Hi Luc,

thank you for reviewing the device description so throughout. I'll work
through your comments doing my best to make the description confirm
to your standards.

> This is an Inet K970??, and like all inet devices this is very often 
> rebadged.

Referring to some of your notes [[Inet K970]]:

> As described in the wiki page, please fire up android, and 
> find out the last 1-2 letters, which usually are tied to a given display 
> size and wifi module, and use this name everywhere instead.

I broke the Android partition while probing ft5x_ts prior starting the
device description, so I could not report the Android's bits anymore.
Meanwhile I restored the image. Anyway, if you mean the 'Build number',
its in the wiki page now, saying:


Otherwise I'm not clear, to what you might refer to by "last 1-2 letters".

Another point you notices, is the Wifi part. If possible, please reread
what i wrote there:

1) The first link is IMO a proper reference to the relevant Wifi section.

2) The second link refers to a patch making the third USB-head going,
to which the RTL8723AU, which is USB-device is connected. So it was
not in the fex. If I did something wrong activating it this way, I like know
about it.

For the OTG,  state is as described. W.r.t. OTG the only note on the
[[USB]] page is:

"On an Hackberry and A20-based tablet (with a single OTG USB port) the
main sunxi-3.4 branch kernel (as of 22 Nov 2013) with default defconfig
settings also seems to leave USB devices without power. This can be fixed
by enabling the Inventra Highspeed Dual Role Controller in Device Drivers
-> USB Support and selecting the Allwinner Platform Glue option."

By saying "This is standard A20 stuff. Move to the USB page.", do you
mean I should not use this options? Otherwise I could file a proper report
of the state.

For the last points, uart and pictures, this basically a matter of equipment.

As this is the first time for me dealing with small electronics and I to check
whether my probes and soldering stuff are sharp enough for this purpose.
Contrary to the other Inet board pictures in the wiki, i could not locate any
writings on the board indicating the uart on the first examination. Thus almost
certainly, I'll have to probe them.

Most of the pictures have been taken free-hand though with some support
with the flash deactivated causing them to become blurry. I'm looking to get
a tripod, perhaps this will do better. For the same reason, I did not yet
publish a detailed picture of the board and its chips.

Kind Regards,


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