stm23 wrote:
hi, i've just purchased a new laptop & wanted to install the latest version of the Redhat OS - so that i can replicate the canterbury university's cosc lab computers.
We are not running the latest version -- Sticking to RH9 and leaving fedora etc for another year.

does any1 know where i can find a copy? are there any installfests coming up, like last year?
Others have offered the RH9 disks... we do have a few extras sitting on
network disks. I am not sure if we are putting out a COSC CD this year
but you could probably just plug into the IT public network ports
(NOT ours) and copy any other packages.
All our machines are setup via kickstart from PXE boot and have
quite a bit of local tailoring -- so the laptop might not work too
well off-campus if you installed it here :-)

also how much space does the OS takeup?
About 6 Gig - at some time we might sort out how to use that
29Gig sitting spare :-)

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2             37334192   5476656  29961064  16% /
/dev/hda1               101089     19816     76054  21% /boot

------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Glassenbury Computer Science dept. [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Canterbury +64 3 3642987 ext 7762 New Zealand

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