Friday, 22 August, 2003
*Green Party's IT man all for open source*
"There is a lack of real awareness about what open source is”

/Vik Olliver, Auckland/
Given the media attention he gets in other areas, it may come as a surprise that Nandor Tanczos is the Green Party’s IT spokesperson. But it will come as no surprise that the Greens are big backers of open source software.

Using language that the Greens are famous for, Tanczos sees a future that many hard-nosed IT people might applaud.

“There has to be the government commitment to the philosophy underpinning open source software running through the education system, through government purchasing, and then we start to see a vibrant development of an open source community. That has the potential to restore the feeling that we share this planet. That is the way of the future.”

Parliament-junkies would know that the MP has recently engaged in debates on government software projects, pointing to the cost-effectiveness, stability and security that open source software can confer.

To put it frankly, he feels he often gets the brush-off.

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