> The memeory requirement is real though - you do need 112 Mb absolute
> minimum.

Where does this requirement come from? perhaps it's dependent on how you
configure it. I'm running it with just 64MB ram with 3 interfaces and a
pile of NAT and routing rules, and it's faster than the cable internet.

I'm not running a web cache on the firewall, I've been thinking that
running that on a workstation on the LAN would be more suitable in my
case (faster computer, oodles of disk and ram).

> I have a P2 266 box here that is available for a demo if someone wants to do
> it.

Yeah ok, I'll demo a few firewalls. Thanks for that offer of a box, I'm
not sure whether I'll have a spare computer to wreck at the time, or
whether Xen would do it. Someone would need to lend some wireless stuff
for the demo too.


Volker Kuhlmann                 is list0570 with the domain in header
http://volker.dnsalias.net/     Please do not CC list postings to me.

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