On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 05:32, Carl Cerecke wrote:
> Fixing of problems is the main use of this mailing-list. Although fixing 
> things often works better face-to-face if you have someone who knows 
> what they are doing, hte mailing list still serves as a very valid and 
> useful forum for problem diagnoses and solution suggestions.
> Therefore, I would prefer meetings to consists of things that a mailing 
> list doesn't easily provide:
> 1. Talks (guest speakers etc.)
> 2. Demos
> 3. Socialisation.
> rather than fix-it-up workshops, for which the mailing list can often be 
> an effective substitute.

I still wouldn't rule out a FixItFest though. Many people have trouble
with "coming out" on a mailing list because everything is seemingly
recorded for ever. What also gets in the way is that the written word of
a mailinglist is more formal than a meet-and-greet which tends to be
more of a social occasion.

For reasons such as these, it can be a lot easier for people to bring
forth such queries in a live situation at a FixItFest.

Paul Wilkins

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