On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 04:28:56PM +0300, 'Simos Xenitellis' via linux-sunxi 
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 3:19 PM, Luc Verhaegen <l...@skynet.be> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> Hi,
> This is another 'Luc drama' installment, full of loaded, sentimental phrases.
> Just like watching another episode of "The Thick of It" while it has
> ceased to be funny any more.
> The main character in that series is trying to be the central figure
> by being ferocious on anything
> that does not go through him first. All that leads to a dysfunctional result 
> and
> makes the viewers think: do we really need that? Finest satire that
> show, I tell you.
> Are we able to get any important bits out of the sentimental stuff?
> > It's been a month since Allwinners big "open source" release, where they
> > tried to shut up the big (and very justified) GPL violations noise by
> "shut up"
> > releasing some code which moves decoder codecs into modules, and by
> > releasing some codecs as open source as well. As i predicted then,
> "i predicted"
> > Allwinner now has taken the next step:
> >
> > They produced a binary for the decoder, which is loaded in:
> > https://github.com/allwinner-zh/media-codec/blob/72f2b8537/sunxi-cedarx/SOURCE/vencoder/venc_device.c
> >
> > Note the "Proprietary" license notice on top of this and other new
> > files.
> >
> The licence text in a header file. It's one of the easy things to fix.
> Such cases occur frequently with many companies. There was a similar
> issue earlier
> and got fixed.
> > Even if we ignore the past, all of this is built together with LGPLed
> > code, and the binary is being dlopened into this LGPLed code. Quite
> > illegally so.
> >
> The question is, what options are there for an LGPL library to use
> dynamically other (non-LGPL) code,
> or how can your program use that LGPL library and dynamically some
> other (closed-source) code as well.
> Here is a good summary,
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License#Linking_and_derived_works
> > This is further deliberate avoidance of responsibility by Allwinner. One
> > can only assume that Allwinner is incorrigible at this point. They have
> > been told time and time again what is wrong and they have time and time
> > again been given possible ways out, in great detail. All we get though,
> > is microsteps to take off the heat, followed by further deliberate
> > breaking/bending of the rules.
> >
> "deliberate breaking/bending of the rules"
> One may ask, "deliberate"? (if it is even really "breaking/bending").
> On the Internet apparently it does not matter if you justify a claim.
> > This also sheds a further shadow on the C.H.I.P. project. Clearly the
> > Next Thing Co. guys were very gullible when they went into business with
> > Allwinner (and believed the statements made by allwinner). Later during
> > the run of the kickstarter campaign, after all the noise had been made
> > on the internet about GPL Violations, Next Thing Co. loudly claimed that
> > they are working the Free Electrons and that all promises of open
> > sourceness and such would be kept (all?). While this move in itself was
> > very laudable, it did underline the fact that Next Thing Co. had not
> > done its homework beforehand. Now Allwinner does this, which clearly
> > goes in against everything the Next Thing Co. people have promised us so
> > far...
> >
> Apparently, this e-mail is meant for those like Phoronix, so that they
> can rehash without checking
> and quickly repost.
> Is there really need for such drama? The A13 has been largely
> mainlined by members of this community
> and the R8, being a bit different, needs some extra work. Instead of
> making it a volunteer effort to linux-sunxi,
> they are working with Free Electrons in order to fix any issues
> pertaining to mainline support.
> Simos

You can stop attempting to justify Allwinners' (and their partners') 
actions now, it's simply no longer credible.

Luc Verhaegen.

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