> Grant at TasTech asked me if I know of current PCI modems which are
> compatible with Linux.

Well, usual answer is www.linmodems.org  (if he wants to sell, he should
do the legwork... ;) )

Last time I investigated this question, there were no internal
hardmodems telepermitted in New Zealand. This would be the only decent
way to get an internal modem. It has little to do with Linux if Grant
went and investigated whether this has changed.

Internal ISA modems are almost always hardmodems, but no use any more on
current mobos.

Internal modems are therefore soft, and the only two which would work
are the ones with either a lucent or a connexant chipset (use lspci to
find out). Every Linux distro should recognise these out of the box and
install them properly, and Joe Average wouldn't notice it's a softmodem
under Linux. (If it doesn't work, it's either dodgy hardware or dodgy


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