On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 15:05:04 +1300
Rik Tindall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I finally used the the "Other_OS" solution to my "Why won't it do what
I want" situation and made a clean start.

I'm not entirely certain what I did differently during the install itself
the second time but I was able to access get access to the root account
and took the path of running wvdialconf first to locate the modem and then
started hunting about for every other ppp and network related file.

It wasn't too hit and miss but very messy for a start because I was
totally confused by the slighty but significantly different structure of
/etc in particular, especially in regard to networking.

The one utility I really really missed during this part of the process was
mc (Midnight Commander) which I use as my CLI navigation tool on all my
other machines.

The whole process took about two and a half hours to get to the point
where I could logon to my ISP and start hunting Google and the Ubuntu wiki
pages for the other bits and pieces I was "missing".

Overall I do like what I see, however I don't think this is a distribution
I would recommend to a Newbie as a start point to the Linux world. Mostly
because it requires a pretty good understanding on how Linux works to get
something as basic as Dial-up Networking up and running.

Thanks to all who pointed me in various and somethimes totally confusing



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