Hi there,
I'm having some trouble getting wireless networking working on my Mandrake 9.1 setup. It was working happily until a week or so ago. Then I booted into Windows XP for a few days, and didn't boot into Mandrake at all. When I did return to Mandrake, the networking no longer worked. Windows XP on this box can see the network & internet fine, as can another XP box on the same network.

I'm using a Linksys Wireless USB WUSB11 adapter, talking to a WRT54G router. The router is assigning IP addresses via DHCP.

I've followed the instructions on these sites, with the exception of recompiling the kernel:

I've tried changing/adding/removing many settings in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file (below), which I've found through various Google searches, but I'm not 100% sure which ones should and shouldn't be there.

I have an Ethernet card as well. I can plug a cable from that directly into the router, and this works fine. I can connect, and see the internet. However, running a 10m cable across the floor is only a temporary solution (hopefully ;-) )...

As I say, it has been working perfectly in the past (better than XP in fact). Something appears to have changed, but I'm not sure what. AFAIK, nothing has been changed on the router or the other XP box.

Output from several files and commands is below.

Any ideas gratefully received.


contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0:


output from 'ifconfig' command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] david]# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:05:1C:1B:00:82
         RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
         RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
         Interrupt:5 Base address:0x8000

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
         inet addr:  Mask:
         UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
         RX packets:165 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:165 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
         RX bytes:10077 (9.8 Kb)  TX bytes:10077 (9.8 Kb)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:41:0C:C7:42
         UP BROADCAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
         RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
         TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
         collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
         RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

wlan0:9   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0C:41:0C:C7:42
         inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
         UP BROADCAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1


output from 'iwconfig' command:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] david]# iwconfig
lo        no wireless extensions.

wlan0     IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:"quinny"  Nickname:"localhost"
         Mode:Managed  Channel:6  Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00
         Bit Rate=11Mb/s
         RTS thr=1536 B   Fragment thr=1536 B
         Encryption key:off
         Power Management:off
         Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:0
         Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
         Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0   Missed beacon:0

eth0 no wireless extensions.


last few lines from 'tail -300 /var/log/messages' command, when USB adapter gets plugged in:

Mar 7 18:40:14 localhost kernel: hub.c: new USB device 00:02.0-3, assigned address 4
Mar 7 18:40:14 localhost kernel: usbdfu.c: Downloading firmware for USB device 4...
Mar 7 18:40:16 localhost kernel: at76c503.c: $Id: at76c503.c,v 1.35 2003/07/30 06:31:51 jal2 Exp $ compiled Jan 26 2004 00:22:15
Mar 7 18:40:16 localhost kernel: at76c503.c: firmware version 1.101.4 #84 (fcs_len 4)
Mar 7 18:40:16 localhost kernel: at76c503.c: device's MAC 00:0c:41:0c:c7:42, regulatory domain FCC (U.S) (id 16)
Mar 7 18:40:16 localhost kernel: at76c503.c: registered wlan0
Mar 7 18:40:16 localhost /etc/hotplug/net.agent: invoke ifup wlan0
Mar 7 18:40:17 localhost /etc/hotplug/usb.agent: Setup at76c503-rfmd usbvnet_rfmd for USB product 77b/2219/100
Mar 7 18:40:20 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 7

I've noticed this output in /var/log/messages as well, not sure if it's significant (Google shows many people with the same message, but no-one seems to know quite what it means AFAICT):

Mar  7 18:22:45 localhost kernel: i8253 count too high! resetting..
Mar  7 18:23:16 localhost last message repeated 4 times
Mar  7 18:24:57 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Mar  7 18:26:23 localhost last message repeated 3 times
Mar  7 18:30:52 localhost kernel: i8253 count too high! resetting..
Mar  7 18:33:38 localhost last message repeated 3 times
Mar  7 18:34:44 localhost last message repeated 3 times

more output from /var/log/messages (i can watch this happening when booting):


Mar 7 18:13:58 localhost network: Setting network parameters: succeeded
Mar 7 18:13:59 localhost network: Bringing up loopback interface: succeeded
Mar 7 18:13:59 localhost ifplugd[926]: Warning: Could not get interface address.
Mar 7 18:13:59 localhost ifplugd[926]: Using interface eth0/00:05:1C:1B:00:82 with driver 8139too 0.9.26
Mar 7 18:13:59 localhost ifplugd[926]: ifplugd 0.13 successfully initialized, link beat not detected.
Mar 7 18:13:59 localhost ifup: Determining IP information for wlan0...
Mar 7 18:14:08 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 9
Mar 7 18:14:18 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 11
Mar 7 18:14:28 localhost dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 16
Mar 7 18:14:45 localhost dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
Mar 7 18:14:45 localhost zcip[992]: interface: wlan0 (00:0C:41:0C:C7:42)
Mar 7 18:14:45 localhost zcip[992]: probing for
Mar 7 18:14:47 localhost zcip[992]: sending probe 2 for
Mar 7 18:14:51 localhost zcip[992]: sending probe 4 for
Mar 7 18:14:57 localhost zcip[992]: Stored address for wlan0:9
Mar 7 18:15:04 localhost dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.
Mar 7 18:15:04 localhost zcip[998]: interface: wlan0 (00:0C:41:0C:C7:42) <30>Mar 7 18:15:04 zcip[998]: Retrieved address for wlan0:9
Mar 7 18:15:08 localhost zcip[998]: sending probe 3 for
Mar 7 18:15:12 localhost zcip[998]: claiming ownership of address
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost ifup: done.
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost zcip[999]: watching for collisions
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost ifup: ./ifup: line 433: 1000 Hangup /etc/init.d/tmdns reload >/dev/null 2>&1
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost network: Bringing up interface wlan0: succeeded
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost internet: Checking internet connections to start at boot succeeded
Mar 7 18:15:16 localhost portmap: portmap startup succeeded

contents of /etc/modules.conf:
probeall scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
alias sound-slot-1 emu10k1
above snd-emu10k1 snd-pcm-oss
alias sound-slot-0 snd-emu10k1
probeall usb-interface usb-ohci
above snd-cmipci snd-pcm-oss
alias tty-ldisc-3 ppp_async
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate
alias tty-ldisc-13 n_hdlc
alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
alias tty-ldisc-14 ppp_synctty
alias char-major-108 ppp_generic
alias /dev/nvidia*   nvidia
alias eth0 8139too

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