>needs... It's always better to have a seperate server for the lan
>administration side of stuff... (I have a DNS/DHCP server, the rest on
>something else)

I've only got the one box. There's a few other half computers (386s) in the
attic, but none of them is up to the task of serving - intermittant shutdowns
etc from shonky/old hardware (memory? PSU?)

>DHCP kicks ass. especially when you suddenly decide that your primary server

>(x.x.x.1) is no longer going to be the internet gateway, but a dedicated
>firewall is (x.x.x.254). (BTDT). And that your DNS server addresses have
>changed. oh, and that your domain has changed..... all this is a lot easier

>to do by editting one config file (dhcpd.conf), than running around like a

Any apps that need to do DNS lookups etc will be running on the server. The
clients are running nothing but an X server and maybe a built-in wm.

However I may take the suggestion that several folks
are making, and go with DHCP - hopefully the man
page for dhcpd will tell me everything I need to know.


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