John Williams, 2004-03-31 19:25:45:
> On Wednesday 31 March 2004 12:13 pm, you wrote:
> > Can you re-source your ".bashrc" file
> >         $ source ~/.bashrc
> bash-2.05b$ source ~/.bashrc
> bash: /home/jkiwi/.bashrc: No such file or directory
> bash-2.05b$ locate .bashrc
> /etc/skel/.bashrc

The files in /etc/skel are the "defaults" for new user accounts - so,
chances are, /etc/skel/.bashrc is what your original ~/.bashrc looked
like before tweaking.

So, on top of what the others have said, you might like to make a new
copy of /etc/skel/.bashrc in your home directory, and add your tweaks to

Timothy Musson  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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