tis 2015-05-26 klockan 12:06 +1000 skrev Julian Calaby:

> I must point out that the "TVIN" subsystem consists of two parts, one
> which (apparently) decodes analogue (composite?) signals and one which
> decodes DVB (Transport Stream) digital TV.

The MPEG-TS (DVB) and TV-IN (Analog) subsystems are completely separate,
not sharing anything other than being in the same SoC package.

> As far as I'm aware, no viable driver exists for either part, no
> documentation exists and nobody is working on either of them at the
> moment.

There is quite a bit of documentation on the MPEG-TS part. And some
people have been looking into writing a driver, but lack of commonly
available hardware to develop on slows things down.

The TV-IN part do not have any documentation that I know of. Even
missing from most hardware pinout documents.

Not sure if I have seen any binary Allwinner drivers for either, even
less any source code.

> If you must have TV input now, I recommend getting a USB TV decoder.

Yes. That is undoubtedly the fastest path to get something running.

The MPEG-TS and TV-IN options is very interesting if you are building a
TV box using Allwinner CPU. In which case you probably have a support
contact at Allwinner to ask, but might also be bound by NDA agreements
and not able to do anything..


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