>     Several weeks ago I asked about what was causing incoming mail to
> appear as small squares instead of letters

>     A couple of days ago I got one, from a different sender (overseas),
> that was just all lines interrupted with punctuation

Impossible to say unless you supply the whole email, including all
headers. (Most people don't even know there are more headers than from:
and to:, let alone how to display them, though that wouldn't hold for
this list.) There are some strange things around, including people who
send 2 lines of random characters and call it an email. My strong and
simple advice: if it wasn't from your boss, just click delete. If it
was of any importance, no doubt they'll get back to you. Chances are, ...


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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