On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 12:32:25AM +0800, Quink wrote:
> I have communicated with the author of source code of libvdecoder.so.
> The code has been rewrote completely, has no relationship with FFmpeg,
> except some function names. This is a silly mistake, but maybe it's true.
> Does anybody know how to prove that?

We've proven extensively that Allwinner breached not only 
ffmpeg/libavcodec licensing, it also used illegal code, and given that 
wide a span of very foul license violations, nobody can trust allwinner 
any more when it claims that it now has clean hands.

Allwinner should not be asking linux-sunxi.org for advice on how to 
prove that their hands are clean today. They should have a small army of 
lawyers at the ready this point. These lawyers should be well versed in 
international copyright and IP matters, and also have a good grasp of 
the english language.

> If the LGPL violations of libvdecoder.so can be cleaned up, how can we use
> the shared library on open source sunxi kernel, and even mainline kernel?
> I don't what's the low level part in the kernel that libvdecoder.so depends
> on,
> a thin VPU driver and some special memory management modules? If those
> parts can be solved, does the cedar + openmax + gstreamor openmax plugin
> workable?

The only workable solution for Allwinner now is full support of the 
cedrus REing project, and using the code that comes from that, across 
the board.

Any solution which has allwinner using any binary is now suspicious and 
allwinner will not be able to satisfactorilly prove the origins of such 
code or the fact that no licenses or other things are breached this time 

Plus, some well known REers probably need to go waste a lot of time on 
said binaries, and this time will in the end be billed to Allwinner.

So Allwinner should give up on any strategy that involves binaries. Now. 
And have some chance of seeing this resolved amicably.

Luc Verhaegen.

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