> Re the first machine, I find knoppix has problems with the nvidia gforce
> card in my desktop. it won't work unless i force a framebuffer by using
> one of the fb kernels (fb1280x1024 , fb1024x768, fb800x600)

There was some nvidia graphics card in there - too new to be in the SuSE
8.2 lscpi list. Knoppix should have no problems handling a 14" LCD
screen, but problems handling the card can be sufficient to cause a
negative end result.

> i am pretty sure xterms/konsole start with green or cyan on black
> background wheneverI have used it, and thats readable.

xterms maybe, konsole not, at least not always (might depend on where
you start itfrom). I saw it! The prompt text was dead close to
illegible. Anyway, the default graphics and some of the colours are
there to impress, not to convince anyone into serious office
deployment. All that can be changed.

The bottom line is, it's very handy to have around, but personally I
find the hype over the top.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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