
It's been a month since Allwinners big "open source" release, where they 
tried to shut up the big (and very justified) GPL violations noise by 
releasing some code which moves decoder codecs into modules, and by 
releasing some codecs as open source as well. As i predicted then, 
Allwinner now has taken the next step:

They produced a binary for the decoder, which is loaded in:

Note the "Proprietary" license notice on top of this and other new 

Even if we ignore the past, all of this is built together with LGPLed 
code, and the binary is being dlopened into this LGPLed code. Quite 
illegally so.

This is further deliberate avoidance of responsibility by Allwinner. One 
can only assume that Allwinner is incorrigible at this point. They have 
been told time and time again what is wrong and they have time and time 
again been given possible ways out, in great detail. All we get though, 
is microsteps to take off the heat, followed by further deliberate 
breaking/bending of the rules.

This also sheds a further shadow on the C.H.I.P. project. Clearly the 
Next Thing Co. guys were very gullible when they went into business with 
Allwinner (and believed the statements made by allwinner). Later during 
the run of the kickstarter campaign, after all the noise had been made 
on the internet about GPL Violations, Next Thing Co. loudly claimed that 
they are working the Free Electrons and that all promises of open 
sourceness and such would be kept (all?). While this move in itself was 
very laudable, it did underline the fact that Next Thing Co. had not 
done its homework beforehand. Now Allwinner does this, which clearly 
goes in against everything the Next Thing Co. people have promised us so 

Allwinner has some explaining to do (as does Next Thing Co, to a lesser 

Luc Verhaegen.

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