On Sat, 03 Apr 2004 02:21, anton wrote:
> Hey,
> I might not agree with Don on everything but here I've got to put in a
> word. I am sick of that "real programmer" BS. It is just an excuse for
> people who have nothing else in their lives. Sure, I want to be able to
> programme only using vi and gcc but I am certain that there are things that
> people just do better and faster in a more inclusive environment. Certainly
> the vast majority of programmers. Why should not Linux be the platform of
> the people - real people - instead of that of some elite group of
> geek-fascists whose heads are in a dark and smelly place...
> my thoughts
> Anton

Maybe because those "geek-fascists" (aka "real programmers") are the people 
who wrote the system, and wrote the tools. Tools that _they_ would want to 
use. Which is sensible (from their point of view), no?

If these others (the "real people" you speak of) who like flashy gui tools 
really are "real programmers", perhaps they'll write their own tools ;-)

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