> It is way too fussy on the ftp address when setting up an ftp server as the 
> rpm repository. One wrong forwardslash and you are faced with a bizarre and 
> completely unhelpful message.

Use their feedback form :)

> Also, no supermount by default... which brings me to the question... is there 
> somewhere where I had to specify that I wanted the kernel with supermount? 

I remember some discussion about supermount, but only vaguely. The guts
of it was IIRC that supermount is beta, way too unstable and under some
conditions stock-locks the kernel every second use (SMP box?), and can't
be fixed with current kernel interfaces. Consider it to be a bonus that
Suse doesn't put a bomb on your desktop.

If you're after an automounter (ie mounts removable media on first
access), that's integrated into the desktop anyway. Just click the
icon. If you're after something more command line, autofs has worked ok
for me for years, but you'll have to set that up manually.

> And probably for Volker - I read in a review that it starts a few too many 
> services, and they can be turned off for the performance to increase 
> dramatically

I am not sure it's true. Depends on what you want. If you install the
server-selection of packages, don't be too surprised if apache is
started. Go into yast's service level editor and turn anything off you
don't like... Also, some of the services only perform a specific function
at boot and have nothing at runtime, eg hwscan. hwscan takes a
reasonably long time to run as it does a more or less complete hardware
check. If you install a new card, it allows the system later to pop up a
window asking you whether you want it configured. If you turn it off,
you save some boot time but your friend will never turn it on again. You
can only decide on tradeoffs once you know what you want. And,
unfortunately, you'll need to have a rough idea what each service does,
or you might be in for more surprises if you get rid of it.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/             Please do not CC list postings to me.

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