Now fixed, somewhat, by also plugging in a more compatible Maxtor USB1 110Gb drive. Suddenly the 
RH9 kernel "decided" to recognise both drives and make them sda and sdb !
It reported the correct model No of the Freecom's Hitachi HDD but still reported some 
I/O errors during recognition, though none during use.
My client has two Freecoms and they are now recognised easily without the Maxtor being 

Strange, eh?

Sorry, not "recognised easily" !
It proved VERY intermittent, so I upgraded to Fedora FC2 with kernel 2.6.8 then compiled a custom kernel with Freecom enabled and extra debugging. Now I can't mount them at all!
The freecom module recognises the "Classic" housing, even showing its serial number, but won't recognise the 250Gb Hitachi drive inside at all.
I have reported it as Fedora bug No: 135843 and emailed the freecom.o author, but no joy yet....

Have fun,
-- - PC support, no fix, no fee!

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