On Sun, 28 Sep 2003 13:18:21 +1200
Anton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Things seem to be hunky dory from the XP boot (accessing the other
> winME machine) so I'm pretty sure things are working ok. The card is 
> recognised and seems to be installed properly. (Sorry, but I'm just 
> starting...) What now? I would like to have the 'net connection from
> (xp + mandrake9.1 on the box) linux so my wife can connect to the
> internet with her ME via me (sorry, that was bad :-). It's a std
> 10/100 to 10/100 enet with UTP in between. Any suggestions on where to
> start? Easiest options first please!
> Cheers
> Anton
> ps I would love to rid my home of ME, but the wife would skin me if I 
> put Linux on her box... she isn't a devotee yet... :-)

your question is pretty unclear, its hard to get people to help if you
cannot write clearly about your setup and problem.

I THINK from your question that you have a winxp/linux dual boot
machine (A) which will connect to the net and which in xp will connect
to the ME computer (B). You want to be able to connect to the net from
the ME machine.

OK when A is in linux, what is its LAN IP address?

what is the win ME machines IP address?

can you ping from A to B or from B to A?

if you can't then you fundamentally need to get your LAN set up before
you can consider sharing the internet.

As the B machine obviously has networking sorted, I suggect you work on
the A. How did you set up the network card in linux and what are the
results of the following commands (you may need to be root)


Report back and we will try to help :-)

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