On Fri, 2004-01-23 at 10:58, Carl Cerecke wrote:
> Michael JasonSmith wrote:
> >
> > I have heard a lot of good things about machines having better
> > interactive performance under 2.6, so it is probably worth a shot as it
> > would be cheaper than the other options.
> It would? I think it has the potential to be more expensive - futzing 
> around with settings and whatnot. Could take all day if it goes badly. 
> That's more expensive than a $150 HD. Mind you, things still could go 
> wrong with that - copying the filesystems might take a while too.
> Of course, if you're a postgrad student doing, say, a PhD. Time's cheap. 
> Ay, Michael?
I was factoring in your time, actually. [We pause to let Michael roll
his eyes in a condescending manner.]

Changing a MoBo or HDD can cause problems, and assuming that you will
eventually be changing to 2.6 *anyway* I guessed that the $150 + time
for a new HDD would be less more the time taken to get 2.6 going ---
especially if you used a pre-packaged kernel.

Anyway, if you do not want my help, I will go back to reading some
Michael JasonSmith                                   http://www.ldots.org/

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