Jason Greenwood wrote:

I would recommend Mandrake instead of RedHat for beginners anyway. It resizes NTFS no dramas. It is similar enough to RedHat that it should be just fine for Uni.

My .0002c worth.




Interested to hear whether this method works out for you Sam, or anyone else with a new-bought laptop.

Neither the MDK or RH installers get past "bus/firewire card Texas Instruments|TSB43AB21 IEEE-1394 Controller (PHY/Link) 1394a-2000" on mine (because that's onboard & not PCMCIA, where the installers are trying to detect it perhaps?), & just hang at that point.

[aha! Googling provides some leads.. ]

So I couldn't easily find a non-MS NTFS partition resizer that worked at the time.

Now I'm hearing the best things about Suse hardware detection.

Volker, would you please consider performing a full Suse Linux demo at a CLUG meeting soon?
It would be great to see its innovative aspects, like Jason did so well for Mandrake last year.
That would be really helpful informing newbie (& old-bee) choice.

Cheers all

~ Rik

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