On Mon, 29 Jun 2015 02:33:40 +0200 Henrik Nordström
<hen...@henriknordstrom.net> wrote:
> fre 2015-06-26 klockan 01:12 +1000 skrev Julian Calaby:
> > 
> > It's obvious what is required:
> > 1. Datasheets
> > 2. Programming manuals
> > 3. GPL compliant drivers
> > 4. (L)GPL compliant userspace stuff
> > and maybe
> > 
> > 5. Some on-going contribution to the community
> And
> 6. That community uses and improves the free alternatives developed by
> the community instead of encouraging further bad actions in paths that
> is unlikely to ever result in anything meeting the broad community
> goals.

This is rather a complicated matter, that all depends in the
definition of "community", in this case the "linux-sunxi community".

And only comes to my mind as answer: "What more do you want from us?"
Because this one side "taking" convey the felling of "whatever we do, is
not enough, and will never be enough".

What can we do?
If there are still "things" not done, is not because the people involved
in those "things", didn't work or are working harder enough. Maybe
even the opposite happened, they worked harder than they cloud, just at
the end to get their work felt unappreciated or even to the point of
being ignored.

What kind of motivation one can get, from seeing "users" (in random
places) asking/begging for open-source drivers, when those same
"users" not even acknowledge in those same asking/begging posts that we

With this conditions, is only natural to exist bigger priorities
greater than sunxi, and this is want makes us to arrive to this present

A "community" is not a community, when is always the same people
"giving", and the same people "taking".

And is my personal opinion, that the hardware vendors (the ones that are
getting monetary profit), and the users (the ones that gave money to
hardware vendors), are in fault.

Because without support, linux-sunxi community can't do more.

Manuel Braga

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