On Monday 11 August 2003 10:15, Volker Kuhlmann wrote:
> It decided to run at
> 1024x768, although I run at 1280x1024 all the time, so the hardware
> sure does it. There is no obvious way to fix that - the KDE size-config
> changes resolution only within of what X allows. There's no
> X-configurator in the menu (or else it's well hidden). 

Can you not specify this when you boot? I haven't in a while so I don't 
remember exactly, but I think if you look at the help/options screen when 
you're at the boot loader, you'll see you can specify resolution and refresh 
rate settings. It should be easy to specify the resolution you want :-)
(yes, for X)

Specifying refresh rate and resolution might help on the machine that gave you 
the black screen too?

Don't be too quick to discount it until you've had a decent play :-)


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