On Thu, 10 May 2007, Robert Fisher wrote:

On Thursday 10 May 2007 10:49 am, John Carter wrote:

If anyone has contact with him and his family, keep us posted as to
how things are going.

Ben's brother Isaac is also a CLUG member who has been to several meetings.

My son is a friend of Isaac's and has contacted him via text messaging but I
suspect answering list posts is low on their priority at the moment.

True. Very low to vanishing.

Unfortunately long coma tends to equal long recovery needing lots of
community support over months, sometimes years.

Fortunately he is young, which really really does improve the
statistics, but statistics are lousy when its someone you care about.

ie. He doesn't need us now. Not at all.

But in a month or two, or in a year, I'm afraid he will need the
support when the community has forgotten.

That's when the contacts will be needed.

John Carter                             Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics                        Fax   : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch                Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Zealand

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