On Fri 15 Jun 2007 12:55:00 NZST +1200, Nick Rout wrote:

> I am out of ports at home on my 8 port switch (don't ask).

Easy: 2 ports per room, extra for the computer room, one for the
printer, one for the firewall - oops.

> 16 port switches seem disproportionately expensive.

$70 instead of 2*$25 - is that worth extra hassle?

> Is there a disadvantage in getting another 8 port switch and linking
> them together? I know I then end up with 14 ports as opposed to 16 (as
> one on each will be taken with the connection).

Within a physical network of this size (see other posts), probably no
noticable difference. The issue is bandwidth - the data going through
each port for the (logical) network connections established at that
time. With 2 8-port switches obviously all the data between all
computers on one to all computers on the other side has to go through
that one cable between the 2 switches. That's 100Mbit total.

However, there's a total bandwidth limit per switch (all pots on that)
as well. Meaning if you take an 8-port switch and blast away 100Mbit
full-duplex between two ports each simultaneously, you won't get 400Mbit
full-duplex total through the switch. Not surprisngly, manufacturers
don't specify this limit, but expect a correlation with price.


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