We had this discussion a year ago didnt we? The result:

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 17:44, Rik Tindall wrote:
> Nick Rout wrote:
> >Perhaps we don't need physical monthly meetings at all, maybe we would
> >be better off organising say, 3 or4, major technical things a year viz:
> >
> >Installfest - near start of academic year, for obvious reasons
> >
> >expo, to showcase linux at home and in business, say mid-year.
> >
> >further installfest a month later to follow up on interest generated by
> >expo.
> >
> >Incorporate somewhere in there some sessions (a suggested previously bu
> >someone) on specialist topics - winmodems, SOHO mail servers, whatever.
> >
> >In addition if people just want some social time to talk about their
> >latest geek exploits, show off their 20 GHz monster laptops, or whatever,
> >I'd rather meet in a pub or cafe where its convivial and comfortable. 
> >
> >Just some ideas - 
> >
> >
> >On Wed, 04 Feb 2004 07:51:39 +1300
> >John S Veitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Hello All
> >>Nick said:
> >>" It has been roughly a year since CLUG had a general meeting. At
> >> that meeting"
> >>
> >>That means it must be two years since I came along fresh and
> >>green but seeing a need for structure if CLUG was ever going to
> >>be effective in the community. 
> >>
> >>But as people told me then, CLUG meetings are just an informal
> >>meeting of list members. The list is the only "official" think.
> >>
> >>I know now that the list is also essentially a technical list. 
> >>Any question longer than four lines is far too long to read, and
> >>any reply that is longer than two lines is best expressed with a
> >>URL. 
> >>
> >>That's the nature of the beast. 11 Lines. STOP JOHN.
> >>
> >>See some of you tonight
> >>John
> >>
> Thanks for your tireless efforts on belf of our group, Nick.
> Seems it it time, again (annually), here & now, to:
> "Formally propose - formation of the Canterbury Linux Community Trust."
> All those in favour, please say Aye.
> All those against, please say No.
> User development will be a lot easier for CLUG with this under its belt.
> All the best
> Rik
> PS
> The (neutral) fact is John, your posts gather credence the moment your 
> email header shows you no longer post from Pegasus on Windows.  :-|  Do 
> you need help achieving this?

 .''`.     Paul William
: :'  :    Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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