Linux-Setup Digest #446, Volume #21              Fri, 15 Jun 01 12:13:13 EDT

  DSL on Mandrake 8.0 ("CheeseHead")
  Re: Cable modem driver for Linux (Rod Smith)
  News  - Novità ("Daniel")
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? (JZ)
  Re: Buying a CDR/RW (Robert Davies)
  Re: USB mouse (Robert Davies)
  Re: init.d problem - starting program from home directory (Mark Grimshaw)
  ps2pdf (GS 7.0) producing poor images (Colin Pinkney)
  Kickstart from within Linux? (Wilfred Dee)
  Sound-Problem und README.linux ("Thomas Niercke")
  Re: crc error (Pianoman)
  whoami and passwd problem ("Philip")
  irq problems and no eth0 device (Greger Haga)
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc (Riyaz Mansoor)
  Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device) (Sean Marshall)
  Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage? ("ne...")
  infuriating ALSA problem (root)
  Re: irq problems and no eth0 device (Robert Kerr)


From: "CheeseHead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DSL on Mandrake 8.0
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 08:29:22 -0700

I need help on setting up dsl on Linux. I've tried pppoe and dhcp and
neither one works. My isp is no help. If i configure it to start at boot, I
get a message about a kernal panic whenever it tries to start eth0. I've
tried  Linksys lne100tx and a 3com 3c9058 card and they both do the same

Any help would be appreciated.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Smith)
Subject: Re: Cable modem driver for Linux
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 12:45:05 -0000

[Posted and mailed]

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Anyone know if a linux driver exists for an RCA cable modem?
> If not, can my Linux partition share the cable modem driver on my Windows ME 

If the device uses an Ethernet interface, you don't need a driver for
it; you need a driver for whatever Ethernet card you're using. Details
differ from one ISP to another, but in most cases, you need to set up
your computer to use DHCP to obtain an IP address in order to use a
cable modem, and you'll be set. There's a cable modem HOWTO
( with lots of
details for various ISPs.

If the modem uses ONLY a USB interface or if it's an internal device,
you're probably out of luck. The last I checked, the 2.4.x kernel had a
driver for one internal cable modem, but it wasn't an RCA model, and it
was a one-way device. AFAIK, no USB cable modems are currently
supported. (If the modem has both a USB and an Ethernet interface, use
the latter.)

Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration


From: "Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: News  - Novità
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 13:22:13 GMT

Ciao a tutti

Tante novità sul mio sito:


E tanto altro.

Vi aspetto numerosi



Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: 15 Jun 2001 06:31:53 -0700

Ye, 2.4 kernel is some change. But when u config your FTP server on
solaris 8, did u feel major difference compare with soalris 2.5? I
don't think s-o. And we know it's a huge jumpe from 2.5 -> 2.6 -> 7 ->
8. gg!

"John Pickett" <> wrote in message 
news:<9gc29r$rat$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> "But right now, for our database, for our app, RH 7.1 is truly a piece of
> garbage." - I would say it's just not a feasible solution due to time
> constraints and/or inpatients.  Because if anything, it is not a "piece of
> garbage".
> "Well, I know somebody may think that RH 7.1 is a new 'OS' or major update,
> that's why people needs to spend more time to learn it. First of all, it is
> NOT a new OS." - Well what does it take to be a "new" OS anyway?  I mean,
> RH7.1 includes the 2.4 kernel doesn't it?  Wouldn't that be something that's
> fundamentally new?  The reality is, a "new" OS is released maybe every 5
> years with minor and sometimes major update's in between.  At any rate,
> stupid stuff to argue/debate over so I'll stop :-)  Cheers!


From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Buying a CDR/RW
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:32:53 +0100

Stanislaw Flatto wrote:

> Julian Bordas wrote:
>> Stanislaw Flatto wrote:
>> > Just a comment:
>> > You want them to perform fast, then get SCSI.
>> > BTW who are the manufacturers of those units, not distributors?
>> I'm in a situation where money is more of a factor than speed. :-(
>> I have the time but not lots of $'s
> So get SCSI 8x2x2 and you won't regret it.
> Just my opinion.
> NB writing from hard disk to CD writer on the same IDE interface creates
> traffic jams, caveat emptor!

I have a Ricoh IDE burner 10x 12x 32x with 8x DVD, you _do_ not need to go 
to teh extra expense of SCSI anymore.

What you do is make sure you have UDMA mode 2 enabled for the drive, most 
boards sold in the last few years, can do UDMA.  Some report having CD-ROM 
on different IDE cable to disk drive fixes any problems.  With ATA-33, 66 
and 100 udma mode 2 and up, there should be enough bandwidth to burn even 
at 12x without problems.

Many folk use the ide-scsi emulation with CD-burners successfully, the 
extra for SCSI is a waste of money, unless you have cable lenght problems, 
or very many disks and devices in the machine.



From: Robert Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: USB mouse
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:24:32 +0100

Tozzy wrote:

> Is it posible to use a USB mouse under suse6.2?
> I would like to use my USB Microsoft Itelliemouse Explorer.

Possibly if you can upgrade to a newer kernel, SuSE backported USB.  You 
should however try and upgrade to newer version as they are dropping 
support for 6.2 now.

7.2 certainly supports USB.


PS. alt.os.linux.suse is a good group for SuSE specific questions & answers


From: Mark Grimshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: init.d problem - starting program from home directory
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:55:49 +0100

Done what you suggested - replace
 /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf &
(cd /usr/local/shoutcast/; ./sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf)

and it works fine - thanks.

How would I run this with the daemon you mentioned?  What's the

Robert Davies wrote:
> Mark Grimshaw wrote:
> > Is there any way to get the init.d script to start to start sc_serv
> > from within its home directory?
> Yes, cd(1).
> I'm wondering why you're not using the standard start daemon function
> though, that most of the init.d scripts use.
> Rob
> > #######################
> > #!/bin/sh
> > #
> > # Startup script for the Shoutcast mp3 Server
> > #
> > # chkconfig: 345 85 15
> > # description: Shoutcast mp3 server
> > # processname: sc_serv
> > ## pidfile: /var/run/
> > # config: /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf
> >
> >
> > # Source function library.
> > . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
> >
> > # See how we were called.
> > case "$1" in
> >   start)
> >         echo -n "Starting shoutcast: "
> >         /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf
>      (cd /usr/local/shoutcast; ./sc_serv /usr/local/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf)
> &
> >         echo
> >         touch /var/lock/subsys/sc_serv
> >         ;;
> >   stop)
> >         echo -n "Shutting down shoutcast: "
> >         killproc sc_serv
> >         echo
> >         rm -f /var/lock/subsys/sc_serv
> > #       rm -f /var/run/
> >         ;;
> >   status)
> >         status sc_serv
> >         ;;
> >   restart)
> >         $0 stop
> >         $0 start
> >         ;;
> >   reload)
> >         echo -n "Reloading shoutcast: "
> >         killproc sc_serv -HUP
> >         echo
> >         ;;
> >   *)
> >         echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status}"
> >         exit 1
> > esac
> >
> > exit 0
> >
> > ################################
> >


From: Colin Pinkney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: ps2pdf (GS 7.0) producing poor images
Date: 15 Jun 2001 13:51:48 GMT

I just installed AFPL Ghostscript 7.00 on my SuSE 6.3 system. I used the
Redhat 7 RPMs but I've upgraded a lot and there were no dependency

Everything seems to work fine except I'm having problems with ps2pdf
now. It seems that all images in the postscript files I am converting
are compressed with JPEG compression at a very poor resolution.

I've tried setting AutoFilterColorImages to false but this just
produces errors. Setting PDFSETTINGS to /prepress increases resolution
but the images still all show the classic traits of JPEG compression,
especially as they are all diagrams.

I just want the PDF and images compressed without any loss of quality.
Does anyone know what is set wrong or missing?

The previous version that came with GNU GS 5.1 worked fine with the same
postscript files, but of course that is missing various features which I
need now, especially compression.


Colin Pinkney


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wilfred Dee)
Subject: Kickstart from within Linux?
Date: 15 Jun 2001 07:10:58 -0700

Is there any way possible to start Kickstart from within Linux?  The
reason I ask is because I need to run a script that determines some
system information which is used to start Kickstart with a particular
config file.  I have to do it this way because I need to retrieve some
information stored in the Non Volatile RAM and use that to determine
which Kickstart config file to use.  In the past I used a DOS boot
disk and ran a script which in turn ran loadlin with the appropriate
config file to start the Kickstart process.  Is it possible to start
Kickstart from within Linux?  If not, is there any other way to work
around the problem?


From: "Thomas Niercke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sound-Problem und README.linux
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:24:53 +0200

Hallo Leute !

 Ich hab da ein komisches Sound-Problem:

 Ich hab den Kernel für sound-Unterstützung konfiguriert und die Module
 compiliert und installiert.
 Die Module lassen sich auch laden uns aktivieren.
 Aber wenn ich einen Sound spiele, dann stürzt der Rechner in 95% aller
 nach einigen
 Sekunden Soundausgabe komplett ab...
 Ich hab auch die /etc/conf.modules angepasst, wie bei Suse beschrieben.

 - IBM Thinkpad 755cx (soundkarte wird unterstützt als SB 2.0 oder SB 16)
 - SuSE Linux 6.2
 - Kernel 2.2.x

 Auch hat SuSE nicht die Datei /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound/README.linux
 In dieser Datei ist aber ein Script, dass ich brauche um die Devices neu zu
 (ich glaube daran liegt das Problem).
 Hat jemand diese Datei für mich ? Oder das Script ?

 Für Hilfe wäre ich sehr Dankbar.

 Thomas Niercke


From: Pianoman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: crc error
Date: 15 Jun 2001 14:18:32 GMT

Eric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> run memtest86 to test your RAM

I just finished doing that, and there were no errors. The only other 
thing I can think of to test, hardware-wise, is the BIOS (like, 
reinstalling the software for the BIOS. If you have any other 
suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

Nathan Owens
Georgia Institute of Technology - CS undergrad -Atlanta, GA


From: "Philip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: whoami and passwd problem
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:39:10 +0800

Problem administering users:
when I login as a user other than root, and do a ls -la, the ownership is
shown by the UID number, not the user name.
Also, if I do a whoami, instead of returning my name I get the message
"whoami: cannot find username for UID 1054 "(or whatever)
Has anyone any idea what would cause this?


Australian law (!) requires permission before forwarding emails. My
permission to forward any emails by me is hereby granted, unless the above
email is marked "Confidential".


From: Greger Haga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: irq problems and no eth0 device
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 17:41:39 +0300

Hi there...
I have some problems with interrupts and the NIC card etc..perhaps
somebody can help out here

The NIC is a Etherlink III 3c509B-TP

The driver I attempt to use is called 3c509...didn't find any 3c509B-TP

ok...there seems to be an IRQ problem actually...look at the following:

issuing 'isapnp' returns this result-set:
Board 1 has Identity 8b 07 57 70 80 c5 00 8c 0e:  CTL00c5 Serial No
123170944 [checksum 8b]
Board 2 has Identity 8e af 5a be d7 90 50 6d 50:  TCM5090 Serial No
2941959895 [checksum 8e]
CTL00c5/123170944[0]{Audio               }: Ports 0x240 0x300 0x388;
DMA0 DMA6 --- Enabled OK
CTL00c5/123170944[1]{Game                }: Port 0x200; --- Enabled OK
CTL00c5/123170944[2]{WaveTable           }: Port 0x620; --- Enabled OK
TCM5090/2941959895[0]{3Com 3C509B EtherLink III}: Port 0x210; IRQ3 ---
Enabled OK
...look at the last line...port 0x210..IRQ3...same as on windows..seems

then..look at this:
cat /proc/interrupts returns this resultset:
  0:     100168          XT-PIC  timer
  1:       1242          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  8:          2          XT-PIC  rtc
 12:       2879          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:     110639          XT-PIC  ide0
 15:      11795          XT-PIC  ide1
NMI:          0
---> interrupt 3 mentioned here..strange...?.no irq 10 either
which the matrox card uses..
or does the fact that it is not mentioned have anything to do with ISA
and PCI? the etherlink is a longer type of card ( ISA? ) and the matrox
shorter (PCI?)

anyway...and then issuing 'insmod 3c509' gives these lines in
Jun 15 11:56:20 localhost kernel: eth0: 3c509 at 0x210 tag 1, 10baseT
port, address  00 20 af 5a be d7, IRQ 10.
Jun 15 11:56:20 localhost kernel: 3c509.c:1.16 (2.2) 2/3/98
wooops...IRQ10 suddenly!!!

ok..tried to set the etherlink card's to IRQ10 but it conflicts with the

matrox millennium graphics card...detected the problem..but how to

Though setting the IRQ to 3 in linuxconf ...then doing insmod 3c509
shows IRQ10 in /var/log/ doesn't change

Ok, while fiddling around trying to get this to work I earlier tried the

append alterative in lilo.conf...found it on the web and copied and
pasted...BUT forgot to change the interrupt from 10 ( as it was in the
example on the web ) to 3..that's probably where the IRQ10 setting
comes...alright..peanuts..lets change it back then...inserted
append="ether=3,0x210,eth0" into lilo.conf...reran
lilo..rebooted...and..hihihi...insmod 3c509 STILL report IRQ10 in

and..there's no eth0 devices in dev on my do I create it?and
what permissions should there be?

hihihi..any clues?


Greger Haga
ICQ 120338800


Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 14:46:23 GMT

On 12 Jun 2001 07:20:49 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JZ) wrote:

>I just installed RH 7.1 in my laptop, looks cool initially. But bad
>things happen:
>1. I instaalled FTP package in my laptop, but why 'ftp localhost'
>doesn't work? Maybe security setting? I couldn't find any related
>info, neither from RH web site. BTW, the 'firewall-config' from
>'program->system' has nothing inside.
>2. Try to use my laptop's interface to install Oracle into another
>Linux machine. Since Oracle installation requires X, so I do 'xhost +'
>as root in both machines. But I still get the 'connection refused'
>error. Of course it works when I try the same thing in another RH6.2
>3. DON'T USE RH 7.1!!! RH 7.1 just messed up lots of stuff. Stick with
>6.2 or slackware, of course you have to apply necessary patches.
>I just cannot find any docs about RH 7.1. No wonder RHAT drops like a
>champ, it will be down to under $1.

I have also just installed RH7.1 and have been through a very very
frustrating time.  I would prefer FTP, Telnet, rlogin, NFS and lots of
other services to be enabled by default and let me turn off what I
don't want.

Fair enough, RH says they are all turned off BUT they provide no docs
or release notes or anything about how to enable them because they
also forgot to mention that the tool we used to use, "linuxconf", is
no longer provided and what they don't tell you ANYWHERE is that it no
longer works - in fact when I got my own copy and installed it, it
corrupted my system and I had to reinstall.

After searching the Net I found an obscure reference to a tool called
"ntsysv" which did exactly what was required and everything works
great now (except Samba and Windows 2000 because of the password
problem which is again very poorly documented).

RH7.1 is an excellent product but is it badly let down by missing some
extremely important information in the documentation and particularly
the release notes.  This will turn off many potential uses

RTFM?  They ain't no FM for a lot of this stuff.


From: Riyaz Mansoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: linux ftp, ncftp etc
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 01:06:54 +1000

i've already said that its an http proxy to a reply post to Robert. the 
ncftp config file says ncftp does not support this.

so there is nothing to guess.

<quote .ncftp/firewall>
# NOTE:  NcFTP does NOT support HTTP proxies that do FTP, such as "squid"
#     or Netscape Proxy Server.  Why?  Because you have to communicate with
#     them using HTTP, and this is a FTP only program.

thanx to all the help anyway.


>> You have not said what proxy/firewall (if you know), what you have to
>> set to access it with your web browser, or whether you can access
>> anonymous ftp sites with it from your browser.  Until you answer those
>> questions anybody would be guessing.
> You're so right!  Hopefully he'll take our hints on this, either he
> guesses, we do, or he goes get some information :)
> Rob


From: Sean Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Cannot open master raw device '/dev/rawctl' (No such device)
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 11:06:03 -0400

> For RAM, you can set it in append lines, newer kernel versions are much
> better at recognising correct amount correctly however.
> Is it because you have really shed loads of RAM, and need the large memory
> models, >1GB?

Do you append this into the lilo.conf file?  How would I go about doing this?
Is there a white paper that describes how?




From: "ne..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: RH 7.1: piece of garbage?
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:30:18 GMT

On Jun 15, 2001 at 14:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] eloquently wrote:

>On 12 Jun 2001 07:20:49 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JZ) wrote:

>I have also just installed RH7.1 and have been through a very very
>frustrating time.  I would prefer FTP, Telnet, rlogin, NFS and lots of
>other services to be enabled by default and let me turn off what I
>don't want.
Wow. It seems RH is damned if they do and damned if they don't.
After all the noise that RH ahd to suffer with ppl lambasting
them about the services turned on by default. They now try and
satisfy those users but other users have turned on them.

>Fair enough, RH says they are all turned off BUT they provide no docs
>or release notes or anything about how to enable them because they
>also forgot to mention that the tool we used to use, "linuxconf", is
>no longer provided and what they don't tell you ANYWHERE is that it no
>longer works - in fact when I got my own copy and installed it, it
>corrupted my system and I had to reinstall.
Doesn't man on xinetd work. You mean you don't have the manuals.
They are online at RH. It specically states linuxconf is depreciated.

>After searching the Net I found an obscure reference to a tool called
>"ntsysv" which did exactly what was required and everything works
>great now (except Samba and Windows 2000 because of the password
>problem which is again very poorly documented). and look at the
Customization Guide. It is there in English.

>RH7.1 is an excellent product but is it badly let down by missing some
>extremely important information in the documentation and particularly
>the release notes.  This will turn off many potential uses
Seems your problem was that you never went to the RH site to
look up info. I am sure that if you ahd posted to c.o.l.setup
or the RH related lists, someone would have pointed you in the
right direction.

>RTFM?  They ain't no FM for a lot of this stuff.
You write so well, I thinking you can help out?

Registered Linux User # 125653 (
        "Don't let your mind wander -- it's too little to be let out alone."
 11:15am  up  5:38,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


From: root <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: infuriating ALSA problem
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 03:38:06 +0300

I have the intel i810. I have compiled all the alsa drivers libs and
utils succesfully as far as I am aware.. and they are showing up in
lsmod anyway:

============ lsmod OUTPUT==============
Module                  Size  Used by
snd-seq-oss            29264   0  (unused)
snd-seq-midi-event      3536   0  [snd-seq-oss]
snd-seq                43680   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event]
snd-seq-device          4064   0  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq]
snd-pcm-oss            18464   1
snd-pcm-plugin         15760   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-mixer-oss           4768   0  [snd-pcm-oss]
snd-card-intel8x0       2496   1
snd-intel8x0            6576   0  [snd-card-intel8x0]
snd-ac97-codec         25536   0  [snd-intel8x0]
snd-mixer              25488   0  [snd-mixer-oss snd-ac97-codec]<
snd-pcm                33536   0  [snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin
snd-timer               9376   0  [snd-seq snd-pcm]
snd                    35984   1  [snd-seq-oss snd-seq-midi-event
snd-seq snd-seq-device snd-pcm-oss snd-pcm-plugin snd-mixer-oss
snd-card-intel8x0 snd-intel8x0 snd-ac97-codec snd-mixer snd-pcm
soundcore               4464   4  [snd]
============== END lsmod OUTPUT=============
I  also done unmuting:

amixer set PCM 100 unmute

and when I type 'amixer' I produce:

============ BEGIN amixer OUTPUT ==========
Group 'Input Gain',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 15
  Front-Left: 10 [67%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 10 [67%] [on] [---]
Group 'Master Mono',0
  Capabilities: volume mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 20 [65%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 20 [65%] [on] [---]
Group 'Headphone',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 24 [77%] [on] [---]
Group 'Master',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 63
  Front-Left: 63 [100%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 63 [100%] [on] [---]
Group 'Aux',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
Group 'Video',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
Group 'CD',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 22 [71%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
Group 'Line',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
Group 'MIC',0
  Capabilities: volume mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 19 [61%] [on] [capture]
  Front-Right: 19 [61%] [on] [capture]
Group 'Phone',0
  Capabilities: volume mute capture exclusive-capture
  Capture exclusive group: 1
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 21 [68%] [on] [---]
Group 'PC Speaker',0
  Capabilities: volume mute
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 15
  Front-Left: 12 [80%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 12 [80%] [on] [---]
Group 'PCM',0
  Capabilities: volume mute jointly-mute
  Channels: Front-Left Front-Right 
  Limits: min = 0, max = 31
  Front-Left: 31 [100%] [on] [---]
  Front-Right: 31 [100%] [on] [---]
=========== END amixer OUTPUT ============

so everythign LOOKS dandy to me.. so why the fsck dont I have any
sound?  ...running drake 8.0 with kernel 2.4.3 and also tried kernel


From: Robert Kerr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: irq problems and no eth0 device
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 11:37:05 -0400

Greger Haga wrote:

> Hi there...
> I have some problems with interrupts and the NIC card etc..perhaps
> somebody can help out here
> The NIC is a Etherlink III 3c509B-TP
> The driver I attempt to use is called 3c509...didn't find any 3c509B-TP
> on
> linux
> ok...there seems to be an IRQ problem actually...look at the following:
> issuing 'isapnp' returns this result-set:
> --->
> Board 1 has Identity 8b 07 57 70 80 c5 00 8c 0e:  CTL00c5 Serial No
> 123170944 [checksum 8b]
> Board 2 has Identity 8e af 5a be d7 90 50 6d 50:  TCM5090 Serial No
> 2941959895 [checksum 8e]
> CTL00c5/123170944[0]{Audio               }: Ports 0x240 0x300 0x388;
> IRQ7
> DMA0 DMA6 --- Enabled OK
> CTL00c5/123170944[1]{Game                }: Port 0x200; --- Enabled OK
> CTL00c5/123170944[2]{WaveTable           }: Port 0x620; --- Enabled OK
> TCM5090/2941959895[0]{3Com 3C509B EtherLink III}: Port 0x210; IRQ3 ---
> Enabled OK
> --->
> ...look at the last line...port 0x210..IRQ3...same as on windows..seems
> ok..right...
> then..look at this:
> cat /proc/interrupts returns this resultset:
> --->
>            CPU0
>   0:     100168          XT-PIC  timer
>   1:       1242          XT-PIC  keyboard
>   2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
>   8:          2          XT-PIC  rtc
>  12:       2879          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
>  13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
>  14:     110639          XT-PIC  ide0
>  15:      11795          XT-PIC  ide1
> NMI:          0
> --->
> interrupt 3 mentioned here..strange...?.no irq 10 either
> which the matrox card uses..
> or does the fact that it is not mentioned have anything to do with ISA
> pnp
> and PCI? the etherlink is a longer type of card ( ISA? ) and the matrox
> is
> shorter (PCI?)
> anyway...and then issuing 'insmod 3c509' gives these lines in
> /var/log/messages:
> --->
> Jun 15 11:56:20 localhost kernel: eth0: 3c509 at 0x210 tag 1, 10baseT
> port, address  00 20 af 5a be d7, IRQ 10.
> Jun 15 11:56:20 localhost kernel: 3c509.c:1.16 (2.2) 2/3/98
> --->
> wooops...IRQ10 suddenly!!!
> ok..tried to set the etherlink card's to IRQ10 but it conflicts with the
> matrox millennium graphics card...detected the problem..but how to
> correct
> it..*sigh*
> Though setting the IRQ to 3 in linuxconf ...then doing insmod 3c509
> shows IRQ10 in /var/log/ doesn't change
> Ok, while fiddling around trying to get this to work I earlier tried the
> append alterative in lilo.conf...found it on the web and copied and
> pasted...BUT forgot to change the interrupt from 10 ( as it was in the
> example on the web ) to 3..that's probably where the IRQ10 setting
> comes...alright..peanuts..lets change it back then...inserted
> append="ether=3,0x210,eth0" into lilo.conf...reran
> lilo..rebooted...and..hihihi...insmod 3c509 STILL report IRQ10 in
> /var/log/messages...
> and..there's no eth0 devices in dev on my do I create it?and
> what permissions should there be?
> hihihi..any clues?
> Greger
> --
> Greger Haga
> Finland
> ICQ 120338800
> HTTP://

How old is your Etherlink card?  Some of the oldest are NOT "plug-and
In any case (whether p&p or not), there is a setup program that runs under
DOS that you can download from 3com's web site.  This will allow you to set
the IRQ and I/O Port for the 3c509 card.  It will also let you select the
cable interface (TP-AUI-etc) if the card has more than one.  Alternatively,
you can temporarily stick the card into a Winders machine and set up the
I/O and IRQ via the Control Panel.

The latest Linux 3c509 driver has some changes.   I have it compiled as a
module for kernel 2.4.2.  After using the DOS program to set my card to I/O
0x300 and IRQ 9, I put the following lines in /etc/modules.conf (RH 7.1):

alias etho 3c509
options 3c509=9

The driver will find the I/O port of the card without your having to tell
it explicitly, although I note that on boot up my machine hangs for a
couple of seconds at "Starting interface eth0" every time.



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