> I can backup (!) this assertion.  I've had nothing but trouble trying to
> get a USB2 backup solution working nicely.  It's a great idea, but i 
> ended up crashing a file server many times,

I would put this down to kernel/hardware problems. I use USB mass
storage devices quite a bit, and have yet to see any crashes. The worst
that happened once was with some flash cards which I plugged in some
silly fashion and combined with a reboot, failed to delete the mount
point automatically created previously. Looks reliable to me.

> and creating some 
> interesting filename munging scripts to make the interesting filenames
> people call things fit onto a FAT32 fs

If you use a USB harddisk as a backup system for Linux and store more
than just iso images or tar files, any fat filesystem is obviously
totally useless. Reformat with something useable. Added side benefit:
the Microsofties don't accidentally read it.

But as you say, backing up over the ethernet onto any media connected to
some other computer is way more flexible.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/     Please do not CC list postings to me.

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