On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:45:56 +1300, Fisher, Robert (FXNZ CHC) 
> Gareth might disagree 'cos I think he runs a minimalist Gentoo laptop on
> similar specs. 

Indeed. A P166 with 32MB of ram should go just fine with a light
window manager :) When I started using linux this was a relatively
good machine (I had a P200 which cost around the $4k mark). In recent
years things like KDE have gained significat bloat, but all the light
window managers still work just fine.

I would strongly recommend fluxbox or blackbox. Use opera instead of
mozilla (or links :) , abiword instead of OO Writer, slypheed or mutt
instead of kmail/evolution..... <flamesuit on>... vi instead of emacs

For a distribution I'd suggest going with Debian. 
Gentoo is nice and all, but it helps if you have a faster machine you
can run distccd on :)


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