On my main computer I
installed 256 additional megs of RAM and Red Hat 7.1
with the 2.4 Linux kernel. After a couple of days of
struggle, I was finally able to "see" my modem after
changing the PnP setting in my BIOS, so now I can dial
out to my ISP. And then I get stuck.

--> Modem initialized.
--> Sending: ATDT 225-8888
--> Carrier detected.  Waiting for report.
Returning not ok!!
--> Disconnecting at Wed May 30 11:54:12 2001

This is the output from the wvdial command. Now what? 
I've been reading my 7 Linux books, and checked
several more at the local bookstore.  I've downloaded
the PPP Howto from the Linux Documentation Project and
studied it.  I've checked the Red Hat Knowledge Base,
and signed up for the PPP mailing list. I've tried
getting tech support from my ISP. Next I'm going to
start hanging out on Usenet at comp.os.linux.setup.

Any suggestions?

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P.S. I did all of this with the command line about
three years ago with Red Hat 5.0 and 5.1.  I can't
imagine why I'm having so much trouble this time. 
Maybe it is the new ISP.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lee Merrill)
Subject: DNS lookup fails
Date: 30 May 2001 14:19:01 -0700


Name lookups fail on my Redhat 7.1 host for local machines, though I can find
external hosts such as just fine. I can't even find my local
machine, "host leepc" says:

Host leepc. not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

"host" can't do reverse lookups either (for a known local IP address), I get:

Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)

I tried to turn on all the traces in dhcpcd, but it doesn't seem to print
any errors for these lookups.

"dhcpcd" finds two nameservers, which I can ping and reverse-name-lookup on,
and I can ping local numeric IP addresses ("ping" works).

Any suggestions would be appreciated...



Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:33:18 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Login Problems on Red Hat 7.1 Install

Squirrel Police wrote:
> Well, I've finally done it. On my main computer I
> installed 256 additional megs of RAM and Red Hat 7.1
> with the 2.4 Linux kernel. After a couple of days of
> struggle, I was finally able to "see" my modem after
> changing the PnP setting in my BIOS, so now I can dial
> out to my ISP. And then I get stuck.
> --> Modem initialized.
> --> Sending: ATDT 225-8888
> --> Carrier detected.  Waiting for report.
> Returning not ok!!
> --> Disconnecting at Wed May 30 11:54:12 2001
> This is the output from the wvdial command. Now what?
> I've been reading my 7 Linux books, and checked
> several more at the local bookstore.  I've downloaded
> the PPP Howto from the Linux Documentation Project and
> studied it.  I've checked the Red Hat Knowledge Base,
> and signed up for the PPP mailing list. I've tried
> getting tech support from my ISP. Next I'm going to
> start hanging out on Usenet at comp.os.linux.setup.
> Any suggestions?
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> P.S. I did all of this with the command line about
> three years ago with Red Hat 5.0 and 5.1.  I can't
> imagine why I'm having so much trouble this time.
> Maybe it is the new ISP.

Sounds bad, wvdial is mostly able to connect, however I 
would fire up minicom, dial out and check what the other
side expects.

In the worst case, use some M$ box and check what it sets up,
sure it works with win or your ISP would be long out of business....

Good luck

Michael Heiming


Subject: Mandrake 7.1 boot error
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:49:39 GMT

i got mandrake 7.1 istalled but when
booting up i get this error
request_module[block-major-7]: Root fs
not mounted VFS: Cannot open root
device 07:07 Kernel panic: VFS Unable
to mount root fs on 07:07
how do i fix this?


From: Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Adding service on boot up
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 21:56:57 GMT

I am trying to add a service on bootup to a system running RH 7.0  For
some reason this system does not have SysV(init) on it and I was trying
to configure this using chkconfig.  But evertime I try to run
chkconfig --add servnew
I get the error message
"service  servnew does not support chkconfig"



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: Adding service on boot up
Date: 30 May 2001 22:36:15 GMT

On Wed, 30 May 2001 21:56:57 GMT, Philip allegedly wrote:
> I am trying to add a service on bootup to a system running RH 7.0  For
> some reason this system does not have SysV(init) on it and I was trying
> to configure this using chkconfig.  But evertime I try to run
> chkconfig --add servnew
> I get the error message
> "service  servnew does not support chkconfig"

Then do things the manual way. If it runs RH7.0 it most likely does have
the /etc/rc.d/rc*.d/ directories. 
Place your start and stop script for servnew in /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew
Then to start the new service in runlevel 2 simply make a symlink  in
the directory /etc/rc.d/rc2.d:
        ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S66servnew
This wil start the new service (S) once the system enters runlevel 2.
The number specifies the order in which services are started, fi you
can't start the webserver before the network has been initialised, and
you want the system logger to be one of the first things to start, so it
can record events when other services might fail. 66 is completely
arbitrary. The new service may run in the others levels as well:
         ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S66servnew
         ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S66servnew
         ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S66servnew

The service must stop on reboot and system halt, and when entering
single user mode:
        ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K10servnew
        ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K10servnew
        ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/servnew /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K10servnew

Now if the system has been completely botched, and even the /etc/rc.d/
doesn't exist, then take a look at the file /etc/inittab. It may have
been setup in a more BSD style, with just a single file from where
services are started.
If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?
Herman Bruijn                         website:
The Netherlands 


From: Lamar Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache question
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 22:55:51 GMT

I am running RH 7.1 and I have FTP and Apache web servers working.
However, after rebooting my Linux box no one can connect to my Apache
web server until I issue the following command:  # "service httpd

Anyone know how I can make Apache auto start after a reboot?  Thanks for
any and all help.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
Subject: Re: Mess up with dd
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 23:01:59 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (nickr_21045) wrote:

>> It still will be possible to recover almost all files, but it can be
>> more or less difficult depending on how fragmented the files were. By
>> formatting the partition you destroyed the second FAT copy.
>> Lost and Found or other recovery programs may be able to copy files to
>> another disk.
>> The partition could easily have been fully recovered.
>I have to recover about 20 important files so a full recovery 
>would be great but isn't too important.
>Sorry to ask you, what kind of recovery program do you recommend? 
>PQ discontinued lost and found and I bought one of them
>but turns out it was the wrong one.

You seem to be correct regarding Powerquest and Lost and Found. Wonder
what the story is. I do not know these products in detail, so it is
difficult to recommend something, but there also is Easyrecovery from
Svend Olaf


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Adding service on boot up
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 00:59:17 +0200

Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to add a service on bootup to a system running RH 7.0  For
> some reason this system does not have SysV(init) on it and I was trying

Better install it then. I sincerely doubt that anyone at RH has tested
or debugged anything in a situation where it isn't installed!

What are you using in its place? It all sounds most unlikely!

> to configure this using chkconfig.  But evertime I try to run
> chkconfig --add servnew
> I get the error message
> "service  servnew does not support chkconfig"

So don't run chkconfig, or fix whatever's broke. I doubt that sysv init
is not installed!




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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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