All fixed.

Sitting at the kitchen table with lappie plugged into the wall socket as I 
type this.

Turns out my crimping skills were substandard.

I made the following mistakes:
* Unravelled too much twist.
* Misjudged the colour-coding (no, I'm not colourblind)
  I looked at a plug on a premade cable and saw:
  White, Orange, White, Blue, White, Green, White, Brown
  and assumed:
  Wh/Or, Orange, Wh/Bl, Blue, Wh/Gr, Green, Wh/Br, Brown
  when it should have been:
  Wh/Or, Orange, Wh/Gr, Blue, Wh/Bl, Green, Wh/Br, Brown

After following the links in one of Nick Rout's replies I learned how to do it 
I have learned a new skill - I have climbed another rung on the ladder of 

Thanks everyone who replied on and off-list and thanks especially for some of 
the off-list offers of help I received.


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