
On Thu, 03 Jun 2004, John A. Boyd Jr. wrote:

> Goes to my point about what prevents IP lawsuits from being filed... 8^(
> Sounds like confusion about what copyright is (as opposed specifically
> to what patent is), but I now expect that sort of confusion.
> (I don't know what 'IANAL' is...)

I Am Not A Lawyer.  (A little way of avoiding establishing what would
otherwise be a feduciary relationship.)  Maybe I should say IAAE.  (I Am An
Engineer.  Couldn't spell it before, but I are one. ;)

> If someone is confusing patent and copyright protections, your
> clean-room efforts may not help much.  Patent violations are
> patent violations clean room or not, and if someone decides to
> sue you for reading a manual or man page and working from it, all
> you can do is defend yourself against the charge, and try to get
> your lawyer to convince the judge to tell the plaintiff that
> they don't know what they're talking about and that what you've
> done has copyright protection if no patents have been infringed.
> But this is hypothetical; I don't think it's likely.

I think its unlikely too.  Perhaps SCO just threw it on the pile of
unreasonably universal claims.

Nevertheless, a single-authored work might make more traceable the defense
against more honest claims that the work was copied directly and substantially
from copywritten sources.


> -John
> Brian F. G. Bidulock wrote:
> > John,
> > 
> > It appears that many of SCO's claims are that their rights are infringed
> > by any implementation of an SVR 3 or later interface.  Indeed their claims
> > against AutoZone appear to be that just because Linux implements the same
> > SVR 4 IPC interface that the mechanisms somehow must be derived from SCO's
> > copyrights.  IANAL, but that doesn't sound valid in of itself.
> > 
> > I will soon post a beta of Linux Fast-STREAMS.  It might have the advantage
> > that, as it stands, it is a single-authored clean room expression with no
> > contributions from outside sources.
> > 
> > --brian
> > 
> > On Thu, 03 Jun 2004, John A. Boyd Jr. wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>It doesn't matter where intellectual property is hosted.  IP ownership
> >>begins with authorship, and transfers only explicitly.  Use of IP
> >>doesn't imply ownership at all, and hosting is only a form of use.
> >>
> >>That said, very little can stop IP-related lawsuits from being filed,
> >>and little seems to be taken as obvious in such cases.  One can only
> >>hope for reasonable and well-informed courts.
> >>
> >>As for the authorship question, I can only speak for my contributions;
> >>I don't know about the rest of LiS.  At least some of my contributions
> >>to LiS, which include fifos & pipes, FD passing, and fattach/fdetach,
> >>weren't part of any SCO or Caldera Unix variant when I wrote them (from
> >>scratch, using only manpages and books as references), so they couldn't
> >>possibly have been authored by any party with an SCO ownership interest.
> >>
> >>I don't know if they're yet in AIX or other SCO-derived Unix variants,
> >>but I have no access to such systems to be able to check that for
> >>myself.
> >>
> >>Maybe SCO has looked a little closer at LiS and realized that it's more
> >>original than not.
> >>
> >>-John
> >>
> >>Francois-Xavier 'FiX' KOWALSKI wrote:
> >>
> >>>Hello Dave & all,
> >>>
> >>>anyone having a comment about the below? This is a quote from an article 
> >>>published on the excellent <> so I assume that they are 
> >>>good sources, although I have not yet come to verify them.
> >>>
> >>>    Finally, and, perhaps, most interestingly, SCO has included a set of
> >>>    other files (exhibit 28-G) for which it claims ownership. The first
> >>>    part of this list consists of the Linux streams (LiS) patch
> >>>    <> which has never been part of
> >>>    the mainline kernel. Interestingly, the LiS distribution was hosted
> >>>    at Caldera
> >>>    <> for
> >>>    some time. But the company formerly known as Caldera would rather
> >>>    forget that now; the company claims, in its filing, the LiS has not
> >>>    appeared in "any Linux-related product distributed by SCO."
> >>>
> >>>br.
> >>>
> >>>-- 
> >>>Francois-Xavier "FiX" KOWALSKI     /_ __  Tel:+33 (0)4 76 14 63 27
> >>>OpenCall Business Unit -- OCBU    / //_/  Fax:+33 (0)4 76 14 14 88
> >>>Signalling Products Engineering     /
> >>>                               i n v e n t
> >>>
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Linux-streams mailing list
> >>
> > 
> > 
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Brian F. G. Bidulock    ¦ The reasonable man adapts himself to the ¦
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ¦ world; the unreasonable one persists in  ¦ ¦ trying  to adapt the  world  to himself. ¦
                        ¦ Therefore  all  progress  depends on the ¦
                        ¦ unreasonable man. -- George Bernard Shaw ¦
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