Last week I downloaded a MS bugpack, 130MB, burnt it on a cd-rw and
deleted it from my hd. Then the cd-rw turned out to be faulty. Never
mind, I'll just copy the first (ok) 110MB to hd and restart the
download, saves me some time and bandwidth. Haha (to both).

Insert disk, cp /media/cdrom/file /tmp/file The first 112MB are fine,
then it hangs on some dud CD sector(s). All disk I/O dead, not just to
the cdrom drive, also to the hd on the same cable as the cdrom, as well
as to the hd on a different cable. To be precise, every 10s or so it
recovered for 1-2s. Shells were still running, ps was fine, so I
thought I just kill the process now and get on with it. No way. kill -9
to the PID of cp didn't even turn it into a zombie. Obviously it's
stuck in the IDE driver, and ^C or most (all?) other signals can only
be applied at certain times, e.g. when there's actual I/O happening.
There's nothing else that could be done - forcefully opening the cdrom
tray with a pin is probably not a good idea, other than the cp there
was nothing to kill. Probably the cdrom drive is hogging the ide bus as
well when there are read difficulties, but that's to be expected to
some extend. I stuffed around for a few minutes, but as I didn't know
for how long this was going to continue, I thought this is Linux with
journalling file systems and hit reset, mumbling something
non-complimentory about I/O device drivers which assume no I/O ever
goes wrong.

Adding insult to injury, after the reboot it turned out that doesn't support restarting of http downloads (at
least wget -c spat a dummy). And I thought they were outsourced to
Akamai and running on Linux.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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