sön 2014-09-28 klockan 02:18 +0200 skrev Luc Verhaegen:

> Why didn't someone from Allwinner send these documents in him/herself?

The current person discussion the matter with Allwiner was Simos, who is
part of the linux-sunxi community. Allwinner sent current versions of
the documents to Simos for distribution in the community. What is wrong?

Mailing the full set of documents as attachments directly to the
mailinglist is not appropriate. And for some strange and unknown reason
Allwinner do not appear to have a public document archive for this kind
of documents themselves, and seems to only distribute them via email to
their customers when requested.

The real question is why AW do not make the documents available in
public themselves, and likewise why they do not have a public git
repository for SDK sources etc (github or elsewhere).


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