I have a box of ethernet cables, various different lengths, some are crossover as well. they were amonst some excess gear being discarded at work, I'd be happy to donate a selection of those.


Nick Rout wrote:

Frankly I think we should buy the following and find somewhere on
premises to lock it away:

selection of ethernet cables
extension cord
6 way multibox
(maybe) 5 port switch.

Total cost under $70 including a switch.

The only problem may be in finding somewhere secure to keep it for the
30 days a month when we are NOT there. It must be on site or its a waste of 
time. It must also be easy to retrieve for obvious reasons, but at
the same time secure.

Other thoughts welcome.

On Wed, 14 Sep 2005 10:27:14 +1200
david merriman wrote:

Next time I'll make sure I bring an extension cord myself, just in case ;-) .

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