
How does install to A10 cubieboard?


On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 5:06:16 PM UTC+8, Benjamin Henrion wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled the trunk version of openwrt for the cubie a10 here:
> http://filez.zoobab.com/openwrt/sunxi/
> Gonna make other builds for A20 and the rest.
> -- 
> Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
> FFII Brussels - +32-484-566109 - +32-2-4148403
> "In July 2005, after several failed attempts to legalise software
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> Instead of explicitly seeking to sanction the patentability of
> software, they are now seeking to create a central European patent
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> favor, without any possibility of correction by competing courts or
> democratically elected legislators."

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