Linux-Setup Digest #439, Volume #21              Thu, 14 Jun 01 12:13:12 EDT

  Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc (David Efflandt)
  Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc (Rev. Cyohtee)
  Re: Creating Raw Devices ("Jaishni Govender")
  Make modules fails with RH 7.1 ("John Grana")
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? ("John Pickett")
  Re: files (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 530 Graphics Card (Chris Nappin)
  rc.local part 2. ("Liverpool_fc")
  Re: Can't Boot Machine! (Rand Simberg)
  transfer drivers from RH 7.1-> RH 6.2 (Avery Andrews)
  Re: linux box cannot be seen in networkneighbourhood of win2000. ("Liverpool_fc")
  Access deny ("Bo")
  Re: Can't Boot Machine! (Rand Simberg)
  Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device) (Sean Marshall)
  Re: setting Windows mount point (patrick)
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? (JZ)
  Re: Can't Boot Machine! (Rand Simberg)
  GUI Login at Console (Paul Crabb)
  Re: Linux Server overload problem during peak hours (Robert Fleming)
  Re: Can I LINUX on this PC? ("Maximus Idius2")
  Re: How to integrate Oracle http Apache server (Oracle 8.1.7) with  (Frank van 
  Re: Buying a CDR/RW (Bill Unruh)
  Re: Can't Boot Machine! (Rand Simberg)
  How to tell current Kernel configuration ("Rene Torrado")
  RH 6.2 problem ("Lee S")
  Re: Access deny (Robert Davies)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 13:10:45 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Riyaz Mansoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Efflandt wrote:
>> Yes, but have you edited $HOME/.ncftp/firewall for your firewall-host and
>> firewall-port, maybe with firewall-type=1?  Can Netscape access ftp://
>> URL's when properly configured for your proxy.
> i tried 3 and 6 which seemed the closest to me. but i'll try 1.
> on a different note, aren't there linux ftp clients that handle http
> proxy/firewalls?

You have not said what proxy/firewall (if you know), what you have to 
set to access it with your web browser, or whether you can access 
anonymous ftp sites with it from your browser.  Until you answer those 
questions anybody would be guessing.

If it proxies http ONLY, see if you can find a Unix sheel account on the 
internet that will allow you to run httptunnel:

David Efflandt  (Reply-To is valid)


From: Rev. Cyohtee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:30:46 -0500

Out of the ether Riyaz Mansoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rose up and
issued forth:

>David Efflandt wrote:
>> Yes, but have you edited $HOME/.ncftp/firewall for your firewall-host and
>> firewall-port, maybe with firewall-type=1?  Can Netscape access ftp://
>> URL's when properly configured for your proxy.
>i tried 3 and 6 which seemed the closest to me. but i'll try 1.
>> > any other tips?
>> Get a different ISP.  Otherwise you may never be able to telnet or ssh to
>> an internet host (free shell acct, etc.), or use any other POP3 servers,
>> or do irc, or use time servers...
>> >
>hehe. can't switch. :(
>on a different note, aren't there linux ftp clients that handle http
>well maybe the same note.

If you are not against using a GUI one, I believe IglooFTP for X
allows it (I know it allows PASV mode, and I think I remember
something about proxy settings. Not sure since I haven't used it in
over a year and I am not at my Linux box at the moment to load it up
and check)

Cyo                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[K'Ehleyr breaks a glass table as Deanna Troi walks in the door]
"You're upset" -- Troi
"Your finely honed Betazoid senses tell you that" -- K'Ehleyr
"That and the table" -- Troi (The Emissary)


From: "Jaishni Govender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Creating Raw Devices
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:32:50 +0200


Thanks for the help!

The reason for raw devices with this installation is because Oracle Parallel
Server needs the datafiles to be available to all nodes in the cluster.  All
the nodes redolog files must also be accessible by the other nodes incase of
a recovery is required.

I managed to link the raw devices to the block devices ok using mknod. I am
having problems with the number of raw devices that I can create. I have
logical partitions hda1 to hda17...but the hda17 block device is not created
in /dev. I can see it when I use fdisk but not in the /dev directory. So
when I type in the following:

$ mknod /dev/redo2_2.log c 162 13

$ raw /dev/redo2_2.log /dev/hda17

I get that the file hda17 does not exist.

In fact anything above hda16 created in fdisk is not created in /dev.

Can you perhaps help again please?



"Robert Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Jaishni Govender wrote:
> > Can anyone please help or point me in the right direction.  I need info
> > how to create raw devices as I am trying to install oracle parallel
> > on RedHat 6.2.  I can't find any info or documentation on this.  any
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> See if you have a command called raw(8), ie type 'man 8 raw' to view docs.
> RAW(8)                                                     RAW(8)
>        raw - bind a Linux raw character device
> The other answerer misunderstood what you wanted, you're trying to bind a
> parition with a block device, to a unbuffered character device.
> If it doesn't work, just use the block device eg) /dev/hda6, which will
> give Oracle a device file.
> But most Oracle installations, use Tablespaces in file systems, because
> they're much easier to maintain.
> Rob


From: "John Grana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Make modules fails with RH 7.1
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:35:04 -0400

I am trying to re-build my 2.4.X Red Hat 7.1 kernel. I needed to patch it
with the Win4Lin kernel patch...
I can compile and boot the kernel just fine. The problem starts at trying to
make modules. The first module it hits (dummy.c for example) that includes
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h fails with a stream of strange errors.
I don't have the exact text in front of me, but things like line 173 parse
error, not a number and not hexadecimal, function declared that returns a
function, things like that.

I can vi the module.h file and the lines look fine. No strange looking
characters or numbers....

BTW, the reason for re-building the kernel is to make the NVdriver.o file
(that also gets the errors since it is a loadable module as well!).

Any pointers?

John Grana


From: "John Pickett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 07:56:35 -0600

He might also try running linuxconf from a prompt and access:  Control |
Control Panel | Control Service Activity

If he's not comfy editing raw files, this might be an easier solution.
Course he all ready switched back so whatever :-)


My 2 ¢
John Pickett


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:01:49 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: files

Robert Davies wrote:
> hoffy wrote:
> > Anybody know what these are?  Could they be the mapping of assembly code
> > to memory locations?
> Yes, they're used to load modules.  Without the symbol info, how could you
> link?

Ah, I was wondering that there didn't popped up some question about
on this ng, for some time...;-)

You don't really need this file. But it's not wrong to have it.
'man klogd' for more info.
'grep Symbols /var/log/*' should show if the kernel was able to load the

Michael Heiming 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Nappin)
Subject: Re: Problems using RH 7.1 with SiS 530 Graphics Card
Date: 14 Jun 2001 07:13:28 -0700

Thanks for the various suggestions, I've managed to fix the problem

For the future benefit of anyone else with similar hardware, I'll
detail the solution below. I'm using an IBM Aptiva 2170 26G, which has
an SiS 530 graphics card (uses 8MB of system RAM) and IBM C51 monitor.
The solution was to set the following combination of device options
within the "sis" device section of my XF86Config-4:

  Option "NoAccel"
  Option "FastVram"

(This is wierd, because the card doesn't have any on-board Video RAM,
but there you go...)

BTW, refresh rate probing is working fine for me. Take a look at
/var/log/XFree86.0.log to see what rates are being calculated (and any
other XFree86 problems).


From: "Liverpool_fc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: rc.local part 2.
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:17:00 -0400


i put this line at the bottom of rc.local.
cp /etc/termcap /home/cpu1/filename
when i rebooted it did not do the copy.
this is rh7.0.

thank you.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rand Simberg)
Subject: Re: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 14:17:56 GMT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 06:28:45 GMT, in a place far, far away, David
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made the phosphor on my monitor glow in
such a way as to indicate that:

>You should be able to use the installation boot disk and/or CD to boot
>the system. This will boot the kernel on the CD.
> At the installation boot prompt enter:
> linux rescue root=/dev/hdaX

OK, I'll try that.

>Once you have it back up and running you can fix the problem or
>recompile the kernel if needed. After you edited /etc/lilo.conf did you
>run "lilo" to update the MBR with the changes you made to the
>/etc/lilo.conf file?

Yes, most definitely, so I'm not sure what to fix when I get back in.

But I'll take a look at lilo.conf and see if I screwed up somehow.

--  * 310 372-7963 (CA) 307 739-1296 (Jackson Hole)  
interglobal space lines  * 307 733-1715 (Fax) 

"Extraordinary launch vehicles require extraordinary markets..."
Replace first . with @ and throw out the "@trash." to email me.  
Here's my email address for autospammers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:12:30 +1000
From: Avery Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: transfer drivers from RH 7.1-> RH 6.2

I've got an installation of 6.2 (on a removable HD) that works properly
but doesn't support my new hardware, and an installation of 7.1 that
supports the hardware but doesn't seem to do things right (forex, the
BibTeX extension to PERL won't compile); is there some way I can
transfer the NIC and video drivers & config from 7.1 to 6.2?

The docco I have available seems rather skimpy on exactly what to do when
you change hardware.


  - Avery Andrews


From: "Liverpool_fc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: linux box cannot be seen in networkneighbourhood of win2000.
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:24:59 -0400

yup i can ping the linux box and telnet to it.

thank you.


Subject: Access deny
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:34:27 +0200

I have dual system on my computer.
I have Win NT 4.0 on 4GB partition (NTFS), Red Hal 6.2 on 3GB (Linux
native), and
about 3 GB for personal files on FAT32.

    When I mount that FAT32 system on Linux system, mount /dev/hda2 /disk
(as root),
 I can't write files as ordinary user. It always say permission deny.
When I login as root I don't have any problem. So I try to change directory
permission to
chmod 755 /disk but with no success.

Does any one know what is problem?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rand Simberg)
Subject: Re: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 14:47:31 GMT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 06:28:45 GMT, in a place far, far away, David
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made the phosphor on my monitor glow in
such a way as to indicate that:

>You should be able to use the installation boot disk and/or CD to boot
>the system. This will boot the kernel on the CD.
> At the installation boot prompt enter:
> linux rescue root=/dev/hdaX

OK, I booted it from the floppy when I typed that.

>Once you have it back up and running you can fix the problem or
>recompile the kernel if needed. After you edited /etc/lilo.conf did you
>run "lilo" to update the MBR with the changes you made to the
>/etc/lilo.conf file?

I did, but went back and doublechecked the file and ran it again
anyway, with the same result.

I did find one clue, however.  At the boot prompt, it says something
like "type rescue now, or wait ten seconds to boot from hdb6."  This
is interesting, because I only have one drive--hda5.  Is this because
I'm using a rescue disk from a different system where I had it
installed on the second drive?  If so, then I guess it doesn't mean

So I still don't know why it won't boot unassisted.

--  * 310 372-7963 (CA) 307 739-1296 (Jackson Hole)  
interglobal space lines  * 307 733-1715 (Fax) 

"Extraordinary launch vehicles require extraordinary markets..."
Replace first . with @ and throw out the "@trash." to email me.  
Here's my email address for autospammers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sean Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device)
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 10:53:46 -0400

I grabbed the latest source off of  I've tripple checked the
config and haven't missed anything.  It runs beautifully for everything but
sanergy, which manipulates raw devices where my problem lies, their support
isn't much help either unfortuneately.


Robert Davies wrote:

> Sean Marshall wrote:
> > After upgrading from the standard redhat 7.0 kernel to kernel 2.2.19 I
> > find I cannot access rawdevices such as hard drives.  When I run the raw
> >
> > -qa command I get the following error message Cannot open master raw
> > device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device)
> >
> > I need to be able to access raw SCSI devices because I'm running
> > sanergy, can anyone help me fix this problem?
> RedHat patch their sources heavily, did you download a source RPM from
> them, or an rpm binary?  If you built from source, perhaps you forgot a
> configuration option you need, for raw I/O.
> I think you would be wiser to stick with distribution source or binary
> kernels, rather than download 'Linux' standard, as they have added support
> for distribution features, things like Large Files (>2GB), LVM, and
> improved NFS, long before they make it into Linus standard.
> Rob


Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:05:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setting Windows mount point

That would make data transfer much easier if I can access 
my Windows partition from Linux. What do I set the mount 
point to in order to do this?

Also, once Linux is loaded, how will I actually access the 
Windows partition from the Linux partition?



>I have a 40G HD (~25G for Windows ME and ~15G for Linux)
>> As for the Windows partition in Disk Druid, It says my 
mount point is "<not set>". Is that o.k.?
>yes. Set it if you want to access it from linux

Posted on - the FREE public USENET portal on the Web
Complete SEARCHING, BROWSING, and POSTING of text and BINARY messages!


Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: 14 Jun 2001 08:13:14 -0700

"???" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:<9g94ib$jad$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> "robin barbehenn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ?????
> >
> > While what you are saying is undoubtedly true, one of the reasons why
> > linux is not more popular is because when people ask for help,
> > politely or otherwise, someone always has the same answer---let's say
> > it altogether now--RTFM!!! Experience level and understanding vary
> > greatly and not everyone can figure out these howtos.  I find most of
> > them extremely poorly written and very difficult to decipher without
> > help.  This is mostly because they are often way out of date and the
> > instructions they give no longer work with newer versions of linux.
> > Someone with years if not decades of experience can fly right through
> > them.  We might get more people to use linux if the first words out of
> > mouths are not "read this".  Most of the time, helping that person to
> > get started and then referring him to documentation later is more
> > likely to be successful.  If you do not wish to lend the time and
> > patience to help, then leave it alone.
> >
> > RB
> Yes,  this "RTFM" things keep me away from asking questions. Usually I just
> search newsgroups for related answers and try to RTFM & fix the problems
> by myself.  Waste a lot of time, indeed.  I do hope more people can help
> newbies
> like me to get started from somewhere and then refer to documentation later
> But when someone said something is "piece of garbage"! I don't think he
> needs
> any information or helps (even RTFM) from others. Maybe he just want to tell
> the world, he "hate" something and he is proud of that. Well, this is "free"
> cyber
> world. He has the right to "hate", hasn't he?
> ada2

Yes , time is huge factor when I try to deploy database on RH 7.1. So
that's why I simply switch to Solaris and Slackware immediately, right
now I don't want to spend much time to research the difference between
6.2 and 7.1. I need our app run ASAP. Glad to see setup database and
app only takes me 3 hrs on Solaris 8 and 4 hrs on slacware.

I also know that learning new stuff has a lot of fun. BUt currently I
want to spend less time on our app. Maybe after I learned all the
'updates' introduced by RH 7.1, I will love it. But right now, for our
database, for our app, RH 7.1 is truly a piece of garbage.

Well, I know somebody may think that RH 7.1 is a new 'OS' or major
update, that's why people needs to spend more time to learn it. First
of all, it is NOT a new OS. For basic features, RH sould keep
consistent. Compare with Oracle, RH did a such bad job. We know
'svrmgrl' is an old animal in earlier versions of Oracle, and Oracle
didn't recommend use it in 8i, but you still can use it if u want,
without any performance downgrads. RH needs to do much better job to
draw customers.

Let's talk about timing. Oracle 9i is just available, and I can deploy
our app on 9i in one business day. Why? Because Oracle keeps the basic
features same as previous releases. Even though I didn't take the full
advantage of 9i yet, but our app works fine, and the performance looks
like better than on 8i. Next I can do some tuning on 9i. For this
point, RH simply failed to execute.

Welcome any opinions.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rand Simberg)
Subject: Re: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:16:35 GMT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:18:40 +0100, in a place far, far away, Robert
Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made the phosphor on my
monitor glow in such a way as to indicate that:

>Did you read Documentation/Changes and upgrade all the utilities, Moshe Bar 
>has an article on moving to 2.4 at Byte.Com.

No, I'll go check it out.  As I said, I got overconfident because it
went relatively smoothly on my workstation.

>>> I did a successful upgrade on my work station, so I went into the
>>> project with full (and apparently unjustified) confidence.  Everything
>>> went well, make menuconfig, make dep, make clean, make modules, make
>>> modules_install.
>>> I copied the bzImage to /boot, added it to lilo, keeping the original
>>> one.
>And /boot/

Yes, I kept it, but the current link is pointing to the 2.4.5.

>You should allways make new entries for experimental kernels, and only 
>replace your default kernel, once you are really sure it is solid.

*Now* you tell me.   ;-)

>Another thing is to make sure you do not have modules lying around, that 
>you have compiled into the kernel, often modules.conf needs updating if you 
>do compile in.

That's a good point.  I did compile in my network drivers, and I
didn't change modules.conf, though again, my work station had no
problem when I did the same thing.  I'll check that out too.

--  * 310 372-7963 (CA) 307 739-1296 (Jackson Hole)  
interglobal space lines  * 307 733-1715 (Fax) 

"Extraordinary launch vehicles require extraordinary markets..."
Replace first . with @ and throw out the "@trash." to email me.  
Here's my email address for autospammers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Crabb)
Subject: GUI Login at Console
Date: 14 Jun 2001 08:20:17 -0700

I am currently running Redhat 7.1 and have the X server configured and
running properly.  I am able to login via a text login and do a startx
to get the GUI to come up.

My question: How do I configure the init scripts to start the GUI
login manager and bring the GUI up as a default?



From: Robert Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Server overload problem during peak hours
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:20:49 -0600


This sounds way to familiar for comfort.  It sounds to me like you have
an out of control query that is access far to much of your database. 
When the query hits the database your system fires off a fork for the
requested data, and starts hammering the database for data.  Your io
cant feed the process fast enough and all the other queries start to
hang and time out.  Eventually the process tanks up on all the memory
the machines has and digs into the swap.  The problem isn't that it
couldn't finish but that the user got sick of waiting for your data to
return from the server and hit reload/submit again to get the data
thinking that it was just a problem with the service and not the data
that was being queried.  This starts the whole thing over only now you
have two out of control queries and a server thats under powered.  The
thing to do is move the database to another machine and see if this
helps the problem you should see some of the io problems come down but
if not its time to rewrite your query schedueler so that it doesn't
allow for queries of that nature.  It will take much trouble shooting. 
It would be good to rewrite your front end so that it logs what queries
are coming though to the data base engine so that you see what is
happening and the same on your web engine so that you see the corelation
between the web hit and the query. 

Robert Fleming
Systems Administrator


From: "Maximus Idius2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can I LINUX on this PC?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:24:15 +0900

"Guz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9g9fn1$f1l$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi there:
> I have a self built PC with:
> 815E chipset on CUSL2 MoBoard
> BIOS 1003
> PIII 800EB -133
> 512SDRAM memory 133.(non ecc).
> Sound Card is SB Live! Platinum.
> OS W98SE
> And I have the 3 CDs packet from Debian-Linux.
> Can I install this OS on this PC? ...
> In the file "boot.bat" It says that
> " CPU is  in V86-Mode (May be WINDOWS, EMM386, QEMM, 386MAX,...) You need
> pure 386/486 real mode or a VCPI server to boot Linux..."
> One more question:
> I can't boot from my CD-ROM Drive, How can I make a bootable Floppy Disc
> order to have acces to my CD and install all the rest?
> Any comments?... Thanks in advance.

1. Yes. I am using one old hard disk 13gb on this mobo, love it more than
the old P2B-D,
of course because it is faster.

2. To boot from cd, you need to go to BIOS, and disable booting from hard
   This means that you will have the order of boot from floppy, then cd-rom.

Both ATAPI and scsi cd-rom will work.

Better go with redhat 7.1 than 7.0, but 7.0 seems simpler.

Good luck



From: Frank van Bortel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to integrate Oracle http Apache server (Oracle 8.1.7) with 
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:30:00 GMT

Dave Uhring wrote:
> Huy Vu wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying Oracle 8.1.7 database server on Redhat 7.1.
> > There is Oracle http Apache server installation options in Oracle 8.1.7
> > for Linux. I still thinking how can I integrate Oracle http Apache server
> > with the one come from with Redhat 7.1.
> >
> > Does someone try it already?
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any advise.
> >
> > DH
> Did you get Oracle 8.1.7 installed on RedHat-7.1?  If you did, would you
> mind sharing how you did it?

Have just gone thru a ton of trouble trying to get the Universal
Installer to start 
on RH7.1 - no way. Installed RH6.2 plus JDK (as per documentation) and

Frank van Bortel


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Buying a CDR/RW
Date: 14 Jun 2001 15:37:13 GMT

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Julian Bordas 

>     I'm looking at buying a CDR/RW and have narrowed it down to three

>Creative 32 8 4
>LG         32 8 4

Do not buy LG. They do not work properly with cdrecord, the main cd writing
software out there on Linux. I do not know whether this is a problem with the drive
( which claims mmc compliance) or with cdrecord ( which claims to work on all mmc
compliant systems) Neither LG not Shilling have been very helpful on this (LG-- We
do not supposrt Linux except for reading. We will not give you any information
about the drive. Shilling-- It works on my LG drive but I have received other
complaints that it does not work on theirs). If you have already made the mistake
of buying one, It will work using the Disk At Once option but NOT the track at
once. It will also at times produce disks where the tracks are entered improperly
so that any player cannot find the track starts (although the player will play them
one after the other). I have not been able (not willing to ruin enough CDs) to
figure out exactly the circumstances in which cdrecord ( or rather xcdroast) messes
So, do not by LG, and return the one you have if you have already bought it.

>Cyber     32 8 4

>Any comments or suggestions on these models?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rand Simberg)
Subject: Re: Can't Boot Machine!
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 15:44:07 GMT

On Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:18:40 +0100, in a place far, far away, Robert
Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> made the phosphor on my
monitor glow in such a way as to indicate that:

>>> I copied the bzImage to /boot, added it to lilo, keeping the original
>>> one.
>And /boot/
>You should allways make new entries for experimental kernels, and only 
>replace your default kernel, once you are really sure it is solid.

OK, I reverted to the old, and made 2.2.19 the default
again, and I seem to be back where I was before the kernel rebuild.

Now I just have to figure out why it didn't like the upgrade.

--  * 310 372-7963 (CA) 307 739-1296 (Jackson Hole)  
interglobal space lines  * 307 733-1715 (Fax) 

"Extraordinary launch vehicles require extraordinary markets..."
Replace first . with @ and throw out the "@trash." to email me.  
Here's my email address for autospammers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Rene Torrado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to tell current Kernel configuration
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 11:47:34 -0500

I am wondering how to find out what the current kernel configuration is.

Thanks in advance for any information.


Subject: RH 6.2 problem
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 08:30:46 -0700

Tried to install RH 6.2 in my HP550mhz celeron computer.  It didn't find the
monitor so no GUI.  When it tried to boot, I got a blank screen with just
"LI" and a blinking cursor.  Tried to install it on my wife's PII 233 Dell.
Graphic installation worked fine but same result when I tried to boot.  Had
to put RH 7.1 back in to get the computer to boot at all.  Why am I trying
to install 6.2?  Because I am 5 weeks into trying to get Oracle 8.1.6 to run
under RH 7.1.-Shared library error.  I figured 6.2 would solve the problem
but I can't get it installed.  Any advice cheerfully accepted.  I can
provide lots of details if you need them.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Access deny
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2001 16:16:08 +0100

Bo wrote:

> I have dual system on my computer.
> I have Win NT 4.0 on 4GB partition (NTFS), Red Hal 6.2 on 3GB (Linux
> native), and
> about 3 GB for personal files on FAT32.
> Problem:
>     When I mount that FAT32 system on Linux system, mount /dev/hda2 /disk
> (as root),
>  I can't write files as ordinary user. It always say permission deny.
> When I login as root I don't have any problem. So I try to change
> directory permission to
> chmod 755 /disk but with no success.
> Does any one know what is problem?

Yes your mount options.  You want to RTFM 'man 8 mount' and look for 
user,group options.  Here's my entry in /etc/fstab :

/dev/hde2       /windows/C      vfat            noauto,user 0 0

/home/rob> mount /windows/C
/home/rob> ls -lgd /windows/C
drwxr-xr-x   15 rob      users       16384 Jan  1  1970 /windows/C

Hope this helps.  You can set the uid and gid of the fs in the mount if you 

Do read the man page, it will be instructive.




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