Ok all, I have some thought provoking spam related questions for you.

Our company just began offering a new service (business to business) that could be very useful to others in our industry. SO, I looked up these types of businesses in the online yellow pages and then went to their websites and got an email address and then emailed them all, one by one, by hand, to advise of this new service and the reseller program we had to go with it in case they were interested.

Now, that mailout was technically SPAM (unsolicited, bulk email). However, how is that different to a fax attack or a P.O. Box drop (both legal everywhere and both do not have the negative implications of spam) except that it was more targeted, which it could be argued is better than the other 2 above methods!

I hate spam as much as the next guy but one of the reasons I would hate to see it legislated (instead of letting it be dealt with through technology) is that there is such a varied definition for it. Plus, what keeps it being moved to being sent from some other less legislated country or to a country without the resources to enforce said legislation even if they have it. I think spam is a problem here to stay and realistically, all those who want it legislated IMHO are not taking into account governments (ALL) track record of not generally implementing wise and enforceable legislation.



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