Hi all,

As someone who also works in the IT Dept (IT WOrkshop) I can only say hear.. hear.... to what Matt has just said.
However the wheels are turning here at the University & the fact that people in the IT dept are starting to look at alternatives & take some steps with regards to learning about a different OS (take this Linux course that Jason is putting together as an example :) ) is a good indicator that people are starting to think differently.

What has definitely helped is that we have people at various levels within the Dept who are starting to ask questions with regards to whether or not Linux (or other open source programs for that matter) could possibly meet some of the requirements that the University has. I know Zane has certainly been doing his bit with some very positive results. We are definitely looking at learning about Linux here in the workshop & you know about what Matt is doing ( & considering the M$oft legacy he has to deal with I don't envy him ;) ). What has also helped is the financial pressure that the University is now under with the result that they are receptive to viable alternatives that mean they can save money. :)



At 08:34 08/11/02, you wrote:
Well, from the perspective of one of the IT desktop support people at
Canterbury there are prolly a few random comments I should make.




| Stuart Johnsen		email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]	
+Senior Technician		phone: +64 (3) 364 2987 xt8991		
| Information Technology Dept	fax: +64 (3) 364 2332			
+ University Of Canterbury						
| New Zealand								
|	If the world didn't suck we'd fall off !!!  :D				
+ ? rotide liam eht htiw gniyalp neeb s'taht yugesiw eht s'ohw thgirlA	
 ^Q^Q ^C^C

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